Sunday, December 4, 2022

ISKCON Mayapur "Bergen Belsen" For Children

PADA: People are waking up here, this is happening more every day. Enough is enough! Oh oh, and these people are sounding more and more like -- PADA. Yikes pilgrims! ys pd 


Recently when I spoke with a friend who is also very much against the sexual abuse, but hadn't been exposed to this group, he was saying how bad it was, and how BVP should wear white.

And that's the problem. Over the years we've become so brainwashed and "api ceto-ed" into our weird HK way of thinking, that many of us became conditioned to calling rape a "fall down". Thinking that wearing white or being banned from giving a class for a few years, is sufficient amelioration for brutal violent criminal acts.

We need to rid ourselves and our friends of this conditioning. When you read the CPO reports, it becomes clear that BVP was a monster. NOT a devotee. If you read Prabhupada's books, his descriptions of a demon (or demoniac behavior) is BVP.

This is a brutally cruel angry sadistic sociopath. He took his rage hatred and anger out on those poor kids. You see it in the video where Sanaka confronts him in the Manor. That well concealed rage rushes to the surface. Had Sanaka been 15 years younger and they been alone in a gurukula, he would have taken out a stick and beaten Sanaka to a pulp.

The industrial scale of the constant torture, abuse, rape, and torment of these children puts him (and his support team) on another scale. He's a few rungs below the likes of Jeffrey Dahmer. Ok he didn't kill anyone or eat their heart, but that same lack of empathy, rage and anger that is the hallmark of a psychopath is present in his activities. If he had any heart or remorse he could have removed himself from the Gurukula at any time over the last 40 years. But every day he made the conscious decision to stay and torture those children day after day, week after week, year after year, decade after decade. And the people around him allowed him to continue, year after year. 

He is a Monster. Which is why I don't think the CPO decision is anywhere near enough. He should be banned from all Iskcon properties for the rest of his life, so that he can wander the earth like his friend Kadama swami compared him too, Ashvatama.

That's why the reaction from so many devotees has been one of outrage, anger and fury. How can SivaRam swami's first act be, to ask for money for this monster, and ask that the real heroes the CPO be fired? How can a "Saintly Swami" ask for this, knowing what this animal did to those kids?

How can Kadamba Swami reminisce about this defiler and think banning him from giving classes is a terrible punishment? How can the "Saintly" assembly of the "most advanced" devotees meet every year, 300 meters from our own mini Bergen Belsen camp, and not be so outraged and angry that they have him arrested and thrown in prison for the rest of his life?

How can so many swamis who act super pious, rub shoulders, be best friends with, associate with, and love this brutal violent demon, who violated the most innocent of Vaishnavas in the Holy Dham, when they were well aware of what he was doing?

That's why I'm furious. That's why regardless of the potential consequences of Vaishnava Aparadha I refuse to be silent any longer. I refuse to go with the crowd. I'll openly expose these criminals and their enablers.

I remained in the background for too long. By the crime of omission and silence I let this happen on my watch. While I never had a position of power, I could have stood up and done more.

And to those who doggedly pursued these criminal, you have my admiration for doing what I wouldn't until now.

VL: The obvious answer is -- they are mundane materialists - demonic and don’t want to lose position and prestige… Krishna is counting their offences don’t you worry…

This is a mental asylum run by the inpatients basically.

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