Saturday, March 28, 2020

Why Are Gurukulis Not Managing ISKCON Now? (Video)

1 comment:

  1. GD: Dear PADA

    ISKCON is no more what Prabhupada used to call an "authorized spiritual movement" (Prabhupada, 1972) but rather it is a movement controlled by Russian-American freemasons. See, "Which ISKCON Masonic Lodge do You Belong To?", Sampradaya Sun. Of course, freemasons believe in God, are esoterically inclined, philanthropic, but their goal is rather to control people, profit adjustment. And not so much pure devotion to God, or bringing people above the bodily platform. Rather they tell newcomers to buy a house in Alachua. Freemasons go hand in hand with modern politics, are altruistic, love fancy masonic buildings. "Are We Ready to be GBCs?" Might depend upon who is your dad and not so much upon your qualification.

    Prabhupada: "You are also one of the members of the GBC, so you can think over very deeply how to save the situation. It is a fact however that the great sinister movement is within our Society. I have not heard anything from Krsna das or Syamasundara., so all of you may try to save the Society from this dangerous position." (Prabhupada, 2 September 1970)

    [PADA: Yep, well it is a conspiracy, whether its really Freemason level is doubtful too me, its to much amateur hour crooks. "World's Dumbest Criminals" level, but still, even the dumb criminals are effective if everyone else runs away, abandons ship, and acquiesces and allows. ys pd]


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