Monday, November 7, 2022

PP / N Dasi / Ex-gurukuli Dasa / CM etc: ISKCON Mayapur

PP Dasi: How can anyone say they did not know all this abuse has been going on in ISKCON? And in Mayapura. Bhakti Vidya Purna was riding around on a motorbike with this girl on the back. Everyone saw that. And no one saw a problem here? Even in the Western world, some old "priest" man with a young girl on the back of his motorbike is -- unacceptable. People would demand he resign and leave town. Never mind children were beaten black and blue by some of the "holy sadhus" there. And the children beaters are rewarded with swami titles.

Why is this acceptable in the holy dham. What kind of program is the GBC creating there. Then they wonder why children go home and hang themselves. They already know why children go home and hang themselves, then they just double down and do -- all the more of same. 

They are proud they are getting children to hang themselves. And Amburish wants to fund all this. Why? They knew this was a problem ... 20 years ago ... children were committing suicide in the 1990s already ... and the fix is ... to remove those who are complaining. That just expands and encourages the problem. People are dying here ... and they just happily continue the same program. Diabolical. Why?  




This is the Link to Sri-Radhe dasi's PDF explanation of what Bhakti Vidyapurna put her through for many years, and how he coerced her into having a very sick and perverted affair with him for all those years. Also, at the end is her husband's (Shri Madhava Gauranga dasa disciple of Bhakti Vidyapurna) explanation of the abuse he received in Gurukul growing up and the sick manipulation he received from Bhakti Vidyapurna when he was getting ready to marry Sri-Radhe dasi.



*** Hello my name is N Dasi and I live in France. About 7 years ago I was speaking with a disciple of French Srila Prabhupada's movement. I told him that I wanted to find all those rot that abused the innocent little child without any advances of the little Devotees break forever. 

Put together a legal file and do what is necessary for them to be judged before the Court of Assises in France. For the crime. Devotee warned me right away saying -- they can get me murdered. It's going to be a long struggle and you may not survive if you take on the ISKCON leaders! 

I been thinking. Telling me there'll be one occasion he'll present himself to me.
Patience runs a lot. For our beloved Srila Prabhupada with his protection anything is possible. Even so many years later, don't be afraid. I'm ready for the battle.
Why else would I be a maid. Be an accomplice to this garbage? Never.

I have a question. Why all these rotting so called Guru and others are not translated into right? They need to pay for their crimes. No arrangement.
On Some Shit Too. Who allows to say that they are devotees of Sri Krishna!!!
Who abuse little children without advances raped mistreated and I'll spend little lives broken forever.

Too many children are suffering in this world of abuse. It breaks my heart.
We have to take charge of our little devotees who are suffering and do everything so that his people are punished. Forbidden to serve Sri Krishna in public that he withdraws from this movement.

A disgrace a betrayal. They still have this great chance to chant the Maha Mantra.
Justice. Again word from Mayapur that false guru, Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami, has fallen down with an underaged minor. If it had occurred in the United States the criminal would be subjected to a prison sentence. 

But since it has happened in India, and under the protection of the GBC, it is swept under the carpet and forgotten. It's not that people weren't aware of what was going on.


*** For months people had been seeing Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami going around with this girl, him riding a motorcycle with her sitting on the back, right up next to him, cruising the back roads of Mayapur. Every single resident of Mayapur had seen it, and they all knew, but since he was "needed" to run the gurukula, so they just let it go. I guess they were happy that at least he wasn't a homosexual, like the last three Mayapur Swamis (Bhavananda, Nitai Chand and Satadhanya).

A few months ago some of his disciples had complained to me that he was spending the entire day, from morning till evening, at the all-girls school, "teaching" the girls Bhagavad Gita, just so he could be around this girl. That's a lot of Bhagavad Gita to be teaching these young girls, wouldn't you think? 

From morning till evening. And then there were the secret rides out into the sunset with the girl on the back of his motorcycle, which everyone was aware of. Most of the people running the school were his disciples, so they couldn't say anything. They just silently went along and said, "Oh well."

