Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Shyamapriya DD: "Why are ISKCON Women Marginalized"?

[PADA: Why aren't women being made more relevant in ISKCON? Shyamapriya is giving some good points here. Well yep, this is a big problem. Women are generally suppressed, and not allowed to give much input. Why? We would say, because for example, most of the "ISKCON men" are creating an illicit sex guru process. 

And therefore, most women wholesale reject that process -- because illicit sex guru programs are most likely -- exploiting women and children. Women want to protect the vulnerable, as that is their nature. Thus IF ISKCON WOMEN are allowed to protest, the ISKCON "men's" illicit sex with men, women and children guru empire collapses.

My friend in India says "the crap is going to hit the fan" in ISKCON India in the not too distant future. Not sure what he refers to here? Maybe their pedophile messiah's program with Lokanath will finally be the last straw. Who knows, but he has about less than zero confidence in their ability to hold it together. 

Notice in the Shyamapriya video how empty these temples are these days? It is a ghost town. And she says it well become more of a ghost town if things are not fixed. She is right. ys pd   

    Hmmm, is it the rainbow guru coalition?

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