Sunday, October 24, 2021

Namarasa's Podcast Promotes Mayavada


Namarasa prabhu has been promoting this above follower of Narayan Maharaja. And NM  was one of the people -- along with many other Gaudiya Matha folks in Mayapur in 1971 -- criticizing Srila Prabhupada's "Back to Godhead" title. They were saying -- we were never with Krishna, so we don't "go back" to Krishna. I was there.

And Narayan Maharaja says that Sridhara Maharaja's jeeva tattva is correct, i.e. we jeevas originated in brahmajyoti. Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur says being in brahman is worse than hell, because in hell you might hear about Krishna, but in brahman, there is zero Krishna consciousness.  

In other words Narayan Maharaja is really saying -- Krishna places His children into worse than hell -- as their original state. God is an evil tyrant who places his kids in hell! Sign me up! 

When some poor woman on Tic Tok allowed her baby to crawl into the dog cage and shut the door, people were calling the criminal child welfare department that she is placing her child in danger. The cops came to her house. Of course, the dog was licking the child -- so the child really was not in any danger. 

In sum, even ordinary mundane people are not allowed to place their children in danger, but God places His kids into a place that is worse than hell, the most dangerous place for a soul to be located? Narayan Maharaja thinks God is more negligent than this Tic Tok lady? And worse, God is a cruel tyrant who makes His kids suffer in hell -- right out of the gate!  

What? God is a worse parent than this Tik Toc lady, He places His kids into hell, worse than the dog cage. How does God become a more negligent parent than this Tic Tok lady?   

Of course, since all of the souls that are situated in brahman have to fall down and come here, that means -- they are saying God curses some of His children to fail and fall, while God blesses other children to originate with Him in heaven where they never fall. Why? God evidently just does all this willy nilly, there is no explained efficient cause for Him to pre-select some souls to be cursed and be separated, while some others souls are randomly blessed to originate with Him. 

OK that is very close to the Vatican idea, some souls start in heaven, some do not. Again, why should we be preaching the Vatican ideas as Vaishnava ideas? 

Srila Prabhupada told us in 1971, yes they are criticizing my Back to Godhead idea, they do not know we were once with Krishna, because they are tinged with mayavada. So now this Namarasa prabhu is openly promoting all these mayavadas and their ideas. But how did you guess, he evidently does not interview us folks to get the counter idea and the citations from Srila Prabhupada on this topic, i.e. that we all originated in Krishna's leela or sport. Unfortunately, another example of taking people away from the instructions of the acharya. 

At the same time, Narayan Maharaja has been the star cheer leader of the GBC's guru bogus guru's process, being no less than their chief "shastra consultant," advocate and "rasika advisor" for the GBC's gurus. And then they had their infamous "gopi club" of NM's followers like Tamal, Satsvarupa, Sivaram, Indradyumna, Giriraj, Mahanidhi and others. 

Wait? While the mass of devotees are being banned, beaten, molested, sued and maybe assassinated, that is a good time to take these crooked MAFIA dons into private conversations about the rasika platform -- discussing Krishna's conjugal affairs, the colors of the saris of the gopis etc. Did we forget to mention that NM's gopi rasika club was orchestrating industrial level child molesting, causing a number of victims to suicide? 

Wow! We originated in hell, then NM helps co-create Tamal's program that some ex-children told me is "Auschwitz for kids." Which is another hell. We start off in hell, and when we get here, NM helps Tamal create another hell for the children of ISKCON. It is hell when we start, and then hell continues from there. And then NM waves his hands -- oh the children are just getting their karma. Ummm, who authorizes NM to assist a program that is molesting children and thus he is the hand maiden -- handing out this karma? 

Anyway there are many holes in their theories, and we have discussed a lot of it previously. It does seem like Namarasa is slanted towards promoting deviations, including mayavada, industrial level child molester regime's cheer leaders and rasika advisors, and defenders of a pedophile acharya like Lokanath. 

We would hope he starts to open the door for counterpoint discussions and not just keep a one sided slanted and biased view of all these topics. At the same time, many, many people are telling me they are very upset with his handling of the Lokanath case, so he is digging his own hole here all by himself, unless he takes corrective steps. 

It also appears that Namarasa is promoting the Bhakti Vikas swami et al. idea that God's successors are often deviated debauchees, who are often engaged in illicit sex, and they are thus falling down like Jumbo Jets, killing all the passengers. And this was another idea from NM, the gurus are often falling and deviating, which is why NM was helping Satsvarupa write "The Guru Reform Notebook," claiming that Krishna's successor gurus are -- ok dangerous Jumbo Jets that crash and burn.

Another Narayan Maharaja idea: Gurus deviate and fall down, crash and burn,
killing all the passengers. Really? 

1) NM starts us off in hell; 

2) NM then helps Tamal make Aushwitz for kids hell;

3) NM has a guru parampara, which is a bunch of crashing Jumbo Jets, another giant hell! And we should promote these ideas? 

And not allow counterpoint arguments?

ys pd



1 comment:

  1. LD: The whole title is misleading "Is bhakti inherited or inherent"? They are saying it is not something that already exists eternally, as our eternal svarupa. It is something the guru plants into the disciple. Narayan Maharaja gives us our eternal position as a servant, and he decides which type servant we will become.

    That means Krishna is not deciding, Narayan is deciding for us. That makes NM better than Krishna, because NM decides and not Krishna. That is how they try to make NM a higher person than Krishna. While Srila Prabhupada says no, Krishna has already given you an eternal service ... and the guru simply "revives" what Krishna already has created. Krishna creates your svarupa, not NM. And your swarupa will be revealed by Krishna ... not NM.

    It is truly amazing how these people dedicate their lives to try making themselves superior to Srila Prabhupada. They just cannot leave his ideas alone ... they have to constantly change and adjust.

    NM was helping writing the Guru Reform Notebook ... another nonsense idea ... the guru is eternal ... therefore he is a deviated idiot who is dating minor aged females to the cinema house. And the guru is buying teeny mini-skirts at the mall for his female gurukula student. And the guru is swimming in the pool with a group of his minor aged girls students dressed in bikinis. But that is not a problem ... NM will fix that guru with a reform school for fallen gurus. These people have no idea what they are doing. They created havoc and now they are simply adding more havoc.


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