Thursday, July 25, 2024

Bangalore Court Case Update 07 25 24

Dayaram Dasa: Hare Krishna.

Dear devotees

Dandavats. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

MPD Bangalore case was heard by the Supreme Court on Thursday, 18 July, for 3 hours and today again for 3 hours. The Judges were in a hurry to close the hearing and our Senior Counsel, Sri. Krishnan Venugopal had to literally beg to grant him a few minutes to complete the points he was arguing on.

He couldn't argue for more than 30% of the points we had prepared for him to argue on. MPD's lawyer also was pushed to complete his arguments and I would presume that he also couldn't argue all the points he wanted to make.

Now the court has given 2 weeks' time to both sides to file Written Submissions of not more than 15 pages. And after that, the judgment will be passed. Kindly continue to pray and chant Narasimha Mantra at least 108 times everyday with sankalpa for complete victory.

Hare Krishna

Your servant
Dayaram Dasa

PADA: It is amazing that Dayaram wrote to tell me he agrees with PADA -- the GBC has been promoting homosexuals and pedophiles as its "Vishnupada" "good as God" acharyas. And yet self evidently, he still believes it is important to spend millions of dollars to establish that homosexuals and pedophiles are sometimes links in Krishna's guru parampara, and we need to surrender to the program that does that. 

As for Madhu Pandit's writing a 15 page summary of his case, PADA could summarize the the whole thing in a few sentences, at most -- one paragraph, i.e. homosexuals and pedophiles are not, were not, and could not have been, Krishna's guru successors, i.e. Jesus-like messiahs, as the ISKCON GBC has promoted since 1978. Nor should homosexuals and pedophiles be buried in samadhis in the dham etc. Any questions? Yeah, a media person asked me, "what is pedophile samadhi"? I dunno? Maybe we should ask the Supreme Court?

And thus if anyone, including this court, finds that illicit sex with men, women and children is to be established as part of "Krishna's eternal guru parampara," and as Jesus-like messiahs, we will have to expose anyone, including this court, as supporting deviations in the name of God and guru. Or, as Sulochana would say, anyone who supports the GBC is "a boot licker of the butt buggers." 

And that explains evidently why they -- don't and won't -- sue PADA either, heh heh heh, they cannot defeat this argument. And they never will defeat this -- because it is an eternal and absolute fact, deviants cannot EVER be linked to Krishna and His pure guru parampara chain. This is sinful and wrong, and will take the participants to hell in a hand basket. OK and looking at Jayapataka, it looks like he is almost there. 

Meanwhile another devotee was telling me how this is all like -- the Mahabharata -- all over again. Draupadi is AGAIN being insulted, by the Basu Ghosh / Bhakti Vikas swami / India ICC folks etc. -- and in this case Draupadi is de facto represented as ISKCON. And ISKCON / Draupadi is being linked to an illicit sex with men, women and children guru cult, which mass abuses children, even beats and rapes children, and bankrupts ISKCON, and murders dissenters etc. and so now we have to see who -- if anyone -- is willing to defend Draupadi from being insulted, discredited and assaulted by the Basu Ghosh pedo pooja program -- in her hour of need? 

And if no one comes to her defense, then all the parties who allowed her to be insulted and assaulted will have to pay the price of being compromised direct or de facto, and as enablers of the disrobing, attacking and assaulting of -- Draupadi -- aka same as ISKCON. Yeah, makes sense to me also. Anyway, let us see what happens. But India allows all sorts of deviants to pose as gurus, swamis, avatars, Durga's expansions, like Radhe Ma and who knows what else, and so the courts there are not very reliable on figuring all this out. If anything the courts of India are the last place to go if you want to distinguish asuras from the suras. 

And Madhu Pandit has not done a good enough job to make it clear enough in my opinion, so the courts can decide properly. He needs to take the gloves off and quit spending millions of dollars on these Hindu hodge podge compromisers in the India courts, evidently they have no clear idea what is the absolute truth. 

