Thursday, February 14, 2019

Sexual Abuse in Russian GBC Program?

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Letter to Aniruddha from Hari-kanta on December 3, 2018.
Hare Krishna.
Take my obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
In order of everything.
A year and a half ago, SGN (Sri Guru Nitai) inclined to violate the 4th principle of a girl with whom 1 month was married. After that, he accused her of having seduced him. He was forgiven and not limited to anything.
This summer, on July 1, SGN was added as a friend to a 15-year-old girl devotee, began to write persistently, to offer good income in his preaching project. After 6 days, he invited her to the temple for a free consultation on astrology. Already on the way his plans changed dramatically and he brought her to the apartment. She trusted, entered, because he was initiated and inspired confidence. SGN took her by force, although she resisted and screamed. With debauchery. She was a virgin. Later, he forced her to drink the contraceptive pill, due to which she began to bleed and possibly pathology of children in the future. He threatened that he would force her to change her place of residence for many years if she told someone. He also blamed her for having provoked him. He justifies his actions with some kind of philosophy that a spiritual guide can deprive of virginity - this is good, with his words. In the screenshots of his comments on my page, he shows his worldview that sex between a man and a woman is divine, and so on.
6 days after the story of the 15-year-old, SGN, he also adds another Mataji himself, already 30-year-old, and also invites to the office for a free astrological consultation. It was a late time, as a result, he began to conduct on her to NLP, to use psychological tricks so that she would completely trust him. There is an audio recording of the first 20 minutes of their consultation, where he speak with her on "thou" (from respectful to friendly level or even close) and takes her into the room to give her a massage for relaxation, etc. Then it was too late for her to return to her city in the Moscow region. SGN offered her to stay in his apartment and "persuaded" at night. After just put the blame on her, he called her dirty words. And last week, he insistently called her, wrote and threatened to put some video with her on the Internet.
At the end of July, I collected evidence and sent all of Acyutatma Prabhu (GBC of Moscow and St. Petersburg). A couple of days later he wrote to me that everything was confirmed and the conclusions were sent to regional secretaries. In October, I was contacted by Yuga-Dharma Prabhu, the leader of the Yatra in which SGN often coming, at the request of Nitai Caitanya Goswami, the Registrar Secretary of the region. They (Yuga-Dharma and Nitai Caitanya Goswami) knew nothing. It turns out Acyutatma Prabhu LIED to me. When everything turned out. Nitai Chaitanya Goswami made a publication on October 21, sending him to the Vioms (for Russia and the CIS countries) about the prohibition of SGH for immoral acts with the opposite sex. As one devotee told me (whose name I will not disclose,) after sending Acyutatma and Angira Gauranga, they put pressure on Nitai Chaitanya Goswami, and later removed this newsletter from the site. And they began to say everywhere that the SGN was slandered, but I could not be trusted, because earlier I was talking about some case that was not confirmed. There was nothing like that. At the same time, my diksa guru Srila Bhakti Vijnana Goswami, someone began to complain a lot about me to him. Who complained I was not told. At the same time, many friends justify SGN and throw mud at the girls, convinced by them
In November, the senior disciple of Jayapataka Swami Sri Govinda conducted his own investigation, collected all the same materials as I, and spoke personally with everyone. I attach his conclusions (audio) to the letter. At the beginning of November, another senior disciple of Maharaj - Achyuta Gaurahari Prabhu wrote Angira Gauranga that Jayapataka Swami’s wish that SGH was officially banned and another public mailing was sent (already worldwide) as a warning about SGH. But so far nothing has been done. Screenshots of that letter are also in the app.
A few words from my mom, who worked for 20 years as a police investigator. Usually such people do not stop. Each time their actions are getting tougher. The next time, SGH may even make a girl who is tempted by him to drink poison, so that she does not even complain. Especially since he himself does not plead guilty.
SGN in many things is lying. He publicly lies about who his spiritual master is (see screenshots), lies about a raffle for people to report on his announcements, and then cancels it, although this was not the case (he asks to make reports of his post in the group for the opportunity to win one of the prizes, but then cancels it). He tells the devotees that he has realized everything, but at the same time he threatens and throws mud at the girls. You can not believe him.
All screenshots, audio link…
Hari-kanta devi dasi.

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