Friday, August 16, 2019

The Conspiracy to Replace Srila Prabhupada's Position (PADA)

PADA: The idea that Srila Prabhupada's worship / position as acharya needs to be displaced if not "replaced" with -- some other -- acharya (or acharyas) has had (A) many direct false guru operators within the ISKCON GBC, and (B) their hand maiden assistants and cheer leaders. Some of the cheer leaders and helpers of this deviation have been my own God brothers, like Mukunda swami, Danavir, Vipramukhya, Jnana das (Nemi Maharaja) and others are often disciples of the false acharyas.

And these false gurus -- joined by their dedicated followers and / or hand maidens -- have been helping this "replacement" idea by forming a sort of combined army of their "diverting the guru focus" process. Who would have guessed that after Srila Prabhupada departed some of his "dedicated" so-called followers would say -- gurus sometimes have illicit sex with men, women and children? 

OK! This is not connected to anything Krishna and His parampara stands for. Where does Krishna say, "My guru successors are often debauchees"? This is a total misrepresentation of WHO Krishna is and WHO His successors are. Then again, the whole reason we are in the material world is -- that we are envious of Krishna. Thus we wanted to divert from, if not attack, belittle and insult Krishna. And what better way to insult and attack Krishna than to say His successors are criminals, deviants and sexual predators? 

Its a conspiracy to degrade and attack Krishna by attacking and degrading His guru succession. Sulochan said it would be better to have a dog as the successor to Krishna, since a dog does not ban, beat, molest, sue and kill the Vaishnavas. So he lamented, the GBC is not advanced enough to worship a dog.

Then we wonder why Srila Prabhupada says, its an offense to consider guru as an ordinary man, because then -- that makes Krishna an ordinary man since His successors are "saksat hari" -- same as Him. So this change of siddhanta "gurus are conditioned souls who fall down" is merely one more layer in the multi-layered attack on Krishna's program. Overall however, its been a sort of multi-layered conspiracy. 

There are thus layers upon layers of conspiracy involved here, including a poison complaint from Srila Prabhupada about some of the inner core conspirators. "The poison root of the poison tree," as some folks are now identifying this cabal as. Apparently so ... 

Then we have people like Nanda Kumar. He says he was "right there" when the GBC leaders were laughing obnoxiously -- at the same time of Srila Prabhupada's departure in 1977. He says he knew something terrible was amiss, and so, he just walked away and did nothing. Adridharan das, same basic thing. He told me he was "alarmed" at the poison complaint, but then he said and did nothing. In other words, part of a conspiracy is to hide and suppress evidence and testimony, and just wander off into the sunset as your guru's house is being burnt down. Many people participated in this layer. 

And so there were ALSO other people alarmed in 1977. And they also "said and did nothing" of substance. And then Hansadutta told me how the ISKCON leaders gathered together in December 1977 to hammer out their bogus "guru appointment" claim. Another layer upon the other layers of the conspiracy. And there are generally the elements of (A) The conspiracy of commission (active plotters to usurp the guru post) and (B) The conspiracy of omission (silence) component, allowing and acquiescing with the plotters, as we see in spades in this situation.

This is perhaps what Sulochana sometimes used to say is "the army of GBC gurus and their Zombies," i.e. the guru conspirators and the mindless clones of these deviant gurus. Similarly, in the 1936 Gaudiya Matha certain leaders conspired to make conditioned souls into their gurus, and they also created various (violent and fanatical) guru cults which Srila Prabhupada says "usurped the assets and properties." 

And the 1936 guru take over conspiracy leaders and their hand maidens conspired together to make all these bogus guru programs evolve and take over the mission. And then they made a "showing the deity business" not unlike the Hindu hodge podge / yoga classes / Bhagavat sapta etc. the current ISKCON leaders are creating. You don't have to look far to find many complaints about the current "yoga classes" and other compromised programs going on now. OK a conspiracy to hijack the property and make "a guru business." Ditto what happened in 1936. 

A lot of the "innocent" simply went along with the plotters because they told me, they cannot afford to lose their room, position, maybe a salary, or their wife who is a now disciple of a GBC guru and so on and so on. So they went along to get along, or in other words they assisted and enabled the conspiracy. Same type things happen in tyrannical government programs, a lot of people just go along -- because they do not want to lose their situation within the regime. Of course at some point these pacifist / docile / compromised enablers are no longer quite so innocent, they are gradually more and more complicit by enabling and empowering the deviations.

