Saturday, November 5, 2011

Where is the living guru?

PADA: Dear Alpheus, Well its pretty simple, there has been hundreds of living gurus all over ISKCON and the Gaudiya Matha etc. for the past 85 years, show me which / any of them is bona fide? Otherwise its all theoretical speculation. Give me the current lineage, writings and audio tapes of the current living guru and lets see if it comes up to the mark. Just show us the way, otherwise you seem to be avoiding telling us who the live guru is, making it seem, you have none, therefore its all tempest in a tea cup. BHAKTI ANANDA GOSWAMI makes an excellent point also, the guru takes the sins, but Srila Prabhupada said -- none of us are qualified to takes sins, he said do not let others touch your feet or you will take their sins because you are ACTING AS GURU and you will get sick and fall down. Notice all the people getting sick and falling down? ys pd

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