Thursday, July 4, 2024

Achyutananda / Anuttama / Yoga in ISKCON / Myanmar Crisis 07 04 24

Dear Acyutananda prabhu,

Please accept my obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I appreciated your recent post regarding women gurus and other topics on guru-tattva. I agree with most of it.

I was, however, surprised that you seem to have dismissed Srila Prabhupada's instructions for ritvik initiations as only a stop-gap, temporary measure. Your only argument your offer in this regard is your idea that newcomers can't be expected to learn how to connect to Srila Prabhupada without His physical presence. 

I remember in Miami temple in 1971 when Swarupa and Sridama prabhus returned from New York and taught us how to perform Guru Puja. It was a completely new thing in ISKCON. I had been in the temple for only some weeks but immediately felt a personal connection with Srila Prabhupada after offering flowers and obeisances. 

I was amazed at Prabhupada's presence and potency. I later met Srila Prabhupada personally several times but those experiences, to my surprise, never surpassed my first feelings of personal connection to Srila Prabhupada from afar during that first Guru Puja.

In fact at least 90 percent of Srila Prabhupada's original disciples never had physical association with Srila Prabhhupada or met Him personally. Prabhupada created ISKCON with sannyasis and temple presidents and brahmins to offer that physical association and refuge for newcomers. (Unfortunately most such leaders were not faithful in this service.) And of course Srila Prabhupada established the practice of Guru Puja with His pictures and murtis throughout Iskcon..

It is practically seen that many devotees who came to Krishna consciousness after 1977 have demonstrated more love and faith in Prabhupada than many others who had His direct contact physically.

Anyway, I hope you are keeping well. Please see articles below at your leisure.

yours in Prabhupada-seva smaranam,

Narasimha das

PADA: Right. Achyutananda was supposed to train the new people -- who is a pure devotee -- and how to worship a pure devotee. The new people were not supposed to train Achyutananda to identify who is a pure devotee and train him in the process of worshiping a pure devotee. 

He has the whole idea upside down. The seniors and leaders are supposed to train the new people, the new people cannot be expected to know the process of identifying and worshiping a pure devotee. 



The following is a letter written by Anuttama Dasa, GBC.

This letter is evidence of Anuttama's unauthorized interference in CPO matters, against the gbc resolution passed in 2022

It is also interesting to read Anuttama's claims that he and ISKCON are really trying to ensure the protection of children... The children in the Vrindavana Gurukula are the living testament that this is a blatant lie!

The GBCs have received two alarming reports that detail extreme and pervasive child abuse in the school and a number of systemic problems with the school...
The first report is from 2018 and the second is from 2023.

To date the GBC has taken zero action to address the many problems listed on these reports, and ensure the protection of these children. In doing so, the GBCs are directly and knowingly continuing to enable the abuse of devotee children.
They have now given their blessings for the establishment of the Indian CPO that supports confirmed child abuser Lokanath...

Can anyone reasonably hope that this new body will actually protect children?


Dear Xxxxxxx prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I have been traveling on and off, and I somehow missed your email until just today. Sorry for the delay in responding.

Thank you for having the courage to speak out and bring these things to the attention of Mayapur/ISKCON leaders. I am very sad to hear of the abuse and painful experiences you underwent in the gurukula. I am happy to know, though, that you are now married and are gradually healing from the ongoing impact of the abuse. I am certain that over time, and with the support of family and friends you will gradually feel stronger and better.

It is terrible to know that young vulnerable boys like yourself, who had the shelter of our society, underwent such painful experiences. I am so sorry to hear how you suffered. I pray that Lord Krishna will continue to help you through, and help you heal.

For decades, ISKCON has tried to come to grips with abuse, and how to stop it. Yet, much more needs to be done. Thank you for speaking out. Your doing so allows us to look deeper at the causes and what needs to be done today to protect children.

Your coming forward has also presented us with information about another scenario that needs to be corrected. I understand your letter has (also) been sent to the Child Protection Office for a thorough investigation. As advisor to the International CPO, please keep me informed of any problems or questions that arise during that investigation.

Again, my appreciation for your courage. I offer my prayers for your continued spiritual progress and the blessings and protection of the Lord for both you and your family.

Your servant,
Anuttama dasa
Mayapur MEB
ISKCON Communication



Read this fresh info about Myanmar
All Glories To Srila Prabhupada
Thursday, July 04, 2024

Daily Announcements for ISKCON Vrindavan

This evening there will be a Yoga class by the Yogacharya Satcitananda Vishvatma ji from 07:00 to 08:00 PM in the Conference room.

