Monday, August 29, 2022

ISKCON India Scholars Board: Acharyas Are Sinners Who Need Atonement

[PADA: Now Krishna Kirti (and his Basu Ghosh India ICC) are saying that Lokanath is (A) Krishna's successor guru and (B) a sinful man -- who needed to atone for his sins, and he has conducted devotional actions that purified him of his sins. Wait? Acharyas are sinful men who need to atone for their sins? 

Wow, so the India ICC thinks acharyas are sinful, maybe pedophiles, simultaneously, dancing with the gopis? That means they are at best, sahajiyas, if not, sinful demons who want to make illicit sex part of the qualification of being Krishna's successor.

Assuming pure devotees are also sinful pedophiles, let us review the atonement process the GBC originally created. The atonement everyone agreed upon is, he will not hold a post of authority in ISKCON. 

When is the agreed upon atonement going to start? Krishna Kirti avoids the whole point. Lokanath acted sinfully, he and the GBC -- and the victim and her family -- all agreed to a specific atonement, he cannot hold a post of authority. When is that going to begin? 

Krishna Kirti does not even mention the fact that Lokanath has already broken his original atonement plan. That simply makes him a liar in addition to be a molester. Nor does Krishna Kirti explain how acharyas can be pedophiles who need atonement in the first place? 

Nor does Krishna Kirti mention that Lokanath is a big leader in a process that molested several thousand children, and no atonement for all of these other crimes against children is even being discussed. When will that begin?] 

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Letter PAMHO:

From: Internet: "Krishna Kirti Das" <>

Date: 26-Aug-22 02:56 (08:26 +0530)

To: "Krishna Kirti Das" <>

Reference: Text PAMHO:33427831 by Internet: Krishna Kirti Das


Lokanath Case: Is the scientific basis of the CPO compatible with KC?


Dear Maharajas, Prabhus, PAMHO AGTSP.

The below message was forwarded to the SABHA on August 23, 2022, just a few days ago. This message below in particular discusses the scientific basis
of the CPO and how it relates to child protection generally and the case against Lokanatha Maharaja in particular. I hope you find it informative.

If you prefer to read it as a web page, there is an HTML-based and
formatted version of the letter to the SABHA members that can be found at
this link:

Your servant, Krishna Kirti dasa


Dear members of the SABHA, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and your services to him. I know that some of you feel that in the case regarding Lokanatha Swami should be "re-reviewed" (i.e. retried) by the CPO. And you feel this way because the CPO's diagnostic and investigative abilities in the matter of child protection are based on the "state of the art" in the fields of psychology and social science.

[PADA: Not really. Child molesters should not be given a post of authority, especially guru. That is really common morality and not some state of the art modern concept. There are many sahajiya lines that have deviants posing as gurus, and the bona fide Vaishnavas do not accept them -- for centuries.]  

Thus, those ISKCON decision-makers who lacked direct training from the CPO or who did not have advanced degrees in the social sciences were never really competent to decide the matter.

[PADA: Cannot argue with that. Over and over the ISKCON decision-makers allowed child molesters into posts of authority. And there has been one serious out cropping after the next -- of subsequent and repeated scandals and problems over and over as a result. The clear history of all this is, yes, the ISKCON leaders have failed -- repeatedly -- to handle molesters and molesting issues. And that is the whole problem with the Lokanath case, they did not handle it properly from square one.] 

However, I, like many others, feel that there are also strong reasons to believe that the CPO's scientific orientation may be neither objective nor the best way to deal with this case specifically, or even with the some of the big problems in child protection generally. Most of you have heard shastra-based objections and remain unconvinced by them. But in my opinion (I have an MS in Statistics), some of the strongest reasons to doubt the CPO's science-based approach to social justice come from the field of science itself.

[PADA: OK science is one thing, common morality is another. Common morality means -- we should have child molesters possibly banned, or at least reduced to perhaps -- visiting under regulated and supervised conditions -- and not be given positions of authority in the society. 

The regular mundane society already does that, a registered sex offender has many restrictions and he is banned from being near a school, and he must be supervised when he attends public functions etc. In ISKCON just the opposite happens, abusers or molesters and / or their enablers are welcome, we protestors are banned. 

Really, this has no relationship to modern state of the art science, it is just common morality. And as a society -- we must give assurances to the parents of that society -- that they can safely bring their children in confidence into ISKCON. 

