Sunday, December 29, 2019

Abhiram Das (ACBSP) On GBC's "Rajasic" Gurus

You mean you folks did not already know:
This guy cannot absorb sins like Jesus?
And neither can your "female diksha gurus"! 

By: Abhiram Das (ACBSP) Posted on December 29, 2019

To all who aspire to serve and those who do serve Srila Prabhupada,

My sincere obeisance.

I have been reflecting on the FDG issue, which some of you are currently debating with a majority of our GBC Godbrothers and feel that understanding of any such issue requires it firstly to be put into context.

Please keep in mind that I do not enter this discussion enthusiastically, but as a concession to requests by a few beloved godbrothers. So at risk of appearing presumptuous, I beg for all who may read this to forgive me if you find this offends. It is not intended and I clearly understand my own numerous disqualifications to advise any vaishnava.

Firstly, let us consider the forum for which this new approach (FDG) to diksha has been sanctioned, namely the GBC.

This is the same forum with a history of making some massively destructive decisions, such as the full endorsement (and in fact enforcement) of the disastrous Zonal Acharya System. 

[PADA: Sorry, the GBC gurus still have zones designated every year at Mayapur. Jayapataka has been the zonal guru of Mayapur forever; Gopal Krishna has been the zonal guru of Delhi; Hrdayananda has been the zonal guru for parts of South America; Bhakti Vikas swami has had his little area in Salem India, and so on and so forth. There are still "zonal areas" designated for their acharyas even now, this process has not been dismantled whatever. Of course if the GBC has a history of disastrous and destructive decisions, then that means -- they are not gurus, either male or female.] 

This was the (same) forum that oversaw the gurukula system for decades, only scrambling to ‘reform’ (not yet done well) gurukula and protect our children (also currently underfunded) long after it was impossible to avoid. 

[PADA: Yes, some people like for example various GBC defenders, Gaudiya Matha defenders, HKC Jaipur people like Prahlad das etc. kept saying to PADA, "Why would anyone want to stop our wonderful program of having a nice anal reconstructive surgery epidemic for little boys, and have these little boys worship the leaders of that process as their messiahs, and then have our victims commit suicide. Why does anyone think this is a bad process"? 

And so they protested vociferously when their buggery process and illicit sex with men, women and children messiahs project was being exposed. However, as Abhirama points out, the problem had to be exposed so that "it was impossible to avoid." True dat! And who was in charge when all this was going on, the wonderful "pure devotees from heaven" gurus from the GBC.]   

This is the same forum that blindly supported fallen sanyassis and even so-called gurus, until the evidence was impossible to ignore. 

[PADA: OK and what about the fact that so many thousands of people had to be banned, removed, exiled, some were beaten, some were sued and some were assassinated to facilitate the cover up of these fallen gurus?] 

Most certainly the above are just a few of numerous errors in judgement, proving to any rational mind that this GBC body is far from perfect and even far from being very good at their job as ISKCON’s ultimate managing authority. 

[PADA: So they are gurus, but they are far from perfect, full of numerous errors in judgement, and not even good at their job of managing. In fact a devotee said that even if we paid $10 million dollars and hired a professional advertising agency to give Krishna a bad name, that company could never have come close to doing the damage to Krishna's name the GBC has done. 

Notice also that they are always saying that gurus are mundane, defective, gurus are fools, gurus are deviants, gurus are bad managers etc. ... and that means they have the disease of thinking guru is ordinary. Srila Prabhupada says anyone who thinks guru is ordinary is a resident of hell, which would include their whole lot apparently.]

In many, many crucial moments in our institutions history, in fact, the GBC body did the very worst thing, often to appease the strong and popular while compromising the purity and integrity of ISKCON. Please consider this my first piece of evidence, for what I hope will be a useful suggestion for preserving the institution and that is that our GBC has failed as much as succeeded and in the most crucial times failed more then succeeded in preserving the integrity of the institution. 

If we cannot learn from history, or reflectively review our past, we are doomed. From this point I intend sounding the alarm of caution to not ‘rush to judgement’ as humans in power are want to do.

Next I suggest another aspect of the big picture within which this FDG issue is being considered and that is the argument of expediency and need to attract ‘modern’ westerners to our flock. Please consider for a moment if the pace and size of growth to which we unthinkingly assume is our duty to achieve, was truly what Srila Prabhupada wanted. 

What did he mean by so many statements like ‘those selling diamonds should not expect many customers’? Why did he close down Vishnujana Swami’s Roadshow when it was so popular? Why did he caution us about enjoying kirtan vs seeking only to please the Lord (calling that mood “Kali Kirtan”)? And why did he repeat on a number of occasions “Boil the milk”?

In my presence in late 77 he again said: “No more growth”. What this would have required of us was so unthinkable that the leaders present never once repeated it, what to speak of considered it, because it would require us to come up from devotional service in rajagun to performing our devotional service in more pure goodness. 

