Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Prayer Request for Basu Ghosh Dasa


[PADA: Big defender of the GBC's bogus guru system. Some have said he and Gaura Keshava are more responsible for the bogus post-1978 changes in ISKCON than anyone else, because they helped "shastra-ize" and formalize the worship of the GBC gurus with a whole new system of concocted rituals. Right now, he is one of the biggest defenders of keeping a known pedophile (Lokanath swami) in the post of Krishna's guru successor in ISKCON, much to the displeasure of probably thousands of victims of his molester messiah's project. 

OK artificially making pedophiles into God's successors is never going to make Krishna happy, like forever. And their program of banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing vaishnavas is also never going to make God happy. Like ever -- as in forever.

At the same time, I am not wishing him either well or unwell, his fate is pretty much baked into the cake so to speak. I do however find -- it seems to be a pattern -- their top tier managers are sort of falling into problems, scandals, fall downs, and of course sickness and death. 

There is a lot of karma involved with their making an illicit sex with men, women, children and -- cats -- guru succession -- allegedly from God, which we already know in advance is simply going to irritate and anger God, and the agents of God -- ok like Yamaraja. Trouble makers -- who are making God and Vaishnavas unhappy -- are sure be unhappy themselves. It is their fate. 

We already know he has displeased tens of thousands of devotees who all "mass exodus escaped" from his dastardly molester messiah's pooja plan for ISKCON. And anyone who displeases even one Vaishnava is going to be taken to task for that eventually, never mind mass displeasing tens of thousands of them.

Anyway, it is what it is. We hope he survives all this intact and recants his position, but it seems unlikely, since almost none of them ever does recant. In the end, we will say, good luck and God bless -- you might need all the blessings you can get going forward. ys pd]


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