Sunday, February 28, 2021

Krishna Devotees and "Conspiracy Theories" (update)

 Hare Kṛṣṇa Prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda! 

I was very relieved to read your informative post "Yogis And Q-Anon (Yogi Tree Statement). Thank you so much for some sanity at last amongst this covid conspiracy madness by several devotees. It's high time someone spoke up about the conspiracy nonsense running rampant on a certain Krishna conscious website! Recently I'd had enough and protested at that Prabhupāda follower site which has been running amuck with disinformation about covid swab microchip brain implants, dna altering, population control, bill gates blah blah etc ad nauseum.

Very refreshing to read your post calling out the silliness that is going on. Thank you, dandavats! I don't expect you to publish this as I know you don't when folks write in but I just thought I'd pass on some positive feedback. Bless you.

हरे कृष्ण 

Hare Kṛṣṇa 

Ys, S Dasa


PADA: Thanks for your comments. First of all, we DO allow and post comments -- most of the time -- if they are not too crazy. We had to disable the "allow (anonymous) comments" on the actual blog site and other sites -- because we were getting thousands of "spams" from anonymous persons. And then we had to weed through a ton of material to find the actual bona fide comments. 

And since there is no means for us to identify and block these spammers, it was a futile mess. Of course, that means someone is sitting in their mother's basement typing away a barrage of anonymous statements to PADA -- with nothing better to do with their lives. So we adopted the e-mail address as a contact ( and then at least we can identify who is sending what -- and avoid ten of thousands of anonymous spams. And if people want to post without having their name mentioned, also fine.

In any case, yes unfortunately many / most devotees are subjected to fraudulent information and FACTUAL conspiracies. That started with the bogus appointment of 11 gurus in 1978. Most of the sheeple devotees "went along to get along" with that process, and many of them still do. 

How did your guess? PADA editor was "trying to fabricate a conspiracy that the 11 had NOT been appointed as gurus." Yep, it was a "conspiracy" to object -- to the real conspiracy! Then, when I said the 11 gurus have a falling down problem, how did you guess, "lies, fake news, attacking Prabhupada's appointed successors, destroying ISKCON" -- ad infinitum. 

Most devotees thus had the whole conspiracy process, upside down. The real bogus guru conspiracy was supported, while those of us who objected were suppressed. Then, a number of those supportive of the original guru appointment conspiracy, themselves became "the second wave of gurus" by being voted into their system. 

This was simply another layer of conspiracy planted on top of their previous layers of conspiracy, because gurus are not voted in. And even if they are voted in, they are not certified by a deviant if not pedophile guru lineage. Same thing, PADA was "making a conspiracy" claim by objecting to their bogus guru voting system, and was thus "fake news"! "Oh no! PADA is against expanding the preaching of Mahaprabhu"! Of course! 

And thus! Gurus ARE voted in! Why? Because BR Sridhara Maharaja said we needed to do that. And BV Narayan Maharaja helped write "The Guru Reform Notebook" which laid the groundwork for their guru voting system. 

Oddly, only a few folks -- like Kirtanananda swami -- agreed with us. He said the whole idea that gurus are "voted in -- and then managed by a Governing Body" is bogus, and is not part of our actual system and tradition. That was almost fatal for him, because one of the people who wanted to be "voted in" (Triyogi aka Michael Shockman) whacked him over the head with a rebar pipe, nearly killing him. 

Triyogi felt there was a "conspiracy" among the 11 -- to stop all of us followers from ALSO being voted in as acharyas -- along with the 11. Hee hee, another conspiracy theory, to add to the pile. Yes, not voting in more people like Triyogi is -- another conspiracy -- to hold back the God brothers! Why are they holding us back? We need to be part of the next wave of messiahs!

And of course many / most of the ISKCON sheeple went along with BR Sridhara Maharaj when he propped up the bogus 11, and later he advised for their voting process. Then, many people went along with BV Narayan Maharaja when he became Tamal's bucket boy. Many ISKCON elders have even sent their children over to the BV Narayan Maharaja program, because if it is one thing we need to do -- it is to have our children worship the chief bucket boy for the illicit sex with men, women and children GBC's guru parampara of Tamal. Really? 

We even have contemporary devotee associates who are now with Narayan Maharaja's group, and they are proud that their children are worshiping the bucket boy for the pedophile messiah's project. I said this is a conspiracy against children, to have them worship deviants and the cheer leaders / enablers for the deviants like NM. No one has really given us a good counterpoint. 

Nor have many of them even attempted. OK, so they got sold on the conspiracy -- that it is good to promote the Narayan Maharaja ilk cheer leaders of the pedophile messiah's program, also as another layer of messiahs.

Then we had the Illuminati conspiracy crowd of Naranarayan Dasa Visvakarma / Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / Dayalu Nitai's HKC Jaipur folks, telling us that we are "destroying Srila Prabhupada's golden body" by halting their sexual abuse of children program, which has children worshiping pedophiles as their acharyas. And then some of their victims have been committing suicide, and there has been a few somewhat recent (evidently) suicides from the same process.   

They think that process is "the golden body of Srila Prabhupada and God"? Really? 

Then! They tried to have PADA "removed from the internet" so they could save their favorite pedophile worshiping process by having their process going on unchecked by us. The HKC Jaipur clan even made a video with their GBC guru cheer leader "shiksha guru" Bhakta das, and said we need to listen to Radhanath's cheer leaders like Bhakta das (who also advertises for going to the Gaudiya Matha). 

Umm, we need to listen to the cheer leaders of the pedophile messiah's club, to save the golden body of God? No, you guys are anti-children, pro-pedophile messiah's people posing as saints. The good news? More people are onto you guys every day.  

