Friday, July 5, 2024

Israel / Bhakti Caru / ISKCON Poland / Sahajiyas / Kalki Movie 07 05 24

The material world is a perverted reflection of
Radha and Krishna's loving exchanges.

PADA: Israel has land, sea and air based delivery systems for its missiles -- called a "triad system." There is much talk now about eliminating the whole country. However, it seems like they have the capacity to knock out -- whoever knocks them out. 

There are some devotees writing to me -- gloating -- that Israel is on its way down. Ummm maybe, but it might cause unforseen consequences if that is attempted. They have been working on a back door detterence process for decades, and I would not underestimate that ability. In sum, be careful what you wish for. 

Then again -- many of the USA Evangelicals are almost hoping the whole Middle East goes up in smoke, because then -- Jesus will re-appear -- and take them and their dog named Marlon by the hand -- to go and see God in heaven. Oh fer sure! Unintended consequences, oooops, same thing as ISKCON. 

Many people wished, dreamed and even prayed for the 11 GBC's guru's program to have success. It will be great, ok but -- what if it isn't. Yeah they have smaller war heads -- maybe 200 kilograms, but Hiroshima was a mere 15 kilograms. I think anything that goes off over there will have ill effects on everything else on the planet, and it will not be beneficial. So no, I am not a fan of taking this to the next level -- or wishing it to go to the next level.

ys pd



PADA: And that is why Bhakti Caru swami was in USA fund raising for their $20,00,000 lawsuit to kick out the Bangalore Prabhupada devotees. He promised to give people a small Prabhupada murti if they donated to his legal program, but no one we know of ever got any murti. 

Of course, now his program has started a whole new lawsuit in the Delhi high courts, to block the printing of original Prabhupada books. And they are suing internet provider companies for hosting sites that have original books, and all that is also costing them crores and crores of rupees. 

They also sued the books printer -- so Srila Prabhupada's books cannot be released from the warehouse. And that is how they show their respect to the founder acharya. And when BCS was in the middle of his legal fund raising program, he got sick and departed. Then again when Sivarama sets up a book table at Rathayatra, he only has his own books and none of Srila Prabhupada's. That is the direction this is all going ... ys pd


AA (Poland): GBC re-writing history

This was part of ISCKON's history... it's a pity that Srila Hridayananda etc. did not talk about these problems at the first Nama Hatta festival in Poland and did not treat us as mature people... we had a fairy tale, we were such infantile lambs. 

It was part of history, it happened and we have to face it... it is not demonic propaganda, it happened in probably the most important Hare Krishna project - New Vrindvana and it was related to one of the most important disciples of Srila Prbhupada - Kirtananda, who received such great power - and who was a fraud and sexual predator - although his history was probably more complicated, where both good and evil. 

The Hare Krishna Movement was supposed to provide shelter from the evil world, it turned out that those who entered projects such as New Vrindavan, had bad luck, including children who were supposed to be Vaikuntha's children. Sure, Krishnaism has value, valuable theology, ethics. but there is also serious abuse and it is not idyllic, and people need to be careful when trusting someone with their life when it comes to gurus. 

Why did Srila Prabhupada appoint people like Kirtananda, Bhavananda, Bhagavan as spiritual leaders when these people were simply unqualified and also a danger to others who took refuge with them? I don't know / People have the right to know history and make their own choices... Another thing is that abuses among gurus, the so-called spiritual leaders take place in India, in other religions, etc. and this is not the same problem with ISCKON. But it must be honestly admitted that this is part of history, this dark, fallen part... And yet it happened. Srila Prabhupada was very critical of other gurus, but such stories also occurred in his movement



V Dasi: Someone was telling me about the Narayan Maharaja followers having a woman who would faint in ecstasy and all that. We think she is a fraud, but the women in that group think she is in prema. Same with the Gaura Haris, they think he too is a Krishna prema realized soul.

"Rati is causeless; it is an innate proclivity stimulated by the mere sight of it's object, and, as I have said before, it is the seed of prema. You must sprout that seed by the watering process of hearing and chanting.

As she spoke in this way, transcendental emotion awoke in Prema-bhavini; she became insteady and cried out, "Oh, where is Prāna-valladha, the love of my life!"
And with this, she fainted. With feelings of great concern, everyone began chanting Harināma for her.

Narena Bābū said to Ānanda Bābū, "Just see the abundance of pure prema here. Foolish persons who consider Vaisnavas to be debauchee womanizers are unfortunate, for they cannot understand the Vaisnavas' prema."