And for that matter, at least self evidently, they do not have the common sense us mlecchas have, i.e. homosexual and pedophile acharya / messiah clubs, which ban, beat, molest, sue and kill Vaishnavas, and cause mass raping of little kids etc., and are what Sulochana says are "a butt bugger messiah's club" are not fit to even enter the court room, get them out, bailiff -- have them removed and arrested forthwith. And they will all be arrested forthwith in the courts of Yamaraja eventually. And in Yamaraja's court they can answer Sulochana's point, "what is pedo pooja"? ys pd 


Prabhu there is no end to back and forth discussion on here. I didn’t send previous messages to everyone. I just commented on my opinion and if you don’t like then go on doing the way you are doing. After all you are individual soul and so as I and we both have our Karma. I simply suggest what should have been nice things to do. Other Vaishnav may like to respond if they wish what was wrong in my suggestion. Anyway let’s stop here and we will discuss in our next EC meeting. Hare Krishna

Devakinandan das.

On Tue, 23 Jul 2024 at 8:40.AM, Basu Ghosh (das) ACBSP (Baroda - IN) <> wrote:

Home Base: ISKCON Baroda

Camp: Newark, Delaware, USA

Dear Devakinandan Prabhu,

Namonamaha. Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

Received your message:

Hare Krishna! I don’t want to get in between two of you Mahatma but it’s not what you do but how you do. We should have discuss this important matter in EC and EC combine should have send request letter to each DC chairmans privately to collect the dues. That would have been better. I also got call from my zone where some of TPs are unhappy that their temple name has been brought publicly on DC forum without discussing with them or knowing their pains and problem. Dayaram Prabhu said and you by passed the other EC members and send this letter. I strongly object of this. We know Dayaram prabhu is working very hard and we support him but he is also a member of Bureau .

Look at GBC communications, all the letters come with whole GBC EC not one person. So I my humble opinion you are taking law in your hand which is disturbing many devotees. So let’s discuss in our up coming EC meeting and there after go after we decide together. Hare Krishna

Devakinandan das.

You are appealing for this discussion to be limited to the Bureau EC members, and I appreciate your outlook. However, just consider that you have expresed your opinion to all India devotees, who are receivers of this. Why didn't you yourself follow your own advice and take this discussion to another forum? Since you did not do so, it must be answered here. If the aim is that there should not be conflict among devotees, fine. But that's not the feeling I am getting from your letter.

What you ought to be doing as a Bureau member and a zonal oversight authority is to work to obtain compliance from the centers in your areas that are overdue in their payments towards the Bureau's mandatory B'lore court case fees. Am I somehow mistaken in writing this?

What wrong have I done here to warrant a letter like the one you wrote, accusing me of "taking the law in your own hands"? Sounds to me more like the Hindi expression where the law authories are being chasised for doing their job!

"Disturbing many devotees". For what? Because I wrote them -- and made no threats (if I have done so, prove it!) -- and told them that "there are no excuses and no exemptions" for paying their dues for the court case. Writing that is "taking the law in your own hands" and "disturing many devotees"? How so?

If this is the logic, then kindly bring a proposal in the Bureau to reverse this "unfair taxation", and propose that we should abolish the Court case fees, and let whoever wants raise the funds to pay the lakhs of rupees fees charged by India's top lawyers! I have nothing to do with how the legal system works in India (and worldwide) where top lawyers charge massive fees that both sides in this dispute have been paying. We all know this.

No, instead of supporting this effort to get those temples who are not paying their dues to do so, you are belitting the effort that has brought in over Rs. 30 lakhs dues for the court case.

This is regrettable.

If you and a few others are "hot under the collar" because of this effort to get the temples to comply with the Bureau mandated policy, what can be done?

It is truely a thankless task!


Basu Ghosh Das

Facebook: Basu Ghosh Das
WhatsApp: +91-94260-54308

On Tue, 23 Jul 2024 at 5:00.AM, Basu Ghosh (das) ACBSP (Baroda - IN) <> wrote:

Home Base: ISKCON Baroda
Camp: Newark, Delaware, USA

Dear Bhakti Vinoda Maharaj,

Yatibhyhonamaha. Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

Received your message:

I am quite disturbed that you have picked on me specifically to make a rudely frontal attack, publicly, as your first step , without bothering to talk to me first and learn or address this to the Bureau body/ EC. Such an ad hominem attack , routed on purpose to the entire ISKCON leadership etc. is unwarranted and in very bad taste and is focused on maligning and calumny to say the least.

