Monday, June 21, 2021

Attacking Lokanath "Because he is Indian" vs PADA

YD: What about Indradyumna swami? His bogus videos have been up since a long long time, he is still getting cancer, still smiling, clicking pictures of girls and initiating. And looks like no one in interested in his case, only a brown man's (Indian born person) case which doesn't even exist for the victim.

[PADA: Except the victim has made a complaint web site. And the victim is an Indian bodied person.]

KE: This is about a particular issue, Lokanath swami, not all the evils of iskcon.

PADA: One of Satya's relatives is a friend of mine. His wife was very pregnant, almost ready to deliver her baby. And when he began to expose some of these things and protest, the GBC's temple managers suddenly kicked their family out of their apartment right at the time of delivery almost, and she had a miscarriage. The baby died. 

Many of us think the miscarriage was because the temple created all this chaos just at the wrong time. These people have India origin bodies and I have no idea why this would matter one way or other, we cannot mistreat others and call ourselves devotees of God, whether the victims are Indian, Caucasian, or whatever it is. That has nothing to do with the root issue, we cannot mistreat women, children and vulnerable elders, it is sinful whether the victims are this race or that race is not the real point. Satya's site is public domain, it is out there already for the public. This is not a race issue, it is an abuse issue.

RKD: ISKCON belongs to Srila Prabhupada only. The gbc are supposedly caretakers only. Now they have hijacked iskcon. There is rape of children, women are victimized etc. Iskcon was once a nice reputation household name, now it is shamed and saddened only a shadow.

PADA: For starters, Lokanath is the person who tossed India culture under the bus, he said this (child molesting) is an India cultural thing ... I am defending India culture more than he is, I say this is not part of the original India culture. 

YD: Well said. Last year in New Vrindaban a young man named Venkatachalapati committed suicide after a meeting with Malati and the TP Jay Krishna, they went out of their way to bury this case and are still smiling on how they got out of it by maligning his character. With this kind of gross killing is still going on, we must have the eyes to see what is wrong and what is right. 

Definitely the overall GBC needs a revival, I can truly see why they say “Old dogs do not learn new tricks” because they do not have the brain for it. Our NA gbc certainly has been and will remain unfair and full of mentally autistic people if we do not bring about an overall change. If we really want such a real change, then everyone is ready to sacrifice what it takes to get a good overall system going. 

Not that removing LS will solve this. It really depends on the real motive, if we want to change this set up in a proper direction for the next 10,000 years. Everyone will accept the change for a higher cause provided the motive is real, in this case Malati made her motive clear (who herself is an expert at cheating) so we had to step in, otherwise -- if motive was real more people would have joining to help you even from india.

The only thing I would say is when this case came up I looked at Lokanath Swamis classes more and try to see if this man was genuine or fake. It’s clear he is genuine, the more I hear Malati, Bhavananada and others -- you can clearly see they are fakes. 

Fake it till you make it, you may argue otherwise, but devotion can transform and we can see that with LS. Some people don’t change will never change like Malati as they don’t even know the art of bhakti, just Prabhupada pushed them for a few years after which they got their hippie mind back. 

What he transformed Maharashtra into is incredible, no one in this thread can do even 1/1000 th of it. It’s pretty clear though that this incident, and this fight will make him stronger more deeper in devotion and more surrendered and I expect to see the best of Lokanath Swami from now on , as for NA GBC and NA Iskcon with the pathetic leadership and female gurus (fdg) soon to be used commonly disaster and ruin awaits.

PADA: OK but! Malati may have her faults, but she is the GBC system person who pointed out that Lokanath is blaming India culture, she said this is a mistake and an attack on Vedic society. And she is right at least on this count, although she is not always right on other issues. To say that sexual predator action is part of India's culture is -- wrong, whether stated by Malati or anyone else. 

RKD: Yes LS should step down wear white not be so called rubber stamped guru — No one is saying kick him out -- compassion -- yes he can render service to Srila Prabhupada. This will help the future of iskcon.

PADA: First! Lokanath needs to apologize for saying this molesting process is an India cultural thing, this will make the problem spread ... and it has spread due to this misconception. 

YD: She said all Indians are rapists and sent an email apologizing. I do not know what good she ever said?

PADA: Are you saying we should allow people like Lokanath to say molesting is an India cultural thing? Not sure what your point is? 

YD: He never said that the way this whole thing has been misconstrued. I spoke to many of disciples who as kids way back then did sit on lap and Have pleasant interactions, many good experiences however in this case there was a minor discretion. Now to call it molestation and to call him serial predator, he did nothing like that. If you take his statement seriously, please also take his statement that he is not a threat and what he has done for all these years in inspiring millions in india and around the world. 

