Friday, December 16, 2022

More Word Salad From Narayan Maharaja Folks (PADA)

PADA: Oh oh, a lady follower of NM says that he "never supported these demons" (the GBC gurus). Except, there had been constant ongoing meetings with NM and the GBC's gurus -- like Tamal etc. And NM was ghost writing their documents, for example helping Satsvarupa write the "Guru Reform Notebook." 

There are the WELL KNOWN and PUBLIC infamous Gopi Rasika Classes of NM and the GBC. Rather amazing that NM thinks the promoters of homosexual pedophile acharyas are fit to discuss "the gopis." Even BV Puri said NM is worse than any sahajiya for teaching rasika to the GBC's guru clowns. Srila Prabhupada said mixing illicit sex and rasika makes people glide to hell. Imagine mixing homosexuals, pedophiles, predators and drunks -- with rasika -- as NM does. NM wants to discuss gopi lila with = the demons? Why is NM teaching gopis to the demons?  

Later Narayan Maharaja invited me to his ashram to discuss all these things, and he left me sitting from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm without seeing me. Then he sneaked off the property. He did not want to hear Srila Prabhupada's speaking on a tape of the poison discussion I had bought with me. 

Then, after he has zero time to listen to Prabhupada, he later has to go and hug his favorite molester messiah Kirtanananda. He has unlimited time to spend with Tamal, Sivaram, Satsvarupa, Kirtanananda, Indradyumna etc. and no time for the people who worship pure devotees. And no time to hear what the pure devotee says. 

NM was also saying -- poison cannot be given to pure devotees because pure devotees cannot be harmed, but many great devotees died during Kurukshetra. And Bhima was poisoned, the children in Kaliya lila were poisoned, Srila Saraswati was being given injections he objected to, and so on and so forth. Even now some NM folks do not even know that poison is sometimes used as a weapon against devotees, never mind other topics. Did they not even know Jesus was crucified, because pure devotees -- in fact -- are sometimes attacked? 

Oh wait, some of the other NM people later agreed that Srila Prabhupada complains of poison. Do we get any apology from NM for his demonizing me and misrepresenting this? Nope.

NM people were also saying the same thing as some of the foolish followers of Gaura Govinda maharaja, Kirtanananda has reformed ... while he was sitting with his "boys." 

**** Dasi: That was so rude of Narayan Maharaj to stand you up.. and also I thought it was very bad he lacked compassion for the gurukuli children who were sexually abused. He is a lot different to Prabhupada. Prabhupada had zero tolerance for child abuse or animal abuse and was very compassionate.

PADA: Right NM has love and compassion for the pedophile gurus, but then he says the children victims are just getting karma. And now a follower of NM is arguing with me that I am wasting my time trying to save children from sexual and physical abuse because they have "inevitable karma." 

And their being molested is part of "God's perfect plan." And the molesters are thereby doing God's work -- of administering molesting karma to these children. Meanwhile the same people are collecting money to save cows from slaughter. Because only the karma of cows can be changed, but not children. Children can be thrown under the bus, but not cows. 

Yet another argument used by some of the NM folks is that he did not know how devious the GBC's gurus were. He did not know these gurus were falling down left, right and center, when all the rest of us knew?  


"Innocence is no excuse of law. [...] So you have to become such intelligent person that you may not be misled by others. You have got the intelligence. Why should you be misled? Then what is the meaning of this human form of life? And you have to be educated. You have to take the opportunity of education so that you may not be misled. Why do you agree to be misled? Then you must agree to take the punishment also."

(Srila Prabhupada Lecture, June 23rd, 1968)

And ignorance is the result of hearing from NM. Lets not forget NM was in Texas promoting Tamal when I was in Texas having Tamal sued. Now they are trying to justify all NM's support for the regime, and the resulting idea is -- molesters are doing God's karma work and it is foolish to interfere, but we can and should interfere with cows being harmed. This is how they have twisted morality into a pretzel, to defend child abuse. 

NM: Before giving diksha during festivals such as Gaura-purnima, Srila Vamana Gosvami Maharaj would prostrate before Gurudev, and Gurudev would respond in kind. Although Srila Gurudeva was younger, Srila Vamana Gosvami Maharaj humbly spoke: "By giving diksha, I will take upon myself the sins and insults of these people. Please protect me." He sent many devotees who were initiated and those who wanted to become brahmacharis to Kesavaji Gaudiya Math: "Go to study with Srila Narayana Maharaj. If you are disrespectful to the Vaisnavas and disregard their instructions, so that in the end they will drive you away, then know that I will not accept you."

But how can conditioned souls take karma? JPS maharaja, we need to give you more karma, you are not suffering enough. Really?  

Conditioned souls should be burdened with karma as diksha gurus? How is that helping them or the victims who are fooled into thinking their karma has been resolved? And what happens to people who thought Bhavananda was taking their sins and suddenly "he was gone and so most of the temple blooped."


1) There is no such thing as proxies, agents, priests, ritviks or shiksha gurus.

2) There are only my pedophile diksha gurus and their program.

3) Oh wait, the line is mainly shiksha (ritviks)? What? ys pd

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