Sunday, August 19, 2012

Akruranatha avoids prasadam question

Akruranatha has never answered our original question, how come he and the GBC have been saying since 1978 that people constantly being exposed engaged in illicit sex etc. -- are able to accept bhogha offerings which are then "chewed by the lips of Krishna"? Why does Akruranatha and his party think Krishna is chewing something that is being chewed by people who are engaged in illicit sex, drugs and criminal behaviors? This was my question in 1979, how can we offer bhogha to Jayatirtha, when he is having problems with sex and drugs? And Akruranatha's pals kicked me out for asking the question at all, and went on to offer bhogha to people having oral sex with taxi drivers in the holy dham, and who knows what else. Akruranatha and party claim that offering bhogha to people engaged in oral sex, illicit sex, drugs and so on --- equals prasadam, touched by the lips of Krishna? That means Akruranatha thinks bhogha offered to debauchees is then tasted by Krishna, and anyone who disagrees needs to be beaten with shoes and kicked out. And now Akruranatha party is spending $15,000,000 suing us, so we can spread their program of eating food offered to people engaged in all kinds of sex, even oral sex with taxi drivers, taking drugs and so on? Anyway Akruanatha party can eat bhogha offered to the lips of oral sex with taxi drivers, but that is not what the rest of us want to do. ys pd

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