This is the news coming from His Grace Tapan Mishra Prabhu, one of the Vice Chairman in the GBC Executive Committee:

"With heavy hearts, we share with you the grave situation facing the ISKCON temples in Myanmar, specifically in Mogok. Due to the ongoing conflict over the past three days between armed groups in the region, our temple has become a site of turmoil. ISKCON Mogok, which spans 13 acres with hills, in specific has been significantly impacted. One of the armed groups has taken positions within the temple premises, making it their main base, and there is continuous firing. Considering the severity of the situation, all the temple Brahmacharis and devotees have had to evacuate for their safety.

This crisis has brought immense distress and uncertainty. The Temple’s Deities of Gaura Nitai have been relocated to a safer place, an underground devotee house. However, some devotees are still in the temple, taking refuge in a safe room, and we are striving to ensure the well-being of all involved.

We humbly request urgent prayers from the ISKCON community worldwide for the safety and well-being of all the devotees in Myanmar.

Your servant, Tapana Mishra Das."

For the pleasure of Their Lordships, the Guru Parampara and the assembled Vaisnavas, yesterday devotees in Krishna Balaram Mandir distributed below transcendental books.

International bookshop distributed 170 transcendental books

Matchless Gift shop distributed 312 transcendental books

Devotees under the Tamal Tree, distributed 210 transcendental books

Srila Prabhupada's House 104 transcendental books

BBT office distributed 202 transcendental books

Devotees distributed 160 transcendental books during Japa Session

Devotees in Srila Prabhupada's Samadhi Mandir distributed 39 transcendental books

Grand total of 1027 transcendental books were distributed.

580 visitors chanted one round Hare Krishna maha mantra in Srila Prabhupada's Samadhi mandir, & 40 visitors during the morning Japa session.

27050 leaf cups of kitchari prasadam were distributed to our visiting pilgrims yesterday.

Today’s Class Schedule

English Srimad-Bhagavatam from 08:00 to 09:00 AM inside the Temple - His Holiness Prabodhananda Saraswati Maharaj

Hindi Srimad-Bhagavatam from 08:00 to 09:00 AM in the Krishna Balaram Hall at Goshala - His Grace Ananta Krishna Prabhu

Hindi Bhagavad-gita from 05:00 to 06:00 PM in the Conference room - His 
Holiness Radhey Shyamananda Maharaj

English Bhagavad-gita from 06:00 to 07:00 PM in the Conference room - His Grace Hrisikesh Prabhu

Today’s Kirtan Schedule

Guru Puja - His Grace Ishwara Prabhu

Sandhya Arati - His Grace Makan Chor Prabhu

Tomorrow's Mangal Arati - His Holiness Radhey Shyamananda Maharaj

Srila Prabhupada Daily Quote

A devotee is not afraid of going to hell if he has the opportunity to hear the glories of the Lord constantly. This is the advantage of chanting Hare Krishna. One may be put in any condition but God gives him the prerogative to chant Hare Krishna. In any condition of life if one goes on chanting he will never be unhappy. (SB. Canto 3, chapter 15, Text 50 Purport)

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Links for LIVE darshan & lectures

This Daily Announcement is not a perfected service and errors are inevitable and regretted. Also sometimes, there may be a change in the program after the Daily Announcement has been posted. We regret any inconvenience caused.
The Community Service Center is located next to the Welcome Center and it's open daily from 10:00 AM to 01:30 PM & 04:30 to 08:00 PM, except Thursdays from 10:00 AM to 01:30 PM. Also you can contact +91 9557604293.

Book your TAXI at our Welcome Center - + 91 7895200703 WhatsApp contact and call, or send your request by email to

1 comment:

  1. LD: Achyutananda ... typical GBC debate person. "We are worried about what the newcomers will think"!

    No, you aren't. The newcomers are already ... not coming ... because you fools have made a clown show out of guru ... and no one approves. If you had the slightest concern for "new people" looking at all this ... you would have complained about this guru clown show in public ... a long time ago.

    Instead !!! you are complaining about the ritviks ... because they are tired of the guru clown show. And they want to give the newcomers something better ... almost forgot ... like a pure devotee for their guru.

    Does anyone in Alachua even remember that ISKCON is supposed to be making new people worship the pure devotee ... and not a clown show? Alachua is looking more like a retirement home for the people who destroyed ISKCON. And now writing bogus papers to prove they were right to promote a guru clown show.

    They have made a feel good society of the ISKCON refugees ... unfortunately ... same people who joined the hijackers who sank the ship. We sank the ship and could not even live on the ship ourselves ... we had to bail out.

    And they are not happy someone says ... you destroyed the ship because you removed the captain ... who is a pure devotee ... and made a clown show. They are proud of the absolute mess they made? The ritviks are right ... you should have given new people a pure devotee guru ... but you have no faith in the process.


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