Friday, August 27, 2021

Women Against Raghunath Swami (Change Org)

[PADA: He's a disciple of Lokanath Swami. It's the usual anti woman rhethoric that we've often heard in their classes... women do not want to accept the worship of pedophiles as God incarnate, so let's shut them up.

He is talking about how women are disqualified in account of their bodies to serve in leadership positions...Yep, women do not want their children to worship homosexuals and pedophiles and sexual predators as their children's gurus. As soon as a woman speaks up to protest, she gets death threats from their violent pedophile worshiping cult. We need to expose this dangerous criminal pedophile worshiping process to save children, and women who are also victims of exploiting and even -- threats of violence. ys pd]

1 comment:

  1. M Dasi. Oh yeah! Always seems ... us women in the back of the room ... making the most noise to protest the rot in ISKCON. How come we women have to be on the battlefield front lines ... to go after their pedophile gurus? I thought we were supposed to be the protected ... not the protectors.

    Where are all you brave men? I forgot! They are playing ping pong with Hrdayananda. Hey you brave fighting men! When the battle field is full of us women fighting your pedophile gurus ... you know these men never understood word one of the Bhagavad Gita.

    The men are supposed to be at the front of the battlefield. Women are not even supposed to be at the rear of the battlefield ... because we are not supposed to be on the battlefield ... anywhere at all. Women are on the front lines? The men are playing ping pong? What happened to the idea of fighting for the honor of us women ... from the Bhagavad Gita?


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