Maharaj, I can understand that you are upset. So be it. It seems that doing one's duty is a thankless task! Let the fact be known that you are falsely accusing me of attacking you personally. Maybe before you employed the latin words "ad hominem" you would have looked up it's meaning:

ad hominem: adjective (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining: vicious ad hominem attacks. This is not the case here whatsoever. No where in my letter did I attack your character!

My letter was respectful and therein I explained that the reason for adding all India leaders to the letter was to send a message: the message is clear that there are no excuses and no exemptions from paying the dues for the Bangalore Court case fees mandated by the Bureau.

It appears is that you are angry because you do not wish to comply with the Bureau resolution directing all temples to contribute to the Bangalore Court case fund? Maybe I am wrong, but that is my impression from reading what you wrote.

Further you have also accused me of slandering you by employing a synonym for the word "slander", i.e. "calumny".

Again the dictionary definition: calumny noun (plural calumnies) the making of false and defamatory statements about someone in order to damage their reputation; slander: a bitter struggle marked by calumny and litigation.

Kindly point out where in my letter I wrote "a false and derogatory statement"?

No, I did not stoop to accuse you of anything that was false, nor did I attack your character. I was advised by Dayaram Prabhu (as I wrote in the letter you have responded to) that you are claiming an exemption from paying the dues for ISKCON Coimbatore, and yes, you are not the only one doing so - and I "called you out" (challenged you to pay the Coimbatore dues) - on that and that alone.

My letter had nothing to say about your character, but yes, by claiming an exemption you are not setting the right example. Sure. I am forced to answer this in this forum, reluctantly though, to clarify myself. This is Part one of my response.

Excuse me if I will have to wash some dirty laundry which I cannot avoid doing. I dont know what the SIDC Chairman conveyed to you, Dayaram Pr / Basu Ghosh Pr . But here is the history and my reasons, also for the knowledge of all concerned, as to why I 'protested' about something, by not paying the fees, so that I could call for attention. 

FORMULA FOR CALCULATING FEE STRUCTURE. 1. Many years back I asked for the formulae used for assessing the payments to be done by each temple or centre, in the Bureau meetings. It was hushed down as not very important. After several such attempts finally I was given a note by the all India accountant. In my conversation with him he did give some formal explanation but it was not
satisfactory and did not answer my questions fully.

I pursued it further in other meetings and finally a committee was formed consisting of HH BPPS , Bhaktarupa Pr and others due to my insistence. When I made endeavours to have this meeting it was shot down in an email by Basu Ghosh Pr (Who was then the GS ) that such a committee should not function and was redundant. In other words he stopped it. It was strange, and I heard it was an independent decision he had taken without consulting the EC. 

It was frustrating to me as a trustee who was trying to ask questions and set right things as many others have repeatedly asked questions like : Why do we have to pay this? HOw is this calculated? How long will these cases take as its already 20 + years old etc. I had no answers.

Hmm. I was elected as GS just a month ago, so maybe you meant to type someone else's name? Because, in the past, I was never the GS!

I was quite frustrated and mentioned that I shall not pay the fees till the fee structure is discussed and amended accordingly as it was unfair especially on small centres and those doing projects. No one bothered much. The apathy was appalling . Everyone was busy getting their things done and there was no policy it seemed. For instance, some centres or entities like the TOVP were exempted from paying the BLR legal fees.....Why?

2. I asked why TOVP is exempted from paying fees and I was told because they are in the project construction stage and they had applied for exemption and I could also do so. I first informed the two GBC zonal secs asking for support and they said they were helpless and I need to ask the Bureau or some such lacklustre answer. The Bureau flatly denied or at least Basu Ghosh Dasa took it upon himself to do so. In other words it was not encouraging at all. No one knew what was happening or was pretending so... I lost my enthusiasm and thought it was necessary to call for attention by refusing to pay the fees. Hence my stand.