Hee hee, what person walking down the street thinks we need to accept the cheer leaders of a pedophile guru process as our shiksha guru authority, to save God's religion? OK none. It is a conspiracy to discredit ISKCON, and to imperil children at the same time. Again! The good news is, most sane and serious devotees by now see that worship of a pedophile guru process is the actual cause celebre of these deviants, and they reject these folks. Goody, we will take the sane and serious, they can keep the pedophile messiah's enablers and advocates.  


Yep prabhu, a devotee just sent me an article -- that because Texas wanted to be independent, the deep state CABAL used HAARP government weather control devices to freeze them out, as a punishment for wanting to leave the CABAL. Right! Either that -- or the weather is getting worse -- and the Texas electrical grid is not prepared for that process? Nope, not going to argue with this person. ys pd


Prabhu, so many "devotees" told me I was bogus for going to the police / FBI / media / public courts (to help a $400M child molesting lawsuit, BBTI lawsuit and other lawsuits), and in sum getting help from "outside the institution." For starters, I'd already have been assassinated a long time ago without help from these folks. So, if the people who are pointing to victimization and exploiting are being banned, beaten, suppressed, driven out, vilified, threatened, exiled, removed, sued, and worse, then -- what do people expect to happen? It is what my grand pa used to say, "You get what you deserve to get." I am amazed that people would do this over and over and over, and they expected a different result? And how could any of this happen in the name of "a spiritual organization."? Sorry, that is no longer a spiritual organization, it is a criminal organization. Yes, some of the victims told me -- ordinary folks treat their dogs better than we were treated .... what does that say about such an institution? ys pd


D1: There is no actual proof the covid virus even exists. The CDC cannot find anything. You are afraid of nothing.

PADA: The virus does not exists, so everyday you write about something that does not exist? Really?

OK so when an X-ray shows grey lungs, there is nothing there? And moreover there is no proof anything is there, it is just grey for no evident reason. That is why we need to rely on people who can actually read X-rays, and not rely on armchair speculators. Yes, devotees are also getting sick and dying from it, of course they are getting sick and dying from nothing, says -- the armchair experts who cannot even read X-rays. 

Sorry, there is a cause for illness and death, and it is not "nothing." But yes, you are always talking about something you yourself claims "does not even exist," that is called paranoid, over nothing, according to yourself. The problem does not exist, therefore I write about it -- day in and out. Makes sense! If there is no problem, you are thus writing -- about nothing. Why are you paranoid about nothing, therefore nothing is your biggest concern? 

You lost me mate. ys pd

D1: Yes-"lost"-is the operative word here. You are lost in covid consciousness. It may be grey but it is not from "covid". Covid has never been isolated as per CDC , therefore doesn't even exist. Grey lungs? Devotees dying? No doubt- just not from something called "covid". You were right about the 'guru business' , you just havent figured out this is the virus business.

PADA: OK so there are greyed out lungs x-rays and devotees are dying, not sure- who cares what is it technically called? I am glad that you are finally at least saying it is not "nothing" anymore. So people are dying, their lungs are greyed out, and all you can do is argue -- that there is no proof that the title of the illness is accurate? 

The "accurate title" of the illness really does not matter a whole lot to the people who have it. Amazing, the whole problem now is, you do not agree with the title of the illness. To me it does not matter what it is called, there is a deadly ailment out there, and it is spreading person to person because allegedly 300 devotees got it in Sivarama's zones, and it has been spreading in Mayapura, and it has spread in the hospital where my friends work, and so on and so forth. 

Thus -- it is a person to person spread -- of a severe illness. So now we have a deadly person to person illness spread problem, and we are upset that it was not given a proper title by the CDC? Who cares what the CDC says -- or does not say? Why are you even citing these people? You need to talk to some people on the ground working with the issue on a daily basis, like my neighbor nurses, devotee nurses, devotees who have had the illness, etc. -- like I do. 

All of them know this is a real problem and it is not "nothing," and it does not matter a whole lot what is "the official title" of the ailment or not. It is a real issue and it is having a real impact on people -- all over the planet. 

ys pd

1 comment:

  1. "All of them know this is a real problem and it is not "nothing," and it does not matter a whole lot what is "the official title" of the ailment or not. It is a real issue and it is having a real impact on people -- all over the planet."

    So what are you doing to inform devotees and others? Did you write anything about antiviral medicines, marginalized in the mainstream's vaccine craze? Even the recent GBC statement avoided mentioning them, just vaccines. Go figure. Some examples: - ozone (for living spaces)
    - spirulina (limits bad symptoms) - glycyrrhizic acid (licorice root)
    - Ivermectin + Doxycycline - Ivermectin + vitamins C, D - Isoprinosine - Dexamethasone - Avifavir - Dr. Bartlett's method: inhalation of steroid Budesonide (Pulmicort) - Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin. Personally I use against all infections for years natural antivirotics: monolaurin from coconut fat (1 tsp at first signs of an infection stops it within 2 hours). Other essential oils like oregano (carvacrol) should also work, imho. I wrote this info to ISKCON devotee doctors, to Prahladananda Swami (Health Minister), no reactions. Seems they read your blog though. Hari Hari ys J

    [PADA: If anything helps, we are all for it. Devotees who have had good experiences combatting the virus or cancer, or anything else, are free to let us know about the cures they used. And if prayer works (which someone suggested) ok fine as well. Personally I am taking bitters like Black Seed oil, tumeric and similar things to keep my immune system up. If anyone else has helpful ideas, we should share them and help others. I am a fan. ys pd]


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