Right now for example, M Dasi says she CAN trust her kids in the karmi day care, but she CAN NOT ever allow them to be left unsupervised in ISKCON. OK current ISKCON leaders cannot be trusted by many folks, easily thousands and thousands of folks, and that is why -- ISKCON as a society does not have a good track record of properly caring for kids. The Lokanath case is merely one of thousands of cases where children were exploited and no justice was done.] 

Not only myself, but none other than the late Sadaputa Prabhu (whose PhD was also in Statistics) expressed a similar fear more generally about ISKCON leaders adopting the non-theistic, mechanistic world-views of modern science just to appear respectable to society at large.

Commenting on modern science's challenge to religious institutions generally, Sadaputa Prabhu writes, 

"Today, the Catholic Church has responded to this by creating a Pontifical  Academy of Sciences staffed by a host of scientific luminaries, including
several Nobel laureates. The Academy discusses current scientific issues
from a mainstream scientific viewpoint, and it recently proclaimed that,

“We are convinced that masses of evidence render the application of the
concept of evolution to man and the other primates beyond serious dispute.”

Meanwhile, Catholics continue to believe in such things as the miracles of Jesus Christ, which are part of a world view completely alien to the mechanistic, evolutionary world view of modern science. 

"For those who are ignorant of the issues, or who are able to enter into a 
dissociative state of double-think, this contradictory situation may be tolerable. But for thoughtful, well-educated people, it leads ultimately to one conclusion: science is right, religion is wrong, and there is no God in any traditional sense of that term."

Before taking any decision, I encourage you to read Sadaputa's essay, titled "On Preaching to Scientists and Scholars"


And since the CPO is also a science-based institution, Sadaputa's general concerns also apply to the CPO. And here I will briefly discuss some of the concerns Sadaputa generally presented as they could apply to the case of Lokanath Maharaja.

#### Simpson's Paradox ####

The high recidivism rate of convicted of child sexual abusers is used to justify considering even a single offense no matter how slight as unpardonable. Once a child-abuser, always a child-abuser. This is the CPO's policy and also the policy generally followed in law in secular society.

[PADA: What does that matter to the victims of abuse in ISKCON? Do the victims care if the person might not abuse again? That is not the issue. The issue is -- that the molesters have to be given some sort of punishment and restrictions, and making them into messiahs is not doing that at all. And since thousands of kids were molested under Lokanath's jackboot's regime, he should be held accountable for all those victims as well. Everyone wants to know, when is that going to finally happen?] 

But this argument is susceptible to being undermined by the statistical effect called Simpson's Paradox. A Simpson's Paradox occurs when a trend appears in two or more different groups of data but disappears or reverses when the data from all the groups is combined into a single group. The Wikipedia entry on Simpson's Paradox 

<> gives the example of a
famous gender-bias study conducted at UC Berkely in 1973. In that study, the overall acceptance rate of men across all programs was found to be higher than the acceptance rate of women. This outcome suggested that there was indeed an effect of gender-bias against women in favour of men. 

But on closer investigation, it was found that men tended to apply to departments that were larger and less competitive (and therefore had higher acceptance rates), and that women tended to apply to departments that were smaller and more competitive (and thus had lower acceptance rates).

And once the necessary corrections were made, the data actually showed that 
there was a "small but statistically significant bias in favour of women." Indeed, in 4 of the 6 largest departments, women had a statistically higher rate of acceptance than men.

Thus, by removing distinctions between subgroups in data, Simpson's Paradox
masks or reverses the actual trends present in subgroups.

## How does Simpson's Paradox apply to Lokanatha Maharaja's case? ##

There is reason to believe that Maharaja belongs to a subgroup whose recidivism rate would be very low to nil. That group would consist of saintly people who fully take shelter of the Lord as the means for atoning for their sins. 

As per Bhagavad-gita 9.30, and Srila Prabhupada's purport, for such people, only taking shelter of the Lord's devotional service is the only requirement, and such people remain saintly. The liberation of Ajamila and also Jagai and Madhai from the reactions of their sins shows that bhakti not only pardons them for their sins but they are cleansed of the tendency. 

This subgroup would have a low to nil recidivism rate.

But the problem with child abuse science is that no one wants to fund studies to identify subgroups of child abusers who have low recidivism rates. Politicians and other grant-giving institutions do not want to pay for that kind of research. Scientists who find child abusers with high recidivism rates will get grant money for more research; finding subgroups with low recidivism rates will not. Hence, the scientists and the science in the area of child abuse is biased toward a socially favoured outcome.

