Sunday, March 5, 2023

BM: Disappointed and Disheartened

Dhanurdar Photo on Altar at Bhakti Center?

PADA: Making offerings to child abusers will contaminate 
the offerings, and contaminate anyone who eats said offerings,
according to PADA's ex-witch advisor. 

[PADA: A devotee says that he went to an annual "kirtan fest" which normally has a lot of people. This year -- hardly anyone showed up. He is sure that the scandals created by the GBC's leaders are draining people away from ISKCON. Probably true. Just about everyone who writes to PADA these days mentions "child abuse." It is really hitting a raw nerve everywhere. And BM writes this below, because he too is being moved to say something on this critical topic. It looks like the boil is starting to pop.

ys pd]

BM: Fair warning, some of this context may come across offensive to some, perhaps too blunt, or any other emotions or feelings. That being said I and you the reader are entitled to our own perceptions, beliefs and ideas, along with not questioning anyones own commitment and dedications they have made in their own lives. I am not here to change any of that for anyone and simply share my own stand on the current situations at hand. I will refer to ISKCON Community as "IC" for short.

It is so disappointing and disheartening to hear about these malicious actions that have occurred under the belief that the "Gurukula" is a safe place for the youth, and expected to foster and create men in the most honorable way, and yet those in charge have completely abused their titles and powers or even higher authorities choose to turn a blind eye or simply be ignorant of the facts without accountability.

I am 2nd / 3rd generation "kuli" I grew up in IC with so many beliefs and teachings instilled in me. I was fortunate to have had a happy childhood growing up. At a younger age the Mayapur gurukul was perhaps considered the Harvard of IC, you may have been the envy of your friends if you attended while yet the idea of a child being left in another country with people you may not know, that is mind blowing. 

Parents of course may have been trying to give their kids the best they could without full knowledge of what was taking place behind closed doors, if only to expect they were being trained to be "Vaisnavas."

I cannot even begin to understand and feel what the victims of all these cases went through, have gone through, and live with today in their everyday lives. As humans we are all conditioned by our own prior experiences which may be a fact that those who did these unbelievable acts may have had them done to them previously, and it was thus "normal," but that of course does not in any way make it right! 

I for one believe they should be stripped of their positions, and also have time served for in the eyes of the law. Being a “devotee” or “vaisnava” or “sannyasi” does not and should not protect one from being held accountable, at the end of the day we / they are still people.

Unfortunately, there is no infrastructure or systems in place within the IC for people who suffer from whether its severe mental health issues, emotional issues, traumas, proper retirement etc. ... instead as the mantra goes ... we are supposed to simply "chant hare krishna and be happy," or read the scriptures and take shelter of Krishna (and ISKCON?), be vaisnavas, and be humble and forgive. 

This I believe is not what SP taught, even he chastised wrong doing when it was needed. We are humans and we need more care for ourselves as we enter different stages of life. We have the audacity to call those who are not devotees "karmis" ... who are we to judge others? We are far from perfect ourselves. 

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I also don't believe these sannysis should be put into management positions, they are supposed to be preachers, instructors, not managerial leaders in that sense.

I no longer live near a temple community or devotees, upon entering my college years my eyes opened up to a whole new world outside of what I was raised in, surrounded by others just like me, learned how to become a leader, create new beliefs and ideas for myself and embark on a career path. I do not blame those kulis who have left to start their own lives else where, especially if one loses faith in its leaders. Rather we might expect them to leave to find better options.

Those who carry the title of “sanyassi” I believe should be there to serve their disciples not the other way around. I may never in my life get initiated, or ever fall to my hands and knees again in that way. Respect is to be earned, it is not given simply due to a title. 

In many ways I have left behind the "ritual" of the IC because there is so much more to life. I have found coaches and training outside that has helped shape me into the man I am today, and I hope now to gain more knowledge and training to help those who are going through struggles in their lives.

Many times I've heard and listened to how SP words have been taken out of context. The mantra of “I'm not qualified to criticize, I am much lower than that prabhu” ... I dont believe this at all. This lack of discrimination is not being humble, this is taking away ones own character, integrity, intelligence etc., qualities that one is born with and given by the universe to serve, not to act so demeaning to oneself. And to then to become the servants of devious people because of our "being humble" ... where humility should not be applied.

The idea of wealth and laxmi is almost frowned upon because we are supposed to give to temples, sanyasis, because its "service" yet many temples struggle financially. IC sadly is not the only "religion" or faith with a dark history, I have many friends who are Christians, Catholics etc. who also have such hard beliefs ingrained in them and priests also committing such horrible actions. 

To say one is taking the oath of celibacy is also to deny one's human nature of sexual desires which is only part of being a human and eventually one may lose control and commit those urges in the wrongs ways.

For the victims I embrace you all, I love you all, you are all VICTORS, through the hardest and darkest times you've lived you are here now and letting your voices be heard and I am here with you ALL THE WAY. It is not for you to forgive them, it is for you to forgive yourselves. What happened was not your fault. 

In fact, it is for those who did these actions to now come down in humility in their saffron robes ... to fall to the ground and beg you for forgiveness ... as has always been done to them, for them to serve you. How can anyone call themselves a guru, a devotee, or a vaisnava, after committing such sins. 

We are all expected to follow no meat eating, no intoxication, no ILLICT SEX, no gambling! Yet we are all human, we all have natural desires and urges not only because of so called "Maya" but because thats how we were made.

None of this is to be offensive though it may appear that way to many, this to be blunt, straight forward, not passive, to be realistic and practical, things are not the same anymore. I am merely sharing my thoughts in views as have so many. Furthermore, no person should feel they have to fall under the umbrella of religion or a guru in order to find meaning , purpose, faith or beliefs in their lives. It is what each one of us chooses for ourselves and to accept that is to respect your fellow humans freedoms.

Each person who reads this can feel as they want to via their comments or reactions, ultimately I cannot please everyone.

[PADA: I am just glad you were able to survive and move ahead with your life. Unfortunately, many others are struggling, or simply are not able to move ahead. ys pd]

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