PADA: Great. The sentiment to have prema or love for Krishna is good, but as we see, the gurus in the Narayan camp cannot agree on various points, some of them have fallen, and worse -- Narayan Maharaja supported the bogus GBC's gurus, which is foolish, offensive and devoid of rati and affection for Krishna. A true lover of Krishna would never endorse such a fallen rascal guru system as God's successors. Sorry, they have created many false "prema" gurus -- just like ISKCON, and it is sahajiya. ys pd  



|Long post but this has been something I really wish to share|

The movie Kalki, is really good, a very well researched and well thought and executed movie. Certain nuances and details of the movie were brilliantly portrayed and were really intriguing. They have brought several references from the history and Shastras which should be appreciated. The CGI is next level and really detailed and were no less than the western sci-fi movies. Overall, a highly recommended film.

The star of the movie according to me, is Amitabh Bachhan, he re-hoisted his angry looks and was tremendously eye-pleasing to watch. Prabhas seemed monotonous with his 20mins long intro and same acting shenanigans, but did a decent job.

But me being a mythology/history bug, the way the history is twisted and turned to glorify the dark characters and villains to show as good or valiant, has really turned me off. Not giving any spoilers but I really didn't like how Karna is glorified in the movie saying he was better than Arjuna, where he had been defeated by him several times and they showed the famous rumour of the fight of Karna and Arjun where Arjun made Karna's chariot go back more than Karna did and Shri Krishna breaking the ego of Arjuna saying Karna is more powerful and so on and so forth...this particular event is nowhere even mentioned in

Things like these when shown in these well researched movies, glorifies a bad character and shows him to be more valiant and make people have sympathy for a bad person, where in reality it was never so. Whereas the majority of the people who have not read Mahabharat are already blindly idolizing Karna (read as Soni-putra Karna) as serials and movies like these portray him as a person who had to endure a lot of hardships and was disregarded but in reality was never so. He was boastful, competitive, shrewd, discourteous and didn't even hesitate to call Panchali, a prostitute. 

The only quality he had was philanthropy, that's all. And after this movie these blind Karna-followers will start exaggerating further rumors about how great and underappreciated he was, Such a pity!



I go around the world and see nice projects farms, tractors people engaged, restaurants, spiritual books, music, new engagements ways to understand and give Krishna Consciousness. etc. … and yet people are mean to one another.

I once said to Prabhupad “Sometimes I don’t understand how people can be cruel and unjust to one anther. And sometimes I see lack of compassion in our dealings. And sometimes I don’t see the need for wars.”

And his answer was “Why sometimes?”

In other words a Vaishnava is supposed to see the good in every one. A community is judged by how it takes care of its people. If we don’t take care of each other then how can we preach to the world in general. Prabhupad did
And he taught with love not force. We are a community.

Basically a microcosm of society with some spiritual values, but we have past habits and issues and are only human. Yes and of course there is judgement of others around. 

Past resentments And history And a fishbowl existence where every body’s business everybody’s business. But if we’re really are a cooperative community this can be a tool for the good, helping one another rather than criticizing one another. 

Prabhupad gave us the principal das anu das. This if ardently done can actually save the the world. Especially us Vaishnavas should stop separating and dividing thinking my way or this or that sanga is the best way to Krishna. 

He loves us all for trying alone. If any thing differences are to be celebrated not a cause for separation. The differences are the variety in the world Krishna is all attractive so lets celebrate our variety and together we can serve Krishna, albeit in many different and unique ways.

When I hear of the status quo communities, maintaining a high standard that Prabhupad gave us, but with no heart behind decisions, that is no reason to be judgmental or exclusive, even banning people.

Cure yourselves first. False egos cause these bad choices. This is unnecessary and counter productiveness all devotees are doing the same thing chanting, serving,
puja, prasadam, reading Prabhupada’s books, Reading Bhagavad Gita Etc etc etc.

We are an oasis in this world of duality and misery. Let us all try to be better versions of ourselves. And when you receive love from Krishna and you really feel it you can give love. Please everyone try to be kind and compassionate, towards your self and then to others.



PADA: These young devotees have a tiny home, and they are lucky to have any home, considering many of their peers are struggling for a dwelling -- truth be told. This looks like a good option for some of the devotees who are on a tight budget. Not sure if this can be done in many places, but they could give you advice on how to get this rolling -- if you want to do the same. Meanwhile, the big gurus live in not so tiny homes, heh heh heh. ys pd

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