The Mayapur management needs him to run one of the last few boys gurukulas left in ISKCON, so I wouldn't expect any push on their part to punish him. The word is it will be called an "accidental falldown", and not need to be disclosed to the public. 

This way they can keep the whole event internal, just amongst the Mayapur community, without having to really punish him or close the boys gurukula. These "accidental falldowns" seem to be quite common nowadays. Satsvarupa was also involved in an "accidental falldown", whereby he was able to hold onto his fake guru post and fake sannyasa. 

Till this day Satsvarupa is certified "as good as God" by the GBC. Suhotra Swami is another member of the "accidental falldown" guru club. Coincidently he also lived together with Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami at the Mayapur gurukula. After Suhotra's falldown, he had pledged to rededicate himself to sannyasa vows under the direct personal guidance and supervision of Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami. I guess that wasn't a very good idea, was it?

Suhotra had a special bonus with his accidental falldown, he got a nifty new pada title to add to his name. His actions had actually been so ridiculous that they couldn't cover it up and let him remain a sannyasi, but at the same time they didn't want to say he fell down. So they said he "downgraded himself to vanaprastha." What exactly does it mean when a sannyasi downgrades to vanaprastha? 

They could have just said he was caught going to prostitutes, but that wouldn't have sounded as advanced. So instead they decided to "downgrade him to vanaprastha". At the same time they wanted to cover up the fall down, so they announced that the GBC had awarded him a new name in recognition of his "severely austere nature". From now on he would be known as Tapovanacari - "the vanaprastha who does severe austerities (tapasya)". 

Yes, he is now Suhotra Das Tapovanacari - not just regular vanacari, but TAPOvanacari. So the good news for Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami is if he is lucky he may end up with a nifty new pada name like Suhotra got. What's the lesson for the rest of us small time ISKCON devotees to learn? I really don't know. It's tough to figure out a spiritual moral from this.


Ex-Gurukuli Dasa: Here is a question I would like to ask: is Bhaktividyapurna Swami, formerly Anirdhesh Vapu head of the Mayapur Gurukula, less guilty than Dhanurdhara? Although there is no conclusive evidence that he has sexually abused any of the children under his care. There is however, plenty of evidence that he was violently beating the boys, in addition he made no significant attempts to expel and punish the many pedophile teachers and monitors that raped the children while he was the principal of the school.

Bhaktividyapurna is notorious for his expertise in lacerating the skin off the back of the children with one single hit of his special bendy bamboo cane. He would get the boys to kneel forward and hold their ankles with their hands, so as to form an arch of some sort with their body. He would then hit the boys on the back, causing the tip of the stick to whip around striking their chest. Many boys recall that he preceded his beatings with a sadistic ritual intended to increase the fear of his victims. He would smile and wiggle his eyebrows gleefully while bending the cane full circle and making whipping sounds with his mouth. Several boys suffered shock after those canings.

The father of a prospective student questioned Bhaktividyapurna Swami about the sexual abuse that was said to be taking place in the Mayapur Gurukula at the time. Bhaktividyapurna Swami gave him what I call the “Kirtanananda stance on sex”. He said something to the effect of, “sex, whether it is between you and your wife, not intended for procreating, or between a teacher and a boy is illicit: It is all sex”. As if morally and karmically they are on the same level. This is from a man whose job is to protect and guide the children.

Why has he not acknowledged his mistakes and offered an apology? If he does not feel he has done anything wrong, I am compelled to question his motives and qualifications. Today Bhaktividyapurna Maharaj is an authorized initiating Guru, Sannyas and still runs his own Gurukula in Mayapur specialized in “training brahmanas.” The GBC decided a fit punishment for his crimes was to temporarily suspend him from directly interacting with the children at his school. Personally I would like to know in what court of law such a punishment will be considered appropriate and just.

