Saturday, December 3, 2022

The ISKCON Guru Regime is Going Down

Cutting the Puppet Master's Strings

JJ: Their scam was nearly gone and devastated a long time ago. So many gurus falling down, so many scandals, driving out the devotees, big molesting lawsuit, and even some devotees assassinated. Add to that ... so many temples emptied, closed, bankrupted, farms turned into criminal enterprises ... like New Vrndavana. It was really a question of, how much lower could they go?

And they answered! How about ??? we allowed child beating and child molesting bogus programs to go on ... and for decades. And in the sacred DHAM!

Is that low enough for you. Our wonderful "parampara of gurus" would be considered as the lowest of the low ... in prison ... where they despise child abuser's programs. Could we go even lower yet? Maybe you could ... if you poisoned your guru as many suspect.

The question now is ... how much longer can they hold on. And we know they will hold on to the end of their lives because they have invested already too much in their scams, with their systems of contrived beatings, driving people out, and even killing people ... and maybe also killing their own guru ... to get where they are now. They had to commit unlimited crimes to get in their current leader state ... why would they give that up. Until they are forced to by the Yamaduttas. 

Have to agree ... Kadamba's statements are very spooky. And that is what happens when you associate with ghouls, goblins and rakshasas. I wish their system would collapse faster ... they are a huge burden on the earth. They need to go back to their shit hole planets that they came from ... and where they belong. They do not deserve to be in the association of the human society. I agree ... the ball is rolling. They are going down ... it is just a question of time.


RR: First off, I want to say thank you for creating this platform, it is long overdue and voices need to be heard. I have a question though, is this exclusive to child abuse?

The reason I ask, is because a member of my family went through some extreme and very heinous spiritual abuse. We have gone through so many different channels, management, GBC, Iskcon resolve, etc. yet there was no resolution, no acknowledgment, no remorse, no apologies , etc. 

Though this happened a few years ago, it’s sticks with us every day of our lives. PTSD, tons of therapy, living with shame, what to speak of the tear in the family. Even in the past few weeks, the management has again tried to silence us and to some degree their agenda worked, we removed comments from Google reviews, that weren’t such bad reviews, we left at three star review. 

We took it down, but did make copies of it before we did. Anyway, enough about this for now. maybe I will share more soon. Just felt the need to put this out there as our family is in need of support. Thank you dear devotee’s for giving us a voice finally.

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