Saturday, March 18, 2023

Lokanath Swami project vs PADA's Public Expose Process

PADA: Thanks Lokanath swami's followers! Your follower Sanaka sanatana das says that he wants to have the expose of the Lokanath molesting incident suppressed. OK, then -- that gives us the green light to take it more to the public, because Lokanath swami does not want the issue settled internally -- among the devotee community. Good! The expanded expose process has already started, more people are now discussing the issue thanks to -- the efforts to suppress it.

I am also informed of another legal effort in India to expose -- and perhaps even criminally charge -- some of the molester messiah's regime folks there, but at present I am not going to discuss the details. The fact that some people want to go to court shows us that the GBC are generally not dealing with the concerns of the devotees, and so more drastic steps are sometimes needed.

First of all, people need to know the history of what happens to us dissenters of child abuse in ISKCON, starting with having people like me kicked out of the Lokanath / GBC program in 1979. I said the Lokanath / GBC program is telling children to worship deviants, sexual predators and drug intoxicated fools as their messiahs, and that is a form of 
psychological child abuse right out of the gate. 

And that has proven to be correct, most of the ISKCON youth later on jettisoned the religion and they no longer participate. OK then we began to address the GBC's "guru schools" physical abuse, sexual abuse, assorted beatings and even rapes, lack of food and supplies etc. and lets just say -- that history is just too horrendous and extensive to recount here in detail. 

Someone told me they read 1/3 of a recent abuse report, and they started to vomit and could not read further. OK that means the process of expose is going on anyway, and if anything, it is spreading wider than ever. Suppressing these types of reports (whether major or minor complaints) is -- not going to help at this point, rather attempts at suppressing makes it looks like another cover up attempt -- among many. It is just going to infuriate victims and their advocates all the more, and make them more determined to expose the regime, and its leaders.

It is just plain and simple abominable how badly the children -- overall -- were treated in the Lokanath / GBC process according to -- all sorts of victims, the Dallas courts, and many others. I am not sure how all of this evidence can be swept off the internet all of a sudden? OK Lokanath has really no idea how the process of the internet works. Or what? Worse, trying to scrub information off the internet, often ends up making the information all the more sought after and viewed. 

As for the child abuse issue itself, everything needs to be seen from historical perspective, or the investigation will be incomplete. I was interviewed by TV shows in the past, and will be on another soon, because the TV folks (OK also many devotees these days) want to know the actual history of the situation. 

I would therefore like to thank Lokanath follower Sanaka Sanatana das for de facto explaining why I am always going to the public, includes public media, courts, FBI and so on. As many would expect, there are many devotees who objected to me helping the $400,000,000 molesting lawsuit, and my going to the public media, and going to the police and FBI, and my still going to the public media. 

Why? Evidently, or perhaps self-evidently, anyone who tries to contain the molesting issue in ISKCON in general, is suppressed. That seems to be the general rule. Therefore, public expose is our best (only?) option. 

Did I forget to mention, my law enforcement friends (who were tapping ISKCON phones) said, "the only reason you are alive is, you are too much known as a dissenter, and therefore taking you down would be a huge problem for them." READ: We should just go on exposing them, and the more we expose them, the safer we are, and the safer children are. 

I know Lokanath's victim personally, suppressing her story has simply convinced more and more and more people -- that the Lokanath / GBC party are suppressing complaints of abuse, and this is just another example, as they have done since we started making complaints in the late 1970s. 

OK so now that we know they want this type of information suppressed, and they are not going to deal with the issue among devotees, all the more reason to expose them more widely, because they evidently lack any sense of factual and genuine remorse. Or worse, they still want to suppress us, after all their previous program of banning, beating, molesting, suing and assassinations could not suppress all of us to date, and thus now, unfortunately for them, there are thousands more people involved in the expose process, includes mundane media folks consulting me. 

Taking away one or two complainants at this stage, will simply encourage all the other complainants to make even more expose. 

So when people complain that I have been too public, sorry, they just answered their own question -- why that is required. All of this banning, beating, molesting, suing and assassinations process has to be challenged, or we are implicated by silent acquiescing. This is actually an old VEDIC rule, seen by the example of what happened to the Kauravas when they wanted to silently acquiesce. 

They were implicated, and they were then punished by Krishna. Krishna does not approve of allowing deviations and crimes to go unchecked, especially in His religion. In sum, it looks to me like Lokanath's folks just validated what I have been doing all along, expose them, because they are incorrigible and not trainable. And now they want to re-victimize by more suppression and denial, so we should advocate for the victims, or be counted as associates of the Kauravas.

Satyam eva jayate!

ys pd


  1. M Dasi: I think this is what Srila Prabhupada says is "hanging on by hook and by crook." Hah hah. We see these crooks ... and we know how they use nasty tricks to hang on.

    Not going to work over and over ... is it? Lokanath does not want to talk to us lowly mleccha servants of Kali Yuga ... he is way too advanced to talk to any of us. No wonder they are all in India ... where all sorts of former taxi driver wallas become Lord Krishna's new Avatars overnite, and all sorts of fools there believe them.

    They are false show bottle guru, just as Srila Prabhupada warned us. How they still think they are going to fool us beggars belief. You fooled us once, but after 500 times trying to fool us, don't you think we would have caught on by now? Hah hah!

    They took all our samkirtan collection and ran, and did not have spare change to buy shoes for the kids. They are disgusting ... and trying to crack the whip on us now simply makes them look more disgusting than we thought previous.

  2. BRS: Let me get this right. The ISKCON GBC is suing someone for re-posting GBC statements, made by ... the GBC. Then the GBC wonders why people do not accept the authority of ... the GBC.

    Holy crap. Really? We should read GBC documents, because if we re-post them, then the GBC will sue us for making false statements, and these statements are made ... by the GBC. This sounds like the worst tortured logical fallacy ever created.

    If you quote me, I will sue you for making false statements! Then we have Srila Prabhupada talking about how the word juggler gurus ... dwell in hell. Wonder how they got there? I think we all know. So this is just another legal bill to add their existing astronomical legal bill.

    And that is why on the MAFIA TV shows, you always have to talk to their lawyers. The GBC guys not only act like crooks, they have watched too many TV movies about how crooks behave. Lokanath already signed a letter of apology, now he has ... forgot? Get that senile forgetful person out of office!

    If you cite me, you will be punished. This is really something else, but we expected no less from this group. More obnoxious fumes from the sewer of GBC's speaking. When will they stop torturing innocent souls? I know. Once Yamaraja's dogs are chasing them to his planet.


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