Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"Do not let others touch your feet"

PADA: Yes Srila Prabhupada WARNED us a number of times -- DO NOT to allow others to touch our feet; Or we would be acting as GURUS; We would be then -- ABSORBING other's sins; Thus, we could get VERY sick or FALL DOWN or BOTH -- from taking other's sins. Hmmm, seems like there is an epidemic of GBC gurus / Gaudiya Matha gurus / getting sick or falling down or both. Heeh heeh. And notice, there are still some "disciples" who think these self-appointed messiah guys are gurus so they can touch their feet, and here we see them LICKING their feet. Is this getting ritvik-diculous or what? So the order is, do not let others touch your feet, what is the first thing these deviants do, they get thousands of people to touch their feet. They are not following the orders of the acharyas. Unfortunately, licking the feet of the illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's club will also not save us at the time of death, rather the bogus guru goes to hell and so do the followers of such bogus guru club members. ys pd  

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