#### Confounded Variables and Theoretical Perspective ####

## Confounded Variables ##

Confounded variables occur when two or more characteristics (variables) in your observed data can explain a particular effect and there is no way to reliably distinguish the strength of the effect of one variable from another.

For example, conservative estimates of child sexual abuse broken down by gender are that at least 90% of all victims are female and at least 90% of their abusers are male. Although a female child is certainly less able to defend herself than a grown woman, you cannot understand from these statistics whether being a child or being female has a greater effect in causing a child sex abuse event to occur. Thus, the variables "child" and "female" are confounded.

If your policy for child sexual abuse prevention depends on these variables, then knowing whether "child" or "female" has the stronger effect will determine what kind of policy and institution you put in place to deal with your problem. But if your variables are confounded or not subject to accurate investigation, then you have to make some guess as to which of the variables are more important. Once you make this guess, then you can go about creating your science experiment or building your institution.

## Theoretical Perspective ##

This "guess" comes from a "theoretical perspective," which is a set of unproven assumptions held by scientists about the causes and effects they see in the data they investigate. Often, the science researchers create experiments in order to confirm or reject the assumptions of their theoretical perspective.

But more often than not, a theoretical perspective remains unproven yet still becomes widespread in a particular scientific field, just like the Big-Bang Theory in Astrophysics, where it has become a virtually unchallengeable orthodoxy. And because it's an orthodoxy, there is grant money for Big-Bang Theory-based research and almost nothing if you want to challenge it.

And scientific fields like psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, etc., must rely more on theoretical perspectives than do any other scientific fields. This is because humans as compared with atoms and chemicals are much more difficult to reliably investigate. Atoms do not care if you blow them up or just want to look at them, but humans do. And humans typically don't like you looking over their shoulder and often lie about who they are or what they did. So, in place of reliable data and inference, these fields rely more on unproven beliefs about their subject of study (humans) than any other field. Indeed, the science in these fields
is significantly dependent on the researchers' personal or shared but unproven beliefs.

#### The CPO and its theoretical perspective ####

So, what is the CPO's theoretical perspective? What are some of the shared,
unproven beliefs that motivate their policies?

Children are vulnerable and deserve protection, but so are women. Thus, in the field of child sexual abuse, the question as to whether child or gender is the more significant factor is confounded. So, as with the science that informs it, an unproven belief in the CPO's theoretical perspective is that child is more important than gender. Therefore their solutions like "good touch, bad touch" tend to be child-centric and gender-neutral. As the CPO's name implies, the "child" in "Child Protection Office" gives more weight to being a child than to any other factor.

#### Gender Neutrality and Power Relations ####

The CPO's own definition of child abuse tells us much about its theoretical perspective. Not only is it gender-neutral to a fault, it also gives
differences in power-relations as a causal explanation for impetus to abuse
a child in the first place.

As per the CPO's website


"Child abuse is when a person exerts his or her power over a child in ways that harm and/or exploit the child. The abuser is powerful; the child is vulnerable. The abuser can gain power over the child through size, position, knowledge, or money. All of these work to make the abuser feel he or she is able to behave inappropriately toward a child and that the child will be unable to stop the abusive behavior."

This is the CPO's fundamental definition of child abuse, and its commitment to gender-neutrality and power-relations as a causal factor will tell us much about the CPO's theoretical perspective and its origins. 

#### Power-Relations Theory and its Marxist Origins ####

In the broader field of the social sciences, the concept of power-relations, has several contributing theoretical perspectives. But perhaps one of the earliest and most influential among them is the Marxist perspective on class difference.

The Marxist theory of class difference is that differences between social classes in society itself gives rise to exploitation, since the people who are in a superior class necessarily act to preserve their status, which must come at the expense of exploiting others in the inferior class. 

The CPO definition of abuse closely follows this understanding by noting that differences in power between an abuser and a child gives rise to desires to abuse the child (highlighting added): 

"The *abuser is powerful*; the *child is vulnerable*. The abuser can *gain power* over the child *through size, position, knowledge, or money*.

All of *these work to make the abuser feel he or she is able to behave 
inappropriately *toward a child."

Note that possessing power generates the feeling that "he or she" is able to behave inappropriately toward a child."

This close resemblance to classic Marxist class-conflict theory is hardly surprising, as the field of sociology itself is significantly Marxist in its own origins. As per C. Wright Mills, author of *The Sociological Imaginiation,*

"So very much of modern social science has been a frequently unacknowledged
debate with the work of Marx and a reflection, as well of the challenge of
the socialist movements and communist parties."

