Sunday, July 7, 2024

Not Independent / Original Books / Why Don't They Help?


PADA: Thanks VD prabhu. Yes, your "independent" friends still promote guys like Bhakti Vikas swami because "he is the best of the lot." And he says we are worshiping a dead skeleton. 

So these independent people are still tethered to the regime. Bhakti Vikas swami is part of the problem, and he is a co-founder of the illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's project. 

And worse, he says he is just following shastra. Ummm this is false, there is no shastra that says worshiping illicit sex deviants is the path to the Supreme God. So yeah, I would have to say your friends are in a big time illusion. And they tell you "we heard all that already" because they cannot deal with the fact -- they are wrong. ys pd 



The Hare Krishna Project

FOR SALE: Srila Prabhupada's Books

The Hare Krishna Project distributes and sales original copies of Srila Prabhupada’s 
books throughout the UK.

We currently have in stock:
- Bhagavad Gita As It Is, 1972 Macmillan edition (pocket size)
- Bhagavad Gita As It Is, 1972 Macmillan edition (full size)
- The Topmost Yoga System
- Beyond Birth & Death
- Perfect Questions Perfect Answers

Would you like to purchase copies for your friends, family, small group or even yourself? For more details visit or email:
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PADA: Why won't the "Prabhupada devotees" help you distribute original books? Prabhu, unfortunately, many of the original Srila Prabhupada devotees just wandered off back to material life. And they were drinking beer, smoking pot, watching football, going out to bars to listen to bands -- and so on. 

A great number of them are also departed and no longer here. There are not a lot left remaining, but a number of the remaining ones are in chronic bad health. A number of them also went off to the Gaudiya Matha, and never came back. 

Most of them don't agree with what I have been doing and they wanted to "go along to get along" with the GBC, and a number of them still do. They are compromised. 

Some of them around here only talk about 1973 when they see me, they cannot relate to the fact that it is no longer 1973. And most of their children have also disappeared and we cannot find them either. 

One of the senior ladies here -- who is in many of the 1970-71 Prabhupada photos -- was here in an old folks home. She died when her cigarette fell out of her mouth when she went asleep, and her bed caught on fire and she lost her life. 

And all this is not new, when we were in India, we passed a tea shop -- and Prabhupada pointed to the tea shop and he said "most of my God brothers left and they ended up in the tea shop, smoking beedis and reading the newspapers. Don't come to that state." Well we did come to that state, and way worse. 

So if you are enthused about Krishna at this stage, you did better than all of them. Of course that just means, we have been blessed with good fortune, but at the same time -- we have to be careful not to be proud of that good fortune, because that is another major pot hole on the spiritual path. But yeah, we should feel sad it has come to that state, and Prabhupada also lamented the dismantling of the Gaudiya Matha. 

But -- it is what it is -- we are in the material world, and it is Kali Yuga, so we should be thankful for what connection to Krishna we do have. It is rare to have any connection to Krishna in this age, so we should feel very lucky and blessed. The people who failed the test did not have the required determination, and thus Rupa Goswami says -- the only price to get bhakti is, your own enthusiasm to have it. 

ys pd

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