In the non-devotee world “karmis” cringe on hearing about child abuse. Yet in our vaisnava community, Gurus and Sannyasis have perpetrated child abuse and condoned it for years and very few ever stood up to say “this is unacceptable.” Why are we so apathetic as a society? What credibility does that give us as a spiritual community? 

That we have calmly allowed these atrocities to take place?

As aspiring Vaisnavas we must strive to be exemplary gentlemen before we can call ourselves Vaisnavas. We should first reach the level of sattva guna and then work our way up to shudda sattva, there is not enough emphasis in our society to behave like respectable citizens. In fact we have condoned and allowed so many despicable acts to go unpunished that this movement has been a heaven for criminals of every description. As a result some of our “pure devotees” have behaved in ways that no decent and moral “karmi” would ever consider acceptable.

What's the lesson for the rest of us small time ISKCON devotees to learn? I really don't know. It's tough to figure out a spiritual moral from this, but maybe it's this:
If you go along with the corrupt GBC, you can remain a guru and sannyasi even if you are engaged in illicit activity. But if you happen to think Srila Prabhupada is the primary spiritual master of all devotees, you are banned, beaten, and thrown out of ISKCON forever. 

How long will everyone keep pretending things are getting better? When will you realize the GBC is corrupt from top to bottom. Just like they cover the falls of these small time gurus, they are also covering the falls of the bigtime gurus as well. How many disciples really know who their guru actualy is - what type of person is he? You see them for one day a year as they zip by to receive their yearly worship and dakshina from you and your temple. Do you have any idea how your guru lives, what he actually does, or anything at all about him? No. You see him for an hour a year, and you only see the big guru show they put on as they pass through.

It is a fact that the majority of ISKCON gurus no longer live in ISKCON temples, but have private houses where they stay with a few servants to take care of them. It is also a fact that the majority of high profile ISKCON gurus are multi millionaires. Take for example Bhakti Caru Swami, who a couple months ago pledged to donate $1,000,000 USD of his personal money to the GBC to be used for the child abuse court case. 

Where does someone like Bhakti Caru get $1,000,000? And do you think he is completely giving 100% of his total money? No way. If he is giving one million dollars that means he is sitting on 30 or 40 million dollars. Gaudiya sannyasis are traditionally known as "Tridandi Bhikshu", which literally means "street beggar", and several ISKCON millionaire sannyasis even print this title on their letterheads.

It is time for ISKCON devotees to see that the present gurus are looting Srila Prabhupada's movement of all it's finances. Why are the temples throughout the world struggling to stay open, and struggling to pay the bills? It is because all of the local money is sent off to these rich gurus. They initiate the local devotees, and then suddenly the temple loses it's donation base as the money is sent to millionaire gurus with swiss bank accounts. Money that should be going to build up Srila Prabhupada's temples locally is instead being sent to false Swamis who use it to continue their lives of sense gratification.


[PADA: This simply proves that the leaders were supposed to act as agents and not as messsiahs, the "representatives" (ritvik) idea was the right idea all along. I also asked some gurukulis: what about Svarupa's (and Sridhara's) idea that we need to "wait for another living guru," and they said: this guy sounds like the Heaven's Gate cult that was waiting for the space ship. You cannot run a religion based on "waiting" for someone who may come today, or may not ever come for the next 10,000 years, this is all speculation. Agreed. thanks pd]


CM: ''Bhavananda Das Demonic Character And Misbehaviors Is Inducing Many People To Point Fingers At Srila Prabhupada's Hard Earned Movement, This Is Very Bad Indeed.''

>>>>But let's call a spade a spade. If the leaders of Iskcon, most especially the GBC, have any ting of loving affection towards Srila Prabhupada's hard earned mission, if they really know the worth of His Divine Grace, or if they are really Krishna conscious, of which we are absolutely not, never, If we could have understood how hard it was for Srila Prabhupada to set up this Iskcon movement, this Bhavananda of a person would have been ostracized out of this movement long long ago. 

