Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Macho Vegans Documentary (CNN)

pamho AGTSP
Vegansm is a most dangerous diet, that is 100% against Srila Prabhupada and Krishna's teachings.
Look at this channel, full of people who got severely sick after 5-10 years of Vegan diet:

Please do not post links to pro vegan sites. Many devotees are already poisoned by the anti Milk propaganda, that will leave them weak and thin after 10 years of malnurishment die-at-it(vegan diet).
Bhakta Robin

[PADA: Yes, I agree is not a good program overall. As for people getting malnourished, that is also possible. I know devotees who are lactose intolerant and they seem to be not putting on much weight, although they do survive for more than 10 years. The main thing that interests me is that factory farming of cows is very hideous, and we should encourage anything that will put a crimp on that process. Cow slaughter is very sinful, but of course one partial solution might only be better than none. 

In California there are huge cattle farms in the central valley and they look like a real dark place for cows. Apart from that, there is the problem of forests being burnt down to make way for cattle ranching. There are no perfect solutions for a lot of these problems, Srila Prabhupada's farm projects have not been developed. ys pd]    

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