The post-1978 ISKCON "guru regime" has the same post-1936 Gaudiya Matha components. First! A bogus guru claim. Then, creating a big "ISKCON media" propaganda machine, a legal structure, and resultant bullies, goondas and assassins to act as "enforcers" for their false guru sabha. This seems to be the same type pattern even up to today in the modern day post-1936 Gaudiya Matha's false guru system. 

Even recently -- some of the "Paramadvaiti swami" people said to us that they could not expose his fallen behaviors because they are AFRAID of his fanatical followers. So the conspiracy to make false gurus often ends up creating vicious, and no small amount of dangerous regimes, which are very hard to contain once the Pandora's box has been opened. Sri Isopanisad confirms these false gurus are "the most dangerous elements in human society." Nuff said!    

There is thus a pattern of (A) the creation of false gurus, and this generally leads to (B) the creation of a bogus guru society of legal tricks, exploiting the society, false propaganda, changing the siddhanta, and of course resultant fanatical goondas who act as odious "enforcers" for the false gurus. 

As we have seen, this can then become a violent personality cult process. And this can lead to a pattern of banning, beating, molesting, lawsuits and murders of dissenters -- as happened in certain cases -- in both the Gaudiya Matha and ISKCON. Did I forget to mention that the process of banning, beating, molesting, lawsuits and murders makes for bad PUBLIC MEDIA exposes, as Srila Prabhupada told us it did with bad media in the 1940s in India. These leaders apparently don't really care that much about the welfare of the religion, or the citizens of the religion, or the bad media coverage, they seem to be there for a smash and grab short term personal profit mainly.

Then again, the process of making false gurus has gone on and on for millions of years, and so have the deviant and dangerous side effects. Ravana had falsely dressed himself as a sannyasa. Kamsa had many compromised "brahmanas" working for him. Hiranyakasipu had many scholarly "teachers" preaching on his behalf, and so forth. Stories of bogus people dressing as saints are found in the Vedas, the Bible, in Medieval Rome and so on -- ad infinitum.

And in recent centuries in India there has been a flood of false gurus, sahajiyas, babajis, bogus avatars of Krishna, up to and including a number of false gurus spawned by the post 1936 Gaudiya Matha. There are a few misguided people saying that the recent out cropping of the ISKCON false guru program is some sort of "Zionist conspiracy," except that most of the false gurus have been from India for many of years of history, and the main backers of the current ISKCON false gurus have been people like Gopal Krishna swami, Bhakti Caru swami, Gaura Govinda Maharaja, Sridhara Maharaja, Narayan Maharaja and others, all from India.

And throughout history we may find that a number of cruel kings, dictators, tyrants, deviants posing as government leaders etc. who are exploiting their citizens by getting "spiritual backing" from corrupt gurus, yogis, swamis, priests, Popes, clergy and the religious leaders in their areas of influence.

In ISKCON the first rattle out of the box was that various "leading devotees" were consulting with Srila Prabhupada's deviant God brothers in the early 1970s, and Srila Prabhupada said this was a sinister movement within his movement. Some of the details of these events are described here: 

After 1978 the GBC went wandering over to the Gaudiya Matha's BR Sridhara Maharaja and declared he is the "shiksha guru" of ISKCON. Srila Prabhupada had repeatedly warned us that this same BR Sridhara was the ring leader of the 1936 false guru program of the Gaudiya Matha. BR Sridhara Maharaja had co-created a bi-sexual guru deviation where their guru became very fallen and dissenters were banned, beaten and some were killed. And under no circumstance should ISKCON duplicate that process, what to speak of consult BR Sridhara Maharaj on how to concoct this deviation.

And then BR Sridhara Maharaja became the "darling of the ISKCON GBC" and he propped up Jayatirtha, Hansadutta, Tamal, and Ramesvara -- even when the other GBC wanted to get rid of these guys for various deviations. He wanted to keep the illusion that these 11 conditioned souls are gurus, even when it was self evident they are not gurus. And various documents and "position papers" written after 1978 by the GBC were actually word for word statements from Sridhara Maharaja -- extracted from conversations he had had with the GBC's type folks. He was sort of their ghost writer for many of their early on documents.