He has done too much damage in this movement, both open once, secrete and hidden ones combined. Nobody is saying anything, this is unfortunate, absolute shenanigans, and complete rascaldom, foolishness! The leading group who are still keeping him are even double times worst than this nincompoop. This is the prove which says that real judgement will start from Iskcon people, all due to our abject sinful activities. All glories to Srila Prabhupada who's enemy is not yet appeared. Hare Krishna!


Dear Ambarish Prabhu, devotees of ISKCON, members of the GBC and spiritual leaders of our movement, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

In reading the letter written by the chairman of the TOVP project and Radha Jivan’s appeal to the GBC followed by this latest letter in response, I am left with some serious concerns, as a contributor of this most important project! If indeed, Radha Jivan dasa has misused his position in his service to the TOVP, then please state the evidence which would call for such severe punitive actions. 

This decision has been made known to all temples and devotees worldwide, without allowing him the right nor the authorization to properly defend himself? Not only is his and his family’s reputation at stake but also their hope of ever being allowed services to ISKCON temples in the future, on which basis has this decision come about, and where is the evidence? 

It seems ironic that his service of bringing millions of dollars to this project be terminated and his foundation be closed on the basis of, as the Chairman of the TOVP, puts it: “The recent disturbances in Mayapur and Radha Jivana Prabhu’s recent hostile “REMARKS.”” Which in the next sentence, our Founder Acarya’s words are being used, out of context, to silence Radha Jivan dasa, who is voicing and pointing out, not only a one time insult to his respectable devotee wife, but the ongoing gross and abhorrent behavior of Bhavananda das (a known child molester, as confirmed by our ISKCON Child Protection Office) in his handling of TOVP matters and dealings with other team members and donors! 

It seems Srila Prabhupada’s words are being used to cover up the real issue, in order to justify and protect the behavior of Bhavananda dasa! Has shown in this carefully chosen quote ( Please pay attention that “Hostile remarks” would also fall under this instruction to tolerate and not take offense”, would it not? Would publicly destroying a devotee’s reputation fall under the category of being liberal and of being kind to everyone?): ”Devotee means he is able to tolerate all kinds of discomfort and whims of the material nature, and because he is so much absorbed in serving Krishna, he takes no time to become angry or take offense with others or find out some fault, no. 

Devotee means very liberal and kind to everyone, always gentleman under all kinds of conditions of life.” (Srila Prabhupada letter, December 10, 1972) If all of the TOVP team members are of flawless character and that the project is in good hands, run and handled with the upmost standard of purity, integrity and transparency, then how would Radha Jivan prabhu have the power to create such “upheaval” in the Holy Dham, only on the basis of his personal insult? 

Why then would the local Bengali devotees rally behind him, do they also have a story to tell? If so then we must hear as anyone who has taken birth in this Holy Land of Sri Navadwip dhama are Dhama bhasis and should be served and honored as such, not at all ordinary! As stated by our beloved Srila Prabhupada: “Srila Prabhupada said on April 8, 1975, in Hyderbad: “Within this universe … this plot of land, known as Bharatvarsa, India, is the most sacred place in within the universe. And of the whole land of Bharatvarsa the Bengal is very sacred. 

And in the whole of Bengal this Nadia District is very sacred. And in the whole Nadia District this part is very sacred–Mayapur Chandogya Temple.” Srila Prabhupada also explains to the Bengali devotees living in Mayapur: “So, by Krsna’s grace you have got this opportunity to live here…because Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared. Don’t take it leniently, it is a very serious thing.” 

So let’s be extremely vigilant to ensure that the purity and sanctity of this most revered Holy place may not become covered by mundane aspirations, corruption and the performance of sinful activities or else, we are committing the most grievous offense which will discredit and disgrace the grave responsibility our dear Srila Prabhupada has so mercifully entrusted us with! 

