Sunday, November 6, 2011

GBC Guru program has failed

[PADA: This is a good analysis, the Western people in general have rejected these false ISKCON gurus, and so most of their temples have become a "green card" business for East European / Russian / Croatian devotees etc. and having a Hindu cultural center. Their guru program has failed. ys pd]

1 comment:

  1. Prabhupada was aware of that the managerial system of GM was prone for corruption. Basically it was a system of absolutism, once a leader was appointed, he was indefeasible. Unless he blooped are died, nobody could check him.

    Prabhupada: "Yes. It is another way of earning money. And Kunja Babu was always after Guru Maharaja only for this purpose. Guru Maharaja took that, “Oh, this man is helping me.” But he had no such plan, to help Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. He had the plan, “Keep Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati in front, earn money, and put it in my pocket.” That was his very beginning. He was taking money like anything."

    Same in ISKCON, as soon someone became a leader nobody could interfere. Just one example of dozens. After having appointed Hansadutta to manage Central Europe for 5 years and Hansadutta got away to face imprisonment, Prabhupada, 1977 said this.

    Prabhupada, January 13, 1977, Allahabad: "In Hyderabad they are coming daily, two hundred people. And I kept with them fifty thousand rupees and told… But as soon I came, they have stopped, this, our Ha?saduta. I do not know what is the reason. He said, “There is no money.” I gave them fifty thousand rupees. He said, “There is no money.” He’s not good manager at all. It has been proved. He’s not a good manager. Everywhere failure."

    Ramesvara: "He’s very good at kirtana."

    Prabhupada: "Hm, that’s right. He is sincere devotee and he’s… But as soon as you give something to manage, he’ll make a mess. I have told him that “I shall pay you. You continue this prasada distribution, kirtana program.” They are coming, up to two hundred. And now he has finished it."

    In other words, ISKCON leaders are autocrats - unless they bloop, die are put in prison, nobody can check. Therefore the same people are presently still in power to coordinate all affairs within Prabhupada's global ISKCON, including BBT and other related departments.

    Prabhupada was fully aware of this could happen and his atittude was, now it is up to Krsna. His position was not to do anything but leave it up to Krsna to correct. Therefore he left GM for good without ever looking back. He never thought of reforming his godbrothers, GM management, never. So there seems no difference whatsoever between GM 1936 and present ISKCON, it is exactly the same situation.


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