Monday, August 19, 2019

Bhakti Vikas Swami Follower VS PADA

A Bhakti Vikas Swami follower wrote to PADA @ angel108b@

BVKS guy started out by saying our sites are all "offensive lies."

PADA: "OK got that already. Can we agree that Krishna does not want conditioned souls worshiped as His guru successors"?

BVKS guy says, "Of course Krishna does not want that! And that is what BVKS is teaching all the time and 'without change'"! 

PADA: "Well fine, can you then explain -- why there are illicit sex with men, women and children deviants, drug addicts, alcoholics, wife stealers, porno swamis and /or assorted criminals in the BVKS guru parampara? How can Krishna be pleased when all these sorts of odious folks are being promoted in the BVKS guru program as Krishna's guru successors? If the goal is to please Krishna, how can we please Him by insulting His guru parampara as fallen, defective and criminal"?

BVKS guy: "This is all lies! BVKS never promotes this"! 

PADA: "OK when I was five years old, the other five years olds would argue with me, 'you are a liar.' That was not a very convincing argument to me even when I was five. Everyone knows this is not any sort of rational counterpoint whatever, its all sentimentalism, emotionalism and fanaticism. Worse, you just agreed with me that I am speaking the truth, that Krishna does not want deviants to be worshiped as His successors. You are arguing with your own shadow." 

BVKS guy: "BVKS is independent of the GBC, he does not agree with them."

PADA: "OK so why has he been saying the GBC folks are Krishna's appointed guru successors? And if Krishna did not appoint them, that means BVKS did"?

BVKS guy: "No, he does not say they were appointed now."

PADA: "OK so that means he agrees with us, they are not gurus, therefore he should make a public statement: that these people are not, were not, could not have been gurus."

BVKS guy: "BVKS does not have to do what you want."

PADA: "Right, its what Krishna wants, Krishna wants people to clear His parampara's name of deviants by declaring that this whole thing is wrong."

BVKS guy: "You should talk to him then."

PADA: "BVKS does not talk to us, he only talks to them."


1 comment:

  1. Yes I know that Bhakti vikas swami says anyone who is "strictly following" is acharya. And yes, that is not the correct idea. Any church layman who is strictly following, is not Jesus. BVKS is telescoping the standards for kanisthas (following) with the levels of acharyas. Of course when a neophyte thinks he can absorb sins like Jesus, he has not understood even the basic principles of the religion. Another one of these gurus now has a "mystery ailment" where he feels like he can faint all the time. They just don't get it. They are falling down, getting sick, going mad, and dying -- from taking karma. Taking karma without authority is not strictly following, its imitating. Imitating is not following. The kansithas are supposed to follow, and thinking they are able to perform the function of acharya is cheating. And when they fall down they say, well he fell down because he was stopped following. No, as soon as he took the post of acharya he stopped following, its just manifest more grossly later on. A kanistha may follow and stop following ad infinitum, he is not steady, that is not what happens with acharyas in any case. BVKS is mixing kanistha, or less than that considering all their deviations, with acharyas. He is confusing the levels of devotion -- to the peril of the society. A layman who thinks he can absorb sins like Jesus has no idea what are the basic principles of the religion anyway, he is a deviant and not a follower of anything. ys pd


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