I am not against paying the fees.

Then kindly pay them!

I am against biased treatment of centres, suppressing information from trustees, and the methodology for calculating the fee. At least the committee should have operated and come back to the main body with findings.

3. Let me add humbly that, under the insistence of H H Jayapataka Swami Maharaj, and the Bureau, I represented the Bureau in the Bangalore lower court, the High Court and then in the Supreme Court against Arun Jaitley who was hired by MPD. It was two years of work day and night until I was asked to step out, as Dayaram Pr was taking over .... I did so . This is for your kind information. I am not new to understanding the legal side of this case . I did a major sacrifice of my time and energy although I was packed with travelling and preaching then along with inaugurating the Coimbatore centre, with the Prime Minister Vajpayee visiting the place.

PADA: Wow, I am working day and night to establish pedo pooja, that homosexuals and pedophiles are sometimes links in Krishna's guru parampara. All that -- so we can help along the program to ban, beat, molest, sue and kill Vaishnavas. And because that way we can also cause an anal reconstructive surgery epidemic among the society's children, as we have done. 

And now we are upset we did not get enough cases of that surgery, and people like PADA made it harder for us to be the cheer leaders of our pedo pooja / butt buster's messiah's program which we wanted to establish as "God's successors." I am working hard day and night -- as the hand maiden of the butt buggery messiah's club? Pedo pooja ki jaya sir! Jeepers, then they wonder why the Bay Area ex-kulis boycott ISKCON?

I desire victory for Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON Mumbai, in this fight, as I have been in it at one time and I know what it means. I sympathise with the devotees working on this. I am willing to do anything needed when asked. But I am unable to tolerate anymore being shut down on my enquiries, played around with, by suppressing information and given a condescending treatment by an old boys club in the Bureau. 

PADA: Wow, I am a defender of anal reconstructive surgery epidemic messiah's clubs, but I don't get answers to my enquiries? OK, what is an anal reconstructive surgery epidemic guru parampara -- is the first question, isn't it? Amazing, I am working hard as the boot licker of the butt bugger's guru sampradaya, and I am not getting proper credit! Well you will, wait till Yamaraja gets a hold of you pedo pooja-ites and your anal reconstructive surgery epidemic sampradaya pals!

Hence, again, my stand.

I hope all of you will understand this in the spirit of doing things right in ISKCON India. I can explain this matter in more detail, in person to anyone who wants . You can call me . It's been a great endeavour for me to write this and I feel this could have been avoided and time saved. 

I request the EC of the Bureau to do the needful in addressing this and examining the action of BGD in his capacity as the GS. YS Bhakti Vinoda Swami

Trustee, Zonal Secretary - west TN & Kerala

PADA: Yep, all Madhu Pandit has to do is say -- we can expose your homosexual and pedophile "Vishnupada" pedo pooja guru program in Kerala -- and have you run out of town on a rail, and they would be ... and that is a fact.  

Maharaj, the fact is that you do not wish to pay the fees, while most of the other centers are doing so. Prove me wrong by paying the dues for ISKCON Coimbatore!
For your kind information the ToVP is NOT - NOT - NOT exempt from paying their share. Rather Mayapur CFO Akshay Ramachandra Prabhu confirmed that the ToVP is amalgamated into Mayapur's accounts, and he just made the payment -- due my efforts (that you are protesting vehemently in your letter and with false charges of attacking your character and slandering you).

PADA: Oh great, the TOVP, Mayapur, the citadel headquarters of their anal reconstructive surgery epidemic messiah's programs!

Mayapur has just paid more than Rs. 20 lakhs that was due! I'm sending you separately the calculation of the court case fees for Mayapur that will show you how the calculation for all centers is being made by Mohan Govinda Prabhu of the Bureau office, (who is also the Chief Accountant at ISKCON Tirupati).

There is no secret here. The formula is the same for all temples. The total
collection of the temples is calculated and then the total expenses of the temples are calculated. Thereafter the total expenses are divided by the total collection to arrive at the proportion of the fees that are sanctioned annually by Bureau vote.

