Saturday, July 20, 2024

SF Rath Update / Kailasa Chandra / Henry Doktorski News 07 20 24


San Francisco Ratha report: Mostly Hindus. Ex-kulis said -- there were only a few faces that they even recognized, mostly all new faces. ISKCON is gradually expelling most of the Western devotees and making ISKCON into a Hindu cultural hall program. My friends in Russia said -- they are doing the same things in Russia, making a Hindu congregation emphasis. ys pd 

KAILASA CHANDRA (The Vaisnava Foundation):  

The Vaishnava Foundation: The Real Explanation, Hare Krishna, Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada, Krsna

PADA: OK Kailasa keeps saying he has been Sulochana's best helper, but he keeps citing the May 28th tape -- that Sulochana says -- is bogus and spliced. Kailasa says the tape proves -- we can make a "regular guru," whatever that is. But Srila Prabhupada never told us that he was going to implement regular diksha gurus or any other diksha gurus -- even according to the May tape. "When I order," but no order is given anywhere. Nor can Kailasa tell us who this alleged regular guru is, it is a bluff. 

Meanwhile Sulochana says that Kailasa's idea that conditioned souls (Madhyam) i.e. still conditioned devotees -- can become diksha gurus -- is "like finding a dog manure in your sweet rice," and oddly Kailasa keeps insisting that Sulochana wanted to add dog manures to our sweet rice. There is no evidence Sulochana ever says -- conditioned souls -- could or should -- become diksha gurus -- he never wrote that anywhere. No wonder then -- the GBC has been circulating the writings of Kailasa in 1990, we need to make MORE and MORE conditioned souls into gurus. Not!  

Meanwhile, in 1986 Kailasa and his minions joined the New Vrndavana / Bhakti pedo people making complaints about me and Sulochana -- that we are "drinking beer, watching TV, and we are sahajiyas." OK, so if we approach any average Joe six pack folks walking down the street -- and tell them: -- children are in danger from a bogus guru who is a predator of young men; and this bogus guru is also prone to having oral sex with young males; and this guru is also creating a mass molesting webs and nests program; and dissenters are in danger of being offed; the Joe six pack's type people never say "so what, the safety of children is not important, the dissenters are the real important problem, because they are drinking beer and watching tv." Ummm, beer and tv are more important than Krishna's children? Who knew!

Meanwhile -- many -- if not most -- if not almost all -- of the former New Vrndavana / Kirtanananda / Bhakti pedo pada folks have APOLOGIZED to us for discrediting our work. They admit that their calling us sahajiyas created a dangerous situation for the children victims, and for us whistle blowers, and for the entire ISKCON society at large. Mass child mistreatment is not only an important issue, it is basically -- the most important issue -- out of all others. A society that oppresses, alienates and sabotages its own children -- will not continue as a society.

Sulochana himself many times commented that they (the Bhakti pedos and Kailasa ilk folks) are calling us drunks and sahajiyas to DISCREDIT US and MAKE US TARGETS. Well duh, we were targets, thanks to their propaganda. And children's victimization was not addressed properly, if we could say it ever has been addressed properly in ISKCON to date. 

Fast forward to 2024, and Kailasa is still repeating his hero authority -- Kirtanananda / Bhakti pedo pada -- that me and Sulochana have been beer drinking sahajiyas, and we are also scum, liars, cheaters etc. Same problem we have had with Sanat (Steve Voith), Mukunda (Mark Whitely), Prahlad das (Paul Coats), HKC Jaipur (Dayalu Nitia), Mathura Pati etc. folks -- well yeah, our gurus are having oral sex with young men in the motorhome, but Puranjan is the real problem -- he is drinking beer, hence --beer is the problem, not our oral sex guru's program, and their mass child abuse process! Beer ki jaya sir! Of course there is no evidence I have been drinking beer, at all? Actually, I just don't like the taste even, can't stand it. 

OK that is why Sulochana calls these people -- "boot lickers for the b*tt buggers," "the followers of the oral sex with men guru sampradaya" and etc. They never understood what any average Joe six pack ALREADY understands, and thus no one else --except these clowns -- even cares if the person reporting mass child mistreatment is drinking beer -- or not. Who cares! That is because the average Joe six pack understands -- children are MUCH more important than beer.

Of course, Sulochana was himself also puzzled. He said, we are discussing their "males having oral sex with other males guru program," which is mistreating maybe thousands of children, and all these people want to talk about is -- beer, tv, sahajiyas and worse ... the gopis? Wow, that means only us bogus gopis know that their oral sex guru program is bogus, they don't even get it! Hee hee! 

It is rather amazing that guys like Kailasa / Prahlad das / Mathura Pati are not happy that only us bogus gopis are out there protesting the oral sex gurus and mass molesting program -- because we are --- bogus gopis? Sulochana said, even a dog does not worship pedophiles as its gurus. They are of course very, very, very concerned about the welfare of -- beer and tv!  