For example the 1980 Satsvarupa / Jagadish / Jayadvaita paper "The Mahajanas have Difficulties" was based on various statements that Sridhara Maharaja had made -- that even great souls become illusioned, thus its common for the types of deviations the GBC 11 gurus are producing to be seen in acharyas. And this idea has become the foundational pillar of the GBC's ideology -- i.e. Sridhara's statements for example: "acharyas go mad after money, women and followers." And if some of Krishna's acharyas are mad fools, then what would be the point of worshiping any of them, since their group collectively is contaminated?    


And then people like Gaura Govinda Maharaja began to ghost write yet another layer of "position papers" for the GBC. He wrote a paper for example saying that their gurus are sometimes demons, never explaining why he is promoting their guru parampara that contains said demons? He said "Kali yuga has entered the highest places of the GBC guru sabha," but then he gets himself voted into that sabha as one of their co-acharyas? I am the "good as God guru," because, the disciples of Kali yuga "2/3 show of hands" voted me into that post. Why would anyone even want to accept the "votes of the disciples of Kali yuga" for one's guru certification?

As for the whole ISKCON "guru voting" system, this was included in the 1986 GBC "guru reform." And NARAYAN MAHARAJA was helping Satsvarupa write "The Guru Reform Notebook" starting in 1984, where their idea was, the GBC would VOTE IN a huge mass of more acharyas. And so in 1986, the GBC reinstated their "oral sex with taxi drivers in the holy dham" guru Bhavananda, and they simultaneously voted in Trivrikrama, Ravindra Swarupa, Prithu and many others -- as ISKCON's gurus. However the original idea of having a guru voting program for the GBC came from SRIDHARA MAHARAJA. 

And that is how all these others were eventually "voted in":

"Gaura Govinda Swami is empowered to begin giving Diksa initiations, pending the approval of a 3-man committee appointed by the GBC Body."
(GBC Resolution, February 28th, 1985)

Hee hee, yes they actually said they were "empowering" people to be gurus, as if they had a magic wand that they could pass over a conditioned soul and make him a resident of Vaikuntha. I hereby empower this shoe repairman to be a brain surgeon. Not always working very well is it?

Of course, the list of co-conspirators with their replacing of Srila Prabhupada as the acharya process is practically endless. Another one of them is BHAKTA DASA (William G. Benedict). He and / or his pals like Swarupa Hebel, Sruta srava das, Sudhir Krishna, Pancadravida, Jagat guru swami and many others were big supporters of the GBC's biggest cheer leaders like Sridhara Maharaja. Bhakta das was ALSO telling us we need to go to the Gaudiya Matha, and he also said we need to get our "living" guidance from Gaura Govinda Maharaja and so on. 

And GGM's "living advice" (as he told me personally) is: "We need to cooperate, tolerate and work with the GBC gurus" i.e. those who are placing molester messiahs (posing as Vishnupada no less) onto Srila Prabhupada's guru seat, directly comparing their molester messiahs as "in same quality" (shaksat

hari tvena) as God Almighty. Even my neighbor's cat does not "cooperate
with" GGM's molester messiahs, why should we stoop to their level?

Did I forget to mention that the Sridhara Maharaja program produced sexual predator acharyas in 1936, and produced more of same after 1977? And one of these alleged Gaudiya Matha messiahs is Paramadvaiti swami, whose recent apparent photo shows him with a five year old naked little girl on his lap. Or what is the other explanation of all this? 

This is the program we need to promote? 

So this is another part of the overall conspiracy, against ISKCON, against the parampara, against Krishna, and even against common human moral standards. Then again photos of Paramadvaiti hugging various women have been floating around for many years, its not rocket science that there is a problem here. And photos of Indradyumna swami hugging women and girls is well known, and so on.

Then we have folks like Dayalu Nitai's HKC Jaipur and his thug Prahlad. And their team of associates like Sanat / Mukunda/ Janardan / Krishna Kirtan etc.  which actually make a video of BHAKTA DAS and they told me and everyone else we need to listen to Bhakta das. We need to listen to the cheer leaders of the bogus Gaudiya Matha and / or GBC guru program -- that makes dirty old men into gurus, even those who have perhaps naked little girls on their laps? That is their idea of a credible shiksha guru authority? Did we also forget to mention Bhakta das was arrested for selling millions of dollars of designer drugs, and was later arrested for some type of sex crime in Puri India?

