Tuesday, December 22, 2020

"Mandatory Vaccine" For Religious People Imbroglio


PADA: Someone send PADA a petition -- to NOT allow the government to mandate vaccines in the USA. And! There should be a religious exemption. Yep a petition, that is really going to shake up the USA top brass! 

Seems to us -- the USA government will not mandate the vaccine -- because it would be politically dicey. "Sounds like communism to me"!

Much more likely scenario is -- the private sector companies will require their workers to have the vaccine, and especially where workers are interacting with the public -- like nurses, taxi drivers, supermarket workers, and any other workplace where the workers are in enclosed spaces together. There could eventually be some kind of certificate or receipt and that will be needed as "proof." 

Churches and temples might need to have congregation members show proof of vaccine in order to keep up their building's insurance policy, and so on and so forth. Already happening, some churches are afraid if a congregation person gets the virus on their property, the church or pastor might get sued for negligence or etc. We know of at least one church that is staying empty for this very reason.   

And that means, really almost no one is taking the original White House "it is a hoax" idea very seriously nowadays. Then their next genius plan was "herd immunity," another plan not taken very seriously nowadays, to have 80 percent of the population infected. That would evidently take 6-10 years and would produce 1-2 million dead, so it was never a popular scheme all along. Never mind there is no actual and factual herd immunity with a virus, it can re-infect. 

Actually the herd immunity idea, to get the mass of people infected and then treat them with counter products like antivirals etc., can more readily create new virus strains and mutations -- perhaps more deadly than the original version. A virus can mutate / change to adapt to these treatments. So mass infections, then mass treatments -- is a recipe for new strains of the virus -- at least evidently. This begs the question, planned mayhem, or just plain incompetence?

This process may be happening now, we are already looking at "new strains." So theoretical herd immunity from one strain might not protect one from the next one etc. Oddly, it appears that spreading the virus with "herd immunity," and then treating the first strain with various checking products and / or antivirals etc., is perhaps making new mutations of the virus move ahead faster -- because the virus is trying to change itself to overcome the treatments. In sum, the herd immunity solution could be causing more problems than fixes. I think this was not really planned, the herd plan is maybe -- incompetence.

OK so really, all of this herd immunity process was a total scam idea all along, there was never going to be herd immunity at any stage, and they maybe knew that all along. Especially, since they already knew all along a virus tends to mutate over time. It was simply a means of off putting the public into a false sense that everything is fine, sure herd immunity only takes 6-10 years, and only produces maybe 1-2 million dead, and may mutate the virus into a worse strain, but hey -- that is fine and dandy.  

No problem! Acceptable collateral damage. 

Gradually people woke up and said, "nah, not really acceptable." Spreading and treating the first wave can potentially accelerate the creation of a newly mutated second wave version, and some people actually thought that is really going to help out. Good plan! Not really! 

Ooops, then they switched gears from (A) no longer relying on simple denial that it is "a hoax," to (B) "herd immunity" of getting everyone infected -- and then fixing them with antivirals, hydroxychloroquine, or perhaps some sort of internal bleach process, and then (C) to jumping on to the vaccine band wagon wholesale. How did you guess, the same leaders who downplayed it, and said it is a hoax, are now jumping ahead of the line to get the vaccine.  

In a conversation with J Dasa, he said it is like the Zombie Movie where there is a vaccine, but only a few people can get it, so the leaders grab the first supplies, leaving the peons to fend for themselves. Have we not seen this movie before?

Where does this leave religious people who may or may not object to vaccines? Not in a good place. They may have to get a vaccine certificate to hold their job, or get any job. Airlines might require a vaccine certificate to board, and perhaps also other public transit systems. Churches might have to make sure persons entering are certified -- to keep their building insurance active, to stave off negligence lawsuits etc. 

Already a legal topic: persons allowing the non-certified on their premise could end up looking at lawsuits. Companies might make people sign a legal paper that if one spreads the virus to their customers or employees, one is legally liable for any damages to persons on their properties -- and so on. In sum, it is a mess. 

So overall I would say, we have to see how it all pans out on an individual basis. Some devotees will be broadly affected, some not so much. My gut feeling is that a number of religious people will be obliged to get the vaccine in order to function in the society, because that is where it looks like all this is headed. 

There may also be different country's national, state, regional, city laws evolving over time as well. If any devotees have some better ideas on all this, let me know. In the end, I believe we have to do what is practical in our particular situations, whether that means getting or not getting the vaccine, and depend on God for the results. 

Meanwhile China, S. Korea and similar places are holding back on mass public vaccines "to see how it works out over here." Hee hee, we are the guinea pigs making the initial tests -- evidently. Anyway it is all in Krishna's hands and we just have to go along with the situation as best we can, and not worry too much because we are for sure -- not the controllers.   

ys pd   



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