Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kamala Harris' India Roots / Jadurani Health Crisis 07 23 24

 As Harris campaigns for US presidency, people in her mother’s native India are proud of her achievements (yahoo.com)

PADA: Different devotees send me adverts for their side of the politics world. I always hope for the best, for the USA's sake, and thus for my children's sake, but expect probably not the best is going to happen. I just don't see much positive going on in the politics of the USA, or much anywhere else around the planet either. 

Rather, it looks like the overall society is deteriorating. But hey, it is Kali Yuga, we just did not