And never mind the Gaudiya Matha, Bhakta das also cheer leads various GBC  "gurus" -- i.e. the program whose gurus are having illicit sex with men, women and children. And then HKC Jaipur clone head Bhakta Peter writes to tell me, there is nothing really wrong with the HKC Jaipur promoting Bhakta das and  this agenda? There is nothing really wrong with programs where we may find dirty old men posing as gurus having naked young girls on their laps? Then these people are surprised I have to get help from the "karmis" to counter their process? And what is "wrong" for these people, if there is nothing wrong with this agenda?

Did I forget to mention the HKC Jaipur folks also sent me excerpts from HARI SAURI's writings, the same writings Sulochana said are painting us as sahajiyas to GET US KILLED. These Gaudiya Matha / GBC / HKC Jaipur ilk folks think helping get Vaishnavas killed is a great process? Or is it just that they lick the boots of Hari Sauri because he has been BHAVANANDA's hand maiden all along, and we need not detail all the child abuse that went on with that regime, because it would be too much material to place herein? Why are they citing the boot lickers of the sex with taxi driver's guru parampara? OK they are part of the conspiracy to replace Srila Prabhupada with bogus guru people, if not dirty old men gurus, its really that simple.

OK Hari Sauri is another key player in the conspiracy to replace Srila Prabhupada. He has been a big thug defender of the Bhavananda program, and he still hangs out in Mayapura with this lot. I really don't have space to provide  testimony herein from ex-gurukuli students from the Mayapura regime, but their stories are horrific to say the least. Why do we need to cite these people, unless we are of the same ilk?

And Bhakta das has promoted others from this GBC guru regime (of guru conspiracy take over plotters) like Trivrikram swami, Radhanath swami etc. So again, this is all part of the conspiracy against Srila Prabhupada and the parampara, to dump a load of manure into the parampara and make pretend this is "what Krishna wanted." 

Then we have others who seem to have a lot of sympathy for Tamal, Kirtanananda and so on -- like Narayan Maharaja. 

Narayan Maharaja with Kirtanananda

Paramadvaiti with Kirtanananda

NM and the "Guru Reform" 

Narayan Maharaja said I was offending him and his GBC guru pals like Tamal. In fact we were attacking the entire GBC and Narayan Maharaja process of promoting the worship of homosexuals, sexual predators, pedophiles if not criminals as "Krishna's successor gurus." 

NM later invited me to discuss all this and he left me sitting for ten hours outside his room, then he sneaked out the back door and left the property. He never really wanted to know the real story, and neither did his followers. I simply cannot find any examples in shastra of people who were promoting an illicit sex with men, women and children guru parampara -- the way NM was doing by being Tamal's hand maiden of the GBC's guru process. 

Did I forget to mention NM was ghost writing some of the GBC's bogus documents like for example Satsvarupa's "Guru Reform Notebook." 

Narayan Higgins: I would also avoid you after reading much of your thoughts hahaha. Jaya Narayana Maharaja, a pure devotee who never deviated once in his entire life...

PADA: Enabling, encouraging, promoting and cheer leading the "acharyas" of a child molesting guru program, is not a deviation? Aiding, abetting, and acting as the "shiksha guru" and "rasika guru" of a program which is banning, beating, molesting, suing and murdering vaishnavas is also not a deviation? Then what is a deviation according to Narayan Maharaja? Oh, he says we are the deviants because we are objecting to the program he enables and supports, which is starving, beating and molesting children. 

Narayan Maharaja has been a huge supporter of Tamal and the entire child molesting GBC guru regime thereby. He was holding "rasika classes" with these folks -- like Indradyumna, Satsvarupa, Sivarama, Tamal and many others of GBC ilk. Bhagavan das became his biggest NM promoter here in the Bay Area. 

Radhanath and NM

When NM found out I was complaining about all these things, he said I was "ritvik poison." In other words, calling us people "poison offenders" is how they get us dissenters killed. 

Tamal was the founder father of the illicit sex with men, women and children guru parampara, and NM was basically his hand maiden "shiksha guru" assistant. The good news is the Dallas courts had the Tamal / NM guru regime sued for $400M for mass molesting. And many people, including the Gainesville FBI, have agreed with me that Tamal was part of the poison conspiracy against Srila Prabhupada. 