[PADA: Oh no, they made raja guna people into their acharyas! Umm nope, illicit sex with men, women and children, drinking vodka, shooting guns at occupied buildings, wearing condoms when having illicit sex with followers etc ... its tamasa guna, or less.]

Why also when Srila Prabhupada approved (again in my presence) any and all devotees to come to be with him in Vrndaban did the leaders (GBC) decide that they knew better and hide this fact, in favor of the book marathons going on in the Christmas Season? I suggest the reason was that from the mode of passion they ass-ummed that this was not the right choice and thus chose to violate his desire / order.

[PADA: OK well maybe its because Srila Prabhupada was complaining of being poisoned and they wanted that covered up?]

Now, we face a new challenge, a new crossroads, which will have far greater consequences then the Zonal Acharya System and all the other blunders put together. If we claim that this will increase our success, have we first tried the methods championed by Mahaprabhu and Srila Prabhupada, such as massive HariNam Sankirtan in the USA? I recall my own last attempt at this, sitting on the cement of Union Square with a band of true believers for five years, when I had already crossed my 60th birthday, but getting only token participation from my senior godbrothers. 

But now, having abandoned traditional methods of propagation, we come up with new ways to attract. And do we want those recruits so badly that we allow them to dictate abandoning tradition in favor of untested social reconstructions? Have we also decided that growth alone, no matter the quality of surrender and in spite of statements to the contrary by Srila Prabhupada is the goal? There is no evidence that large popularity among the foolish populace is a better result than a few devotees with a deep conviction and eagerness to surrender.

Then to disregard all other vaishnav sampradayas, as if they are fools. To Americanise, modernise and alter age old traditions without much deeper review seems reckless at least. Currently, ISKCON has become very dependent on the participation and support of Indian devotees and congregations. 

Despite the impressions they give, due to their culture, they are only faithful to the traditions that they currently believe ISKCON embodies. As soon as they doubt our commitment to those traditions, they will depart or reorganise (outside of GBC leadership) in droves. Please consider that our stock of gurus and GBC are not half as impressive or charismatic as we think we are. It is substantially because of the gold standard of Vedic Culture and their belief that Srila Prabhupada is a genuine acharya of vedic culture that attacks them.

This is an extremely emotive, weighty issue, whose consequences could be catastrophic if gotten wrong. When the GBC cannot conclude on a Constitution for decades and even minor issues can remain in debate and committees for years on end, is it wise to rush on this monumental issue?

Has anyone requested vaishnava scholars to write papers on the subject? Has anyone asked Pradyumna Prabhu to chime in, after he alone saw the folly of the Zonal Acharya System before anyone even suspected?

To rush to judgement on an issue that requires far more consideration, to appease, appears to be highly irresponsible and even arrogant. This is as far as I wish to tread at the moment, for I am not a scholar, nor can I lay claim to the lofty title of vaishnav, but I have been around since 1969 and had my eyes partially open and observing and considering the lessons of history is one thing that I do a little well.

Again, I beg your forgiveness to my impertinence, but I have been forced by both insistence from some revered godbrothers and by my sense of obligation to the truth and Srila Prabhupada to speak something. I sincerely hope it helps stimulate thought, rather then offense.

With humility

Abhiram Das (ACBSP)
[PADA: Yep, all hell is breaking lose, fools are sitting on big seats, children are being molested, people are being banned, beaten, molested, sued and assassinated, and these guys are "reluctant to speak out." And the people who were reluctant to speak out when Draupadi was being insulted so much infuriated Krishna, He decided then and there they would all have to die. Why is is that almost no one wants to speak up when all this crap is going on left, right and center? ys pd] 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks HD. Yep, I think you are right. Abhirama apparently has not been too worried about all the other deviations going on in the name of acharyas and Krishna, but he is now very worried now because these deviations might cause them to lose more of their Hindu donors. Their cash cow might get injured or even lost.

    Never mind they already lost tons of Hindu cash when numerous Hindus decided to make their own temples and not work with ISKCON. Yep, money is king. Same thing with HKC Jaipur folks, they have no problem seeing a huge anal reconstructive surgery epidemic guru parampara going on, they are only worried that their "innocent" program will lose some cash in a lawsuit. You are correct: that is what happens when people worship gold, which is what happens in Kali yuga.

    People are not important, gold is. Yep, and that is why Srila Bhaktisiddhanta said these people are Kali chelas, disciples of Kali. I think you are onto something ... when we see the GBC opponents of the female diksha guru issue, its evidently more about them losing cash ... because they did not protest very much on all the other deviations, its mainly their worry about losing cash. Did no one tell them, they have to leave behind their hard earned cash, cash made by the hard work of banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing, its all got to be left behind when Yama's agents call on their house of sin? Yep, money is the root issue here, agreed. ys pd


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