This does not imply that members of the CPO are secret Marxists. But given the historical development of the social sciences, it would be naive of them or anyone else to continue to believe that their perspectives and methods are not deeply influenced by Marxist thought.

#### Power Relations Theory explains commitment to gender-neutrality ####

The CPO's belief in power-relations theory is related to their gender-neutral definition of child sexual-abuse, in which sexual gratification is described in gender-neutral terms (bolding added):

"When perpetrators (male or female) use a child to meet their own sexual needs, where a child is coerced (physical / verbal), induced, persuaded, enticed, seduced, exposed, or entrapped into sexual acts with another person. The coercion can be either physical or verbal. Examples of sexual abuse may include fondling, intercourse, incest, and the exploitation of and exposure to child pornography or prostitution. *It is important to note that the child is never truly capable of consenting or resisting such contact.*"

Why does the CPO say "It is important to note that the child is never truly
capable of consenting"? Because if a child were able to give consent, then it wouldn't be abuse. Again, power-relations, or power-difference, is implied as the cause of abuse. That also explains why child marriage, for example, would also be considered abusive—even if both families of a boy and girl agreed to the proposal.

The power-relations theory also explains why the CPO and advocates for it want to give the harshest punishment to Lokanatha Maharaja, which may include not only ending his authority to act as a diksha-guru but also require him to give up the sannyasa ashram. By curbing power-relations, or by minimizing class difference, Marxists believe that curbing the power of the elites restores equality and therefore reduces exploitation.

#### Power Relations Theory to avoid being accused of homophobia ####

But a more important reason for the CPO's adherence to gender neutrality is the social science community's belief that homosexuality is natural and not evidence of any kind of disordered condition. Otherwise, if gender was fundamental to the definition of child sexual abuse, then being openly homosexual would automatically mark one as a likely child abuser.

It should also be noted that until about 50 years ago, all civilized countries considered homosexual behaviour criminally punishable. The modern social science community considers this view to be repugnant, perhaps more than any other. And the typical way to avoid this accusation is to explain child abuse, including sexual abuse, in gender neutral terms and power relations so as not to be accused of being homophobic.

Members of the CPO know that to be suspected of being homophobic in any
measure will be professional suicide. Therefore the CPO itself has taken shelter of power-relations theory to preserve their public respectability and authority.

#### CPO theoretical perspective clashes with Krishna Consciousness ####

Sadaputa Prabhu's primary worry was that if ISKCON leaders adopt scientific
perspectives in order to appear respectable, that this would result in a loss of faith among ISKCON's own people. And the CPO is a particular example illustrating that concern.

Much could be said about the differences between the CPO's theoretical  perspective and Krishna conscious perspective, but the most important with
regard to child sexual abuse is that according to the Bhagavatam, sex attraction itself is the fundamental basis of material life (pumsa-striya mithuni bhavam etam, SB 5.5.8), and hence despite the best of training a man simply being within close proximity of a woman is liable to be attracted by sex.

mātrā svasrā duhitrā vā nāviviktāsano bhavet
balavān indriya-grāmo vidvāṁsam api karṣati

"One should not allow oneself to sit on the same seat even with one’s own mother, sister or daughter, for the senses are so strong that even though
one is very advanced in knowledge, he may be attracted by sex." (SB 9.19.17)

The implications of this are that when gender difference is considered the causal impetus for sex attraction, regardless of whether it is a child or not, then the emphasis is no longer on the child but on segregating society by gender.

Furthermore, being attracted by sex is no longer considered a product of power relations or class difference as per the Marxists. Instead, the sex attraction is acknowledged as a power outside of one's own self, and therefore controlling it requires arranging social relations in such a way that the possibility of the genders coming within close contact is minimized.

In other words, the theoretical perspective in Krishna consciousness is that gender, not child, is the fundamental causal factor for child sexual abuse. Therefore the Krishna conscious solution to child sexual abuse is to rearrange the society such that women come only into minimal contact with men. If 90% of child sex abuse victims are female, and 90% of the perpetrators are men, then minimizing the chances for contact between the genders will reduce the great majority of child sexual abuse incidents. 

Would the CPO advocate for this? The CPO has its own theoretical perspective, which is compatible with modern social science but not with Krishna consciousness—at least not in certain fundamental ways and certainly not fully.