Of course even the "karmi" people know we cannot invite someone over and then leave our guest sitting without seeing the guest, because they know basic human etiquette better than NM. 

Narayan Maharaja knew I was saying Srila Prabhupada had complained of being poisoned, and he said I was bogus to do that. When NM invited me to his ashram to come and discuss that issue and other issues, he left me sitting, and that means, he did not want to hear the Srila Prabhupada conversation tapes I had brought with me to prove the poison issue. He had no interest in hearing the evidence, and then he sneaked off the property. 

VB: I don't know abt all that. I can't judge on these matters. What I know I told. 

PADA: Well we are eye-witness to the situation. Narayan Maharaja was not interested in the facts. I wrote him several times about all the problems his program was creating by his support of Tamal and the GBC's gurus process, and he wrote back "meet me in person." Then I go there in person, and he refuses to meet me. He is not interested in the facts. Anyway, his Tamal guru program had to be sued for $400,000,000 for mass child abuse, he was not interested in helping me address these things, so the courts had to do that for NM. 

CJ: I will say in sort of defense of the Narayan Maharaja followers that it is understandable how they feel great gratitude because for them he saved them from looking very silly by following these mad men. Okay maybe he was crooked in a way but Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada said a devotee can be crooked. So whatever works the show must go on. And out of the whole big mess of Krishna Devotees Krishna Himself says hardly one knows Me in truth.

PADA: Yes, well that is the problem, we knew that the Tamal regime was molesting children and committing other crimes, including a huge mess in the gurukula in Bhavananda's regime in Mayapura. For NM to say that we are "poison" for objecting to all this mess makes Narayan Maharaja an enabler. 


And NM's targeting us as "poison" and offenders -- makes life very dangerous for us. Tamal used to lecture "my two favorite people in the whole world are Narayan Maharaja and Bhavananda." NM did not know about things, because he did not want to know, including his inviting me and then shunning. He did not want to hear the truth, plainly. 

Anyway, we wanted people to have a little view of the history of all this, and hope this helps some folks who have asked me about all this recently. Notice that its now common for people to write complaints about acharyas, because acharyas are defective beings and they thus need all sorts of reform, help and advices. Even Bhakti Vikas swami is always correcting and chastising his fellow acharyas. The acharyas are mundane people ....

ys pd


Paramahamsa; My question is, a pure devotee, when he comments on Bhagavad Gita, someone who never sees him physically, but he just comes in contact with the commentary, explanation, is this the same thing?

Srila Prabhupada: Yes. You can associate with Krishna by reading Bhagavad-Gita. And these saintly persons, they have given their explanations, comments. So where is the difficulty?

Srila Prabhupada Morning Walk,

Paris - 11/6/74.


1 comment:

  1. Yes prabhu, not a whole lot of people accept the PADA version of history. Well ok, but not a whole lot of Gaudiya Matha folks accepted Srila Prabhupada's version of their siddhanta or their history. It happens. OK maybe none of them accepted Srila Prabhupada's version in toto. Thus few, many, maybe a lot accept our version, who knows.

    We are however very fortunate to have modern day media these days, because the drug busts, police raids, arrests, shootings, murders, child molesting issue, all sorts of bogus guru shennanigans, Syracuse fraud lawsuit, Jayatirtha's murder and so on - and so on -- and much of the rest of it -- are common public media information at this stage.

    Its a little hard for people to re-write what we have stated all along, because much of what we have stated has ALREADY been verified IN SPADES by public medias. If there is another history, ok lets see it and we can review, hee hee. Yes, the Bhakta das designer drugs business was raided actually twice, and this was in the newspapers. He was then arrested for sex crimes in Puri. After knowing all this information, then the HKC Jaipur folks declared Bhakta is their new shiksha guru authority and we all need to listen to this guy. Of course they knew all his history, because its been reported ages and ages ago by us and its common public media knowledge. So when people say our version is "all lies," well good luck proving otherwise, its been reported in the public news media already. Yep, its sour grapes, they know they cant prove another version because we have too much back up. Anyway, yes it is odd that even after knowing about so many crimes and problems with these GBC and Gaudiya people, the sheeple keep going back to support the people who made all these problems. Its like the horse that runs back to the burning barn thinking that is the only safe place. It ain't. Yep, "Killing for Krishna" is simply another huge document they are going to have to disprove now, good luck is all we can say. ys pd


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