Sunday, November 6, 2011

Harinama needs many kirtana devotees

Dear Jaya dev, Yes, more harinama is a great idea, the problem is that the GBC always kicks out the samkirtana devotees. We had 230 kirtana devotees here in Berkeley, where we used to have giant rip-roaring maha-samkirtana parties, and now there is about two people doing kirtana once in a while, so samkirtana needs many people BUT since the policy is to kick out all the kirtana people, we will not have samkirtana. Right now the GBC is spending $4m to remove another 700 devotees from ISKCON, they want to remove all the Bangalore samkirtana devotees from ISKCON so they can ruin more samkirtana by removing all the kirtaniyas. First, we need to try to attract people to the samkirtana process, but if we keep getting rid of hundreds and hundreds of kirtana devotees, how will there be ANY kirtanas? This was my question all along since 1977, we are the harinama samkirtana movement, but if we remove all the harinama devotees, and there is maybe three devotees left at some temples, who will perform the harinama? No one ever gives me a good answer from ISKCON. ys pd


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