To conclude, what you have written is no excuse for ISKCON Coimbatore, or any other center of ISKCON in India for not paying their dues for the court case that yes, you personally handled, before doing so was handed over to Dayaram Prabhu so many years ago -- at least 15, if not more?! 

All loyal devotees of ISKCON share the hopes that ISKCON registered at Bombay during 1971 will "win" the case! We are all part of one team. 

PADA: Well that makes it simple for Yamaraja, we are all one giant homosexual and pedophile messiah's club team, and our messiahs engage in illicit sex with men, women and children, and anyone who objects will be banned, sued, beat up, or worse.

And all of the [homosexual pedophile messiah's club] members of the team are expected to contribute to that effort.

Yudhistir Govinda Prabhu, in his capacity as SIDC Chairman has been cooperating in this effort that I initiated to collect the dues for the court case just a couple of days back in response to Dayaram Prabhu's request to the members of the NBMC (New Bureau members committee - that you are a member of), and he has reported that a number of temples from the SIDC have paid due to his efforts.

He reported the following via WhatsApp:

[7/22/24, 3:11:59 AM] Yudhisthir Govinda Das:
Secunderabad - 1,24,500

Madurai - 1.12.700
Hosur - 5500
Karwar - 10,400
Tirunelveli has paid Rs. 60,100
15,700 sent from Periyakulam

Sri Rangam has paid
Trichy paid today as well.

Similarly NIDC Chairman Sundar Gopal Prabhu has been following up with NIDC temples, and his efforts have borne fruits! As mentioned earlier, ISKCON Kanpur paid Rs. 5 lakhs, and they have promised to pay the balance Rs. 6+ lakhs after Janmashtami. Some of the other temples are Gurugram, Aligarh, Ghaziabad and Bareilly. There are still outstanding amounts from a number of NIDC temples, and we will be following up with them.

WIDC temples are mostly paid up. Only the Mira Road temple owes a lot, the rest are small temples, and they all should pay their dues. In EIDC, Mayapur was the largest outstanding amount, and that has been paid in full. Bhubaneshwar and Patna have large amounts pending. 

In conclusion, I do not feel that an apology to you is in order, as I am "not guilty" of the charges you made, herein above. I have nothing against you and no "axe to grind". My efforts are to send the message to all temples in India who are working under the Bureau to pay their dues, nothing more, nothing less. The reason I added all the leaders is that you told the SIDC Chairman, who reported to Dayaram Prabhu, that you did not want to pay the dues for ISKCON Coimbatore.

So please, kindly consider that you -- and all of us -- are duty bound to pay the dues. To my mind, what you have written herein above does not justify not paying the dues. So please, have a rethink, introspect, and "do the right thing" and arrange for ISKCON Coimbatore's dues be paid to the Bureau office!

Thanks in advance for doing so!
Hare Krishna!
Hope this meets you well.

Basu Ghosh Das
Facebook: Basu Ghosh Das

WhatsApp: +91-94260-54308

PADA: Do the right thing and help us promote our illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's pedo pooja club! It won't matter one iota if the GBC wins this court case, because more and more people believe their homosexual and pedophile guru parampara is evil and Satanic, and that process is increasing daily no matter what. ys pd

1 comment:

  1. JD: I think Madhu Pandit made a separate Bangalore temple ... in case he loses the main building. What good does it do ... to make another bogus guru building?

    Around here no one likes or trusts the GBC already. They think if they "lawyer up" ... like gangsters, they will win. Win what? A place to make a murti of Jayapataka? Which looks like a leftover Halloween mask?

    We ALL already do not go to their temple here, we won't go to their temple there either. We are done with them. They just want big buildings ... to empty out ... and make into Hindu wedding halls.

    It is a business. And making pedos into their gurus is important for their business ... because that empties out the buildings fast, like people fleeing a stink bomb. Dayarama is just another Mayapur gangster, like the rest of them. He is getting paid to do their dirty work, that's all. He does not care if they have pedo gurus, he is there for the money and fake position.


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