Your servant,

Krishna Kirti Das


ISKCON India Scholars Board 

Due to restraints of time, I did not include references for many of the points. If you have any questions about sources or references, please correspond with me privately. Ys, KKdas

End of Forwarded Message ------

[PADA: OK so we are left with a toothless internal process to deal with molesting. Therefore PADA and our associates are doing the right thing, advising people to go to the police authorities, exposing the Lokanath regime, suing the Lokanath regime, and starting a group of people to counter the Lokanath pedophile messiah's club. There is no other good option. And we are again being interviewed by the mundane media people right now, and what else can we tell them -- other than -- pedophile worship is still going on now, as it has all along since 1978? 

And worse, even when one of their pedophile messiahs is found to be guilty, and he -- and maybe just everyone else in ISKCON management -- agrees he has to atone, he does not even bother to follow the agreed upon atonement process. They just spit in the faces of their victims, over and over and over. 

Then they make pretend they cannot understand why some of their victims feel suicidal, or they commit suicide in fact? Or their victims just hate the religion? Ummm, ok because you guys are training them to hate the religion by your actions, and your contrived explanations for why pedophiles should be excused, such as Krishna Kirti does herein.

ys pd]


  1. M Dasi: Acharyas are sinful men who need atonement. What about us? There is no atonement for us. We want to worship the pure devotee ... so we get the punishment ... the molesters get to stay. There is no atonement plan for us ... we are always punished perpetually.

    And if we see this happen ... in thousands of cases ... those of us who oppose these molesters are removed ... then molesters ... and those who worship these molesters ... get to stay ... how can anyone say they cannot understand why thousands of children have been molested? We all know how thousands of kids were molested.

    We get removed and punished ... the molesters get to stay and be worshiped as good as God. And we do not know how thousands of children are molested in that society? That is ... if we want to even call it a "society." It is actually a molester worshiping cult.

    No, they know that their idea of worship of molesters is causing thousands of kids to be molested. They know because everyone else already knows.

    Krishna Kirti is really on a big fishing expedition. He is looking for some excuse to keep their pedophile worship system going along. Too bad. There is none. His word jugglery is a pretty amazing trick ... but we all have seen these same tricks before. You cannot fool us forever.

  2. LW: I need to know ... who forgot to send them the memo? After they have been digging themselves into a hole since 1978 with one concoction after the next ... they really need to stop talking and quit digging. Just stop! They are making it worse by speaking ... anything.

    He is a pedophile. Therefore ... he is an acharya. And he is also a sinner who is performing atonement. Unfortunately ... he is not performing the atonement he promised he would do.

    So he is also a liar. And Srila Prabhupada says we should not consider that devotees need to perform ANY atonement ... if they are chanting sincerely. Oh ... he is not sincere. And all of this is related to what Sadaputa said about statistics? The need to put down their shovel ... they are now just burying themselves more in their own self made hole.

    And the neophytes might fall down .. we should forgive them and allow them another chance ... and that applies to acharyas ... who are always falling down. However the people who worship Srila Prabhupada shall never be forgiven. EVER!

    They are the eternal enemies of ISKCON! Sue them! Ban them! Never forgive them ... forever. I think we have all seen this movie before. I'll just get some popcorn and see if their movie has a different ending this time.

  3. SD Dasi: Silly me! I thought they threw in the towel when they said ... Lokanath's sex attraction is due to ... his "immature understanding" from being raised in India. Threw India's culture right under the bus.

    The ICC India people know how to insult India's culture better than any of the Western fools. They will attack India's Vedic culture ... that means ... no one else is going to be saved from their attacks. Since they will even attack their own Krishna based culture ... none of us do not rate high in their scheme.

    Face it! They attack anything that stops the dollar bills from flowing into their hands from Lokanath's big donors. They are greedy money hogs and not spiritual people.

    They should have quit when they were ahead ... they were only attacking India's Vedic culture ... and acharyas ... and the parampara ... now Krishna Kirti is admitting that Lokanath is not only a perv ... he does not even keep his promise to the atonement plan they made.

    He is also a liar. Then again saying acharyas need atonement is also a lie. Saying Lokanath's lust is due to India culture is another lie. They just keep piling up the lies. And Krishna Kirti is not helping them keep their story straight. He simply made them look worse.

  4. JD: We are not supposed to rely on bogus psychology people. But Lokanath is a molester because he was raised in India culture, which is defective, and this is why he has lusty desires. Lokanath is not the problem, India culture is the problem. As Freud would say ... his mother is the problem.

    Whooahhh! Freud said that too ... he is behaving badly because of his mother making mistakes when he was growing up. The man's bad behavior is because he was BADLY trained that way.