If Radha Jivan dasa is THE ONLY devotee on the TOVP team which deserves to have his years of service terminated on the basis of his “assumed” personal ambition and hostile remarks, then it is only fair, that ALL TOVP team members MUST also be named, judged and dealt with in the EXACT same manner, also on the basis of their character, and not by behind-closed-doors investigations that will last for years, until everyone forgets about it! 

If any ISKCON member has information on any of them, proving their personal ambition, immoral sexual behaviors, known child abuse activities, shady management of ISKCON funds and / or gross verbal abuse and mistreatment of devotees, then they should also be dealt with in the exact manner as Radha Jivan prabhu, that their immediate removal should be done immediately and publicly. 

But to exercise the use of a double standard, regarding action taken against any TOVP member’s questionable character, based on ones’ relationship, wealth, material qualification, their towing of the party line or not, and other such vested interests should NOT be tolerated! Especially in a project in which every ISKCON devotee worldwide is a part of and have, in good faith, invested in, jointly, millions upon millions of Krishna’s Laxmi. 

We have the right to know all details, in complete transparency, of this project; how our donations are being used and who the TOVP team members are, so we can judge for ourselves whether they are trustworthy or not! Srila Prabhupada always warned us to NEVER accept anything blindly but to question and use our God given intelligence. Would any respectable devotee or congregation member, who have contributed their hard earned Laxmi to this project, accept such a severe sentence of a servant of this project and agree to accept it blindly without hearing both sides? 

That we, as stake holders, are denied the right to hear and know the truth in its entirety and should we only accept the words of the TOVP chairman blindly, without question? To not bother the TOVP team with concerns and just accept that they will take care of everything, behind closed doors and that we should continue to give our hard earned Laxmi and should not question their decision?

This is an insult to our intelligence, as those who have contributed are professional, sincere devotees and respectable congregational members who are fully capable to judge the situation, given all the proper evidence! Srila Prabhupada, the Founder Acarya and ultimate authority of ISKCON and all its projects, would have never authorized the termination of and simultaneous dissemination of the written decision to end one’s service to a project, which involves all temples and the entire devotee community without first having both parties expressing their sides? 

So I am asking all my prabhus and respectable elders, Srila Prabhupada’s men, to please not commit the same mistake as was made in the court of Dhritarastra when Srimati Draupadi Devi was shamelessly disgraced while all who could have stopped this atrocious act remained silent! So speak up then, loud and clear, which of these two men’s actions and behaviors past and present has been most grievous? 

Which one, Radha Jivan dasa, Bhavananda dasa or both, should be removed from any further services to THE MOST important project in our movement for the propagation of Krishna Consciousness, on the basis of their character, actions and behaviors? Ambarish Prabhu as the chairman of the TOVP, along with the rest of his team, have made their choice clearly known to all members of our society! 

Now let’s ask all those thousands upon thousands of devotees who contributed to this project, to decide, which of the two, Radha Jivan dasa or Bhavananda dasa or both, should be removed on the basis of their character and behaviors? As an active member of ISKCON, contributor of this project let my choice be heard! As no matter how insignificant I may be, I refuse to remain silent and thus karmically become implicated in backing up such a Kali Cela as Bhavananda dasa, a true offender who has caused cruel harm to defenseless Vaishnavas for many years! 

I say this publicly, without a tinge of fear of committing vaishnava aparadha, as I know that it is the instruction of all of our previous Acaryas to speak the truth, as Sri Prahlad Maharaja did and call a spade a spade and demand that justice be done! Bhavananda dasa and any other child molester MUST be removed at once from the TOVP and from Sri Mayapur dhama or any other place in ISKCON where children and gurukulas are present! As this man NEVER reformed! 

I have personally counseled many ex-gurukulis and Prabhupada disciples who have directly suffered under the atrocious abuse of this rogue in the garb of a Vaishnava! I have spent countless hours and sleepless nights, witnessing their intense pain and suffering, and prevented some of them from committing suicide as their voice was never acknowledged and justice was never exacted from him, personally! 

