Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Weather Apocalypse Already Here

Record-breaking heat waves in US and Europe prove climate change is already here, experts say (

U.K. breaks record for hottest day ever as heat wave sparks national emergency (

PADA: Oh oh pilgrims. Some scientists said -- we probably have another decade to turn around climate change. Nope! Now they are admitting -- they made a BIG mistake in their calculations. Climate change is already upon us. And it is not looking good. 

I lived in UK for ten years and there was never such hot weather there. But there is now. My friend in UK says the only good news is -- he made a soundproof music studio some years ago -- and he put an air conditioner on it -- because it has no windows. Now his whole family has retreated to the music studio for some relief.

Meanwhile all this excess heat is going to create havoc in the food supply chain as larger and larger areas are no longer able to produce food. Not looking good folks! What can I say? Kali Yuga is accelerating boys and girls! 

Now almost everyone in EU is crying they cannot get cheap fossil fuels from Russia, oh really? Isn't that part of what is causing the climate change? We need to pump more carbon into the air, to fix the problem? Hee hee, nope! ys pd

PADA: "Wrath of God"? 

As a matter of fact. Yup!

1 comment:

  1. LW: Right. In America there are people saying "drill baby, drill," because they think the way to fix the problems of the world is ... to make more oil, plastic, smog, pollution and horrible weather. Just like ISKCON. We have a plan to fix the problem of 100 bogus gurus ... we will make 100 more bogus gurus. That is going to fix it for sure! Bad gurus are also bringing in more Kali Yuga. They are all working together.


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