Friday, November 4, 2022

R Dasi to ISKCON Anuttama / Malati: "Chaos and Crisis"

PT Dasa:

Fri, Nov 4 at 5:22 AM

Before Srila Prabhupada physically left us, some of his disciples used to get away with things. Paramananda at Gita Nagari and Govardhan at ISKCON Detroit, for example. Both of them had the habit of disobeying the GBC, because they knew that Prabhupada would back them up! But after Prabhupada's departure, the GBC got rid of them!

The GBC also got away with things right from the start, such as their disobeying Prabhupapa's order, in 1970, to let the TPs vote them on and off the GBC every 3 years. They got away with such insubordination because Prabhupada figured that he didn't have any choice, but he didn't like it, and it set a bad precedent. Then, in 1978, they thought that they could get away with ignoring Prabhupada's "ritvik henceforward" order, and concoct their own "voted-in guru" system. We didn't know that they were concocting something new in 1978, but now we know.

Srila Prabhupada warned us that having more than one initiating guru within ISKCON would cause factions, but the GBC didn't listen. The GBC has been desperately trying to prop up their crazy voted-in guru system for 44 years! How much longer are they going to get away with it? Probably, not much longer. They have already lost control of the TPs in India due to the inevitable factionalization. The writing is on the wall!

The GBC is also disobeying Prabhupada's oft repeated order to retire at age 50. Like the tyrannical dictators that they are, they are cursed to hang on to their positions of power on into their old age, lest they be brought to justice!


ISKCON News | Chaos and Crisis in Washington DC | ISKCON News

Mr Anuttama Das and the Iskcon GBC (not all GBC) explain the first two paragraphs to me and the entire world, in relation to what you -- a very great disciple and man -- did to me and my family.

I went to Ifast International to also explain equally and Malati manjari, whom Anuttama Das labels as Saintly! As I stated Anuttama Das, your cult behaviors are are the same as the late Kirtananda das.

Though you published this article, you and the GBC also in the Iskcon ultimate managerial positions and hold yourselves as great men, engage in harming the devotees.

You have also broken down and abused Srila Prabhupadas house that he built for the whole world to live in….

You have and continue to harm Iskcon and it’s members like you yourself (Anuttama Das GBC) describes in paragraph two and engage in lawlessness, corruption, abuses of all descriptions and usurped the spiritual authority and legal position that Srila Prabhupada stands on.

Paragraph (1) ONE must be carefully studied and then every Srila Prabhupada disciple publicly should investigate and demand answers on what Anuttama das states in paragraph (2) TWO.

And equally question the GBC, if they are as they state by their behavior that they are great men and behave with absolute disregard for Srila Prabhupada and his spiritual and legal authority, for decades and with impunity, then how can Anuttama das ignore his and the GBC body similar behaviors against its Iskcon members?

Anuttama das's "weapons of mass destruction" is to misuse and abuse their GBC positions, usurp their guru's authority in every respect, and to silence or lie -- to attack Iskcon's victims of abuses -- of all descriptions.

Even changing in print one word of Srila Prabhupada -- which is lawlessness.

Iskcon GBC, when you wear the uniform of the GBC, you should take full responsibility and accountability for your actions as great men, ultimate managerial authorities. That fails to happen.

Srila Prabhupada remained humble even though he is Founder - Acharya of Iskcon. Anuttama das and the GBC are involved in creating and supporting abusers, and for prolonged periods of time, as they supported my abusers, covered up for those abused me. 

And they covered up for those who harmed my family, and so we know that they are not great men or women -- nor proper GBC men or devotees of God -- you exposed yourselves only as such false superior great men -- and people follow you and get cheated from their lives by your "ISKCON rule of law."

What great men do others follow -- and this set my husband on a path of destruction of our family unit and spiritual lives, which Anuttama das published in paragraph (2)Two.

He followed a very dangerous cult leader and two cult organizations. There is zero doubt that the original Iskcon "as it is" and given for us to care for -- under Srila Prabhupada's guidance, instruction, legal position etc, is not evident as the present cases -- and decades old many cold abuse cases -- remains ignored.

He grew us a supposed well kept garden of Krishna Consciousness, but instead we got the GBC and very  bad people, wolves in sheep's clothing, and Foxes guarding the hen house (of Iskcon ), and this allowed the garden to rot.

When you are given such a beautiful well kept garden, why are you -- the Iskcon GBC and it’s affiliates -- hell bent on your continued cult behaviors and lawlessness and corruption and coverups and harming devotees lives and families, that rots Srila Prabhupadas beautiful garden of Krishna Consciousness.

The Iskcon GBC must clean up the rot in garden off Krishna Consciousness and return it to its owner as he gave it to you , to tend to under His legal and spiritual authority. Am I stating that Anuttama das and the GBC are harming Iskcon and it’s members? Yes they are.

Just as you the GBC enjoy the prestige and drunken power of being GBC, so is the responsibility and accountability that you will be held to by the world and by the courts of the world, let alone when you face the court of Lord Krishna.

Even Lord Yamaraj had to accept the consequences as a GBC and he was man enough to take His punishment, I cannot say that Iskcon GBC has such integrity and to uphold the rule of law and Iskcon laws, nor instructions of Srila Prabhupada.

PT Das, some your God family in the GBC, cannot face me -- a mere housewife. How did they become Iskcon GBC members whom cannot follow Srila Prabhupada instructions and legal instructions nor can they be proper Brahmanas (Clergy / priests), nor can they face nor help abused victims and investigate abused victims cases in Iskcon. Nor can our Iskcon legal eagles do their job to help Iskcon abused victims except in court to fight the victims of Iskcon.

Anuttama das, study your own article and explain yourselves in the similar cult environment that you and the Iskcon GBC have created and harmed us and Iskcon and it’s Founder - Acharya .

We have respect for the creation and service of GBC in Iskcon but draw the line when you wantonly and intentionally disregard and disrespect Srila Prabhupadas legal position in every respect and harm his institution and it’s members.

You cannot lie, cheat, dupe Iskcon members and the good Iskcon GBC members by dangerous cult following and behaviors. But perhaps media should investigate the great men like Anuttama das and the Iskcon global GBC, as I can state with authority, in my abuse case, and many other similar cases.

Thank you

R Dasi

[PADA: Yep, Sulochana said that as well. Their bogus guru system only works when someone else is exploited, suffering, being victimized, or worse. They are living at the expense of standing on a pile of the skulls of their victims. He is right. ys pd]  

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