His sins and those of many other perpetrators have cost our ISKCON temples millions of dollars, have costs the lives of some of ISKCON’s children as they took their own lives in utter despair and have inhibited the spiritual growth of all those who have been abused! So if Ambarish Prabhu still, as the chairman of the TOVP, maintains his position of formerly removing Radha Jivan das and keeping Bhavananda das on this project, then I will never give even a penny to this project as it will show the level of integrity the TOVP team has! 

It will then confirm that it is not in line with what our great Acaryas stood for and fought against, and it will then show that it does not uphold the standards of purity needed to manifest this spiritual prediction of Sri Nityananda Rama, as such empowerment can only come from purity of the heart, surrender to the Lord and by strictly following of our Param Guru’s instructions! No gentlemen would ever cause the massive amount of pain Bhavananda dasa has imposed on innocent Vaishnava children, mothers and fathers over the years! 

Begging and praying to Srila Prabhupada and our revered Parampara to enlighten, awaken and inspire the true leaders of Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON movement to uphold dharma and fulfill their duties to their spiritual master, to no longer tolerate, ignore or give prominent position to the REAL offenders and abusers of Vaishnavis, Vaishnavas, Cows and Krishna’s children, all the while silencing and calling the victims offenders! 

Your insignificant servant in the service of the Vaishnavas and Srila Prabhupada, Vaishnavi Devi dasi 

I also want and demand full transparency of single aspect TOVP project. TOVP should be accountable for all 17,000 donors and countless supporters. Thank you writing the open letter Ys Raganuga Gaura 

*** There is much more behind what has happened and molesters are still there as before (Bhavananda is the past). 

Subramaniam: I feverently pray to Srila Prabhupada that transparency should come in ISKCON. But only thing I can’t understand by HG Bhavannada pb track record how he was brought into TVOP inner rings. To cleanse our heart Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said we have to clean the Temple like in Sri Jagannath Puri, ie. Gundicha temple Lila to collect lots of dirt. So for him cleaning the 108 temples would have best for him as well as ISKCON, why he was allow to construct new ones while he messed up old ones and not cleaned them? 

When there is a large gap in what we preach and what philosophy we practice then “we have not entered spiritual life” There many qualified devotees spotless to do this construction. ISKCON leaders are should accept Srila Prabhupada’s philosophy to progress in their spiritual life rather than trying to be power hungry on controlling devotees, finance and inventing new things- and throwing out Srila Prabhupada’s directives. 

We should donate after understanding who the project leaders are. Mission is important than the institution. If the institution called ISKCON forgets the mission of its founder, then it is useless labor. Srila Prabhupada set example when his godbrothers lost sight of mission, he started a new institution to continue the mission of his guru. 

With God blessed brain I can understand only few GBC’s have faith on Srila Prabhupada’s words- rest of are just living on guru’s expense a “good life” Note: our spiritual progress cannot be checked by anything material, and no need of any riots I’m also a donor to TVOP, but stopped it after I understood the leaders. 

*** Pl. accept my humble obeisances: Obviously, we have leadership problems in ISKCON. Independent of the GBC, devotees need to organize and do the needful themselves. I have never donated to any ISKCON temple project, including TOVP, because the subtle Temple in the heart of Srila Prabhupada’s institution is compromised. Compromised by ambitious managers who don’t seem interested in the Truth but in maintaining their illusions. 

Obviously Bahavananda, apparently a known repeat CHILD MOLESTER must be dealt with. If he has been found to be such, why has he not been brought to justice? If senior ISKCON and TOPV management is protecting him, hey are guilty and suspect as well. Devotees who can’t understand or conceive that demons of the world are actively conspiring, and that their attention has certainly turned to ISKCON for decades now, are certainly being bewildered by Maya themselves. 

Why? Is it because these people exploit spiritual movements for their own gain? Even ever so subtly? I pray we may do the needful and continue to build our case, so that Srila Prabhupada’s mission and institutions may realize once again their pure spiritual glory. Hare Krsna 


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