What has malati done except get a free car from Indian donors and get free money and air tickets and just go blasting Indians, when Indians bow down to get they don’t know what an evil india hater they are bowing down to, misusing Prabhupadas name. 

There is a difference between Malatis vicious non-changeable character and Maharaj who had a minor issue however by the practice of pure devotion he has set the right example. You may not agree, but show me one leader in NA GBC who has any potency including Badrinarayan who is all about San Diego Hindu's money? 

All these people busy with this case have a crazy past and for sure NA GBC and Iskcon are doomed to be in the hands of these people for a long time to come. Well India will go way ahead whereas NA ISKCON has to continue to depend on Indians for money, and then struggle to put them down and keep them under control. That is an issue staring at your face right now for all Indians in NA, a dangerous proposition to be ruled by these feminist elites.

PKD: Yes remove anyone who has hurt children from positions of worship and leadership. Otherwise the whole movement is in jeopardy.

PADA: Malati is making a point which so far -- has not been answered properly. If someone says -- sexual predator behavior is part of India's culture -- isn't that promoting ill behavior as more or less permissible -- because that is inherent in the culture of India? 

I see no evidence that sexual predatory behavior is allowed in the original Vedic culture of India. Rather Manu Samhita etc. has some very strong punishments for sexual aggressors, especially if the victims are children. Sexual predators being excused because -- it is part of India's culture -- is attacking the culture of India. Where has this issue been addressed properly in an official counter statement etc.? 

And if Lokanath is "promoting India's culture to millions of people" then why is he "2/3 show of hands voted in" to an illicit sex with taxi driver's in the dham "Vishnupada" acharya's program, that promotes -- indeed reinstated -- their oral sex among men Vishnupada acharya? And why is he part of an illicit sex with men, women and children acharya's program? At all? And now his program is burying pedophiles in samadhi in the dham. Where is his respect for the dham?

And why are so many children getting molested in and around LS's program, including one of the children he apparently molested himself? And why are we Vaishnavas being banned, beaten, molested, sued and assassinated, especially when we refuse to promote their program of worship of pedophiles as Krishna's successors? 

And while all of this criminal nonsense is going on -- in and around Lokanath's guru parampara -- this is all being WIDELY reported in the mass media newspapers all over the planet, read by millions and billions of people all over the world. How is that preaching nicely to millions of people, by promoting his pedophile guru process, which is creating a horrific impression of the Krishna religion to BILLIONS OF PEOPLE? Worldwide! 

In sum! Lokanatha is voted into an illicit sex with men, women and children guru parampara, and that is "inspiring million of people in India"? Why are we inspiring people to worship an illicit sex with men, women and children acharya's program, that is banning, beating, suing, molesting and assassinating Vaishnavas? 

And what does this have to do with brown bodies, white bodies, or green bodies? Lokanath swami's program has been forcing little children to worship their illicit sex with men, women and children guru's program all along -- the whole time since 1978. His program is criminally corrupting the morals of minors -- by telling the little children of the world to worship his debauchee's and pedophile's guru program. He is attacking children day in and day out by telling them to worship his pedophile pals, or himself, another pedophile. 

Making children worship pedophiles as their gurus will take the persons orchestrating that to the crappiest crap hole in the universe, and Yamaraja will not care if the sinful beings orchestrating that are brown, white, green or whatever. It is sinful -- and Lokanath is one of them -- the most sinful among men -- to promote his pedophile's guru's deviation, which is meant to destroy children and it already has destroyed thousands of them. And the people who support this program are implicated in it. And are fully liable for its karma reaction.

ys pd

1 comment:

  1. SD: Right. Lokanath is Indian. When he supports his ISKCON pedophile guru successor program ... he is lending it a lot of weight. No small wonder then ... why so many ISKCON kids get molested.

    If the pregnant relative of Satya is booted out of her apartment by GBC goondas ... and this stresses her out so badly ... and she miscarried the baby ... that means Lokanath program also has another dead body on their hands ... this poor baby's. This baby is probably another dead victim of their program. Shameless!

    I am not sure how much blood they have to have on their hands before they finally realize ... they are hurting and killing other people. And! This is why shastra says ... the demons will kill unlimited others ... they go on killing and killing ... "I have killed so many ... and I will kill many more ... to stay in power."

    Good idea??? But alas ... your stay in power does not last ... then you yourselves have to be tortured and killed ... just like you did to so many others. These people have no belief in Krishna, karma, mercy, nothing. Self evident. I like when you quoted the Christians ... "those who give no mercy ... shall receive none." I believe that is truth.


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