Sunday, May 26, 2013

Deity offering issue (update) 5/28/13

Dear Prabhu, Generally, you can judge if something is bona fide by the results, and that goes for individuals as well as institutions. For example, when Srila Prabhupada was here, he told me personally (because I was one of those doing pooja for the deities before they were being sent to USA) -- we have to offer only pure food to the pure devotee, or it is not accepted by Krishna. 

So in 1978, when they started to offer foodstuffs to the 11 (Jayatirtha was getting the bhogha offered to him) I objected, and said this would cause problems, this is a change in the pooja, and I was right, it has caused problems. Srila Prabhupada said, the result of changing the deity worship would be very inauspicious, and he was right. Bhogha has to be pure and be offered to the pure, that is what he said, there is no other process that he designated or allowed. ys pd



  1. Ravinder Yerram for Indo American News: Its rather an ecumenical movement now. Try to understand we have to find a niche where people somehow accept us. Meanwhile Hare Krishna has lots of negative effects. We can't follow the same line on and on. Already in the 70 ies people hated this movement like hell. In any case, all the roads seem to lead to Rome. Indo American Salvation Army, thats what people can deal with.

  2. Ever wondered why we don't hear so much about ISKCON's dropouts - they end up here, Onenessmasters:


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