    We can use bogus psychology when it suits ... and claim to be free of it when it suits. This is called hypocrisy. Of course! Attacking India culture is what the mlecchas ... I forgot ... Krishna Kirti and the ICC and their bogus Lokanath gurus are always doing.

    Why don't they want to hear from bogus psychology? Because the psychology experts all agree ... molesting victims suffer BAD effect for maybe their whole life. Maybe they will have PTSD. Maybe they will have drug problems. Maybe they will be depressed. Maybe they will kill themselves.

    And maybe ... that is what has been happening to the molesting victims of Lokanath's molester guru's cult. To admit that they are destroying the lives of children would be surrendering to bogus psychology. We cannot have that!

    Then our whole molester guru's enterprise would collapse in a heap. In other words ... their whole molester guru program is about blaming someone else ... India's culture, Lokanath's family, Lokanath's mom, bogus psychology, the victims, the bogus mlecchas, it is never about admitting ... child molesters are not Krishna's guru successors and it is very sinful to create that system. This is simply more evidence they are covering up for their molester gurus ... as they have done the whole time already.

    The kept pushing the garbage under the house to hide it ... but now it smells so bad ... the whole neighborhood smells it. Krishna Kirti waving his hands around is just spreading the smell.

  5. PADA: 1997? The year they started to make all sorts of proclamations that they were fixing everything, because they knew we were suing them in court for $400,000,000. So now they could go to the court to show everyone how they improved everything. Meanwhile, they spent more money on San Fernando lawyers than paying the victims. Then some years later, according to my friends over there, the San Fernando lawyers had to sue ISKCON for non-payment. In 1997 they were still avoiding me, harassing me, and the Los Angele police told me to avoid the temple area because I might not survive over there. They only made pretend they were fixing everything. Then, they started to send me nasty messages, "you caused us $100,000,000 in legal fees." Wait? I told them in 1980 to fix the molesting program or they would be sued? What did they tell me in 1980? Go ahead, take us to court then! Everytime I went past the temple on my bike, the GBC lawyers and all the temple leaders were out in the front of the temple, huddled together trying to figure out how to cheat the victims by not paying them. They wrote all sorts of papers saying they are against abuse, because their lawyers told them to. Yes, 1997 was a big year for them to start writing all sorts of documents about child abuse, because ... their lawyers were advising them to do so. And these lawyers are the most expensive San Fernando valley company, they are not cheap. Meanwhile some of these gurukulis were homeless and living in their cars around the temple. ys pd

  6. JJ: Lord! I am a sinner! I need relief! And atonement! What should I do Lord? Right! Worship another sinner who also needs atonement. What?

    This is what Krishna's religion teaches? When we are sinful ... and we need atonement ... we should worship another sinner who also needs atonement.

    I need to cure myself from being a criminal ... so I should worship .. another criminal? Where do they find all this nonsense in the VEDAS? They don't bother to read the VEDAS. The VEDAS say that the sinful will worship the other sinfuls because they are asuras. We are supposed to worship the sinless in order to become sinless ourself.

    How can we become sinless ... by worship of the sinful? These people have no idea what Krishna is talking about ... and they never did. All their psychology mumbo jumbo does not change the facts.

    And the fact is ... worship of the sinful does not cure the sinful ... it keeps them trapped in the material world. And that is the goal of the asuras ... to keep souls trapped here to suffer perpetually along with them.

    Krishna never said we should worship the sinful who need atonements ... that is the complete opposite of what He says. They don't care what Krishna says ... because they are asuras. We need to worship the pure to become pure ... or else we never become pure. They have never understood the basics of VEDAS.

    Now they are teaching "touching your nose Yoga" class here in the name of ISKCON. Touch your nose and worship the sinful ... and stay here rotting in illusion. That is always the goal of these asuras.

  7. DM: Acharyas are sinful people who need atonement. Same as what the atheist says, or what some Christians say, or what some Muslims say, or what some Mayavadas say. The acharyas are sinful, or even pedophiles, that is what the offenders to the acharyas have said ... all along. Offenders even criticize Lord Chaitanya.

    In fact some of them even say Krishna is Himself a debauchee. Krishna is a debauchee ... and therefore ... His successors are also debauchees. Why are the ISKCON GBC people following and always quoting these people? I thought we were supposed to say ... the acharyas are free from sins ... and they would therefore not need some atonement for sins. Where do they get this stuff from?

    If the acharyas are sinful ... why should anyone follow them? And that is why their temples are empty.


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