Anyway, we are sorry to report that Kailasa chandra and others are stuck in the Bhakti pedo camp since 1986, and they just cannot seem to get out, when almost cent percent of all the others from that camp -- decamped -- and left. And subsequently, many of them apologized for supporting that regime, and citing their slogans. Anyway, it is what it is. Lots of ISKCON people have been more interested in beer and tv, discrediting whistle blowers, and enabling mass child abuse regimes, than in helping the welfare of children, and the general public has pretty much ALREADY figured that out as well. Unfortunately, that is the history and hopefully we will present that in the upcoming Monkey on a Stick movie.

The good news is that the Kailasa people blocked me, they have no explanation for their citing Bhakti pedo pada for most of their adult life. And worse, Sulochana's mom said they are still discrediting her son -- because they are gloating over having him taken out, and they want to discredit his writings. Even she is onto these folks. 

ys pd    



I just received a letter from a reader who just received a copy of "Eleven Naked Emperors" in his mail. He opened the book at random and recognized people he once knew, as he had lived through that crazy time some 45 years ago when the eleven zonal acharyas succeeded Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada as leaders of ISKCON. Some of you might be interested in what he has to say; I was certainly fascinated by many of the details of the history which he brought to life. Following is the letter:

Hare Krishna! I just arrived home from two months in India. Your book "Eleven Naked Emperors" was waiting for me. I opened it and the first page I saw was about Hansadutta being seduced. You mention the name of Nadia as the girl. I am pretty sure it was Nada dd, original name Nadine. She died in Florida earlier this year.

Back in 1976-1980 era she was the biggest money collector in the world. She had some mystic power to enchant a man and get him to melt in seconds. She was not a Ms Universe beauty, but she had was cute, short, and had the innocense of a child in the demanor. She once came into Caru Das's office in Berkeley and told him, "I want you to know that I am always thinking of sex." Caru was scared.
She had a daughter with Hansadutta's disciple Rahugana, who is now Ram Das, a disciple of the late BP Puri Maharaja and is the owner of the book publishing empire based in San Rafael, Ca. 

He is the primary source of funding for BB Bodayan Swami who became the acarya of the Gopinatha Goudiya Math when his guru left. Nada organized the publishing the the coffee table KRSNA ART BOOK. Her daughter originally Padma, is now Jaqui Goff. She is on FB and is quite friendly.

It looks like I will through enjoy this book, "Eleven Naked Emperors," as I was a witness and knew most or all the people personally at one time. Especially Hansadutta!

Feel free to share my letter on Facebook. These memories are crystal clear for me. I actually spotted Nada the first Sunday she walked in the front door in Berkeley for the feast. Something in my heart whispered to me that she was special. I went to Jiva das who had the woman's party. He met her and talked. A couple of weeks later she moved in. When Hansadutta came in 1978 he awarded sanyass to Jiva. Can you imagine going from having sex with a houseful of 36 girls to sanyass overnight? When he was gone the girls worked directly under Hansadutta. They'd go to Reno and Vegas and return with a chest full of silver dollars. Nada was the super star. Should could collect $1000 in two or three hours.

One day she came to Hansadutta and told him she wanted to marry Nrsimha Caitanya Das. He'd been a brahmacari for about 8 years. Very simple and humble young man. I appreciated him immensely. Hansadutta told Nada that Nrsimha was a brahmacari for many years and didn't seem interested in marriage.

Nada had decided and she started dying Pooja to Nrsimha's Sankirtan Van daily while praying he'd be her husband. Then one day Nrsimha came to Hansadutta and said he wanted to marry! They did marry for a short time. By that time my relationship with Hansadutta and Iskcon was over.

I met Nrsimha some years later in Vrindavan during Kartik. All he could tell me was how she had destroyed his mind. He really never recovered psychologically.
He died in Vrindavan a couple of years ago. I met him in Puri a year or so before he died. I took him to my friend Professor Gopal Kar, former Head of the mental health department at SCB Medical College and Hospital. He was prescribed medicines, but he wasn't able to follow the doctor's plan. Mahadevi in Vrindavan tried hard to help him. She's from Dharmatma's old party.

Anyway after Nrsimha Nada seduced Hansadutta and then married Rahugana. After they were separated I lost track of her until I found out about her death in Alachua from her daughter.

Bhakta dasa, ACBSP
William Benedict
Samut Prakarn, Thailand

1 comment:

  1. M Dasi: Same here. We have Kailasa Chandra people here as well. They are all against child abuse! Except, when they are blocking anyone who complains about it. Like us!

    None of us are too popular here ... same reason. They will block us ... and that allows the abuse. And has allowed the abuse. Industrial scale.

    Because ... ??? their blocking us is also industrial scale. They just cannot tolerate anyone who opposes child abuse! Because ... ??? That destroys their whole house of cards.

    Their whole program rests on ... making us "complainers" ... beer drinking "fringies" ... while their gurus are taking all sorts of intoxicants ... and having sex with "disciples." They are ... legal defense of the molesting guru system ... very disgusting people. No wonder they don't like us ... we get what they are doing with the children.


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