Thursday, December 17, 2020

Ayurvedic Advice for Virus Protection 

PADA: Cannot say if any of this will work or not. However, taking care of one's health never hurts. These all sound like sensible recommendations. Any process that builds the immune system is something to try doing in any event, for any number of ailments -- including the virus. 

Yep, we already saw the "steam therapy" thing. Evidently the steam has to be very hot (ok too hot for us humans to breathe) to kill the virus -- and it will thus damage the linings of the lungs. At the same time, perhaps steam vapor mixed with various essential oils like lemon oil might help build the immune system, just watch the heat levels. 

Of course there really does not seem to be any factual cure for the virus, but helping the body stay strong enough to fight it is perhaps the best tool we have in our toolbox at present. If anyone has any first hand accounts of things that they tried when they got sick, and it seems to have worked, let us know. 

Meanwhile my medical tech neighbors are baffled that there was a plan to "spread the virus" for "herd immunity." They told me, there is no long range immunity for a virus, people can get reinfected. They said, this is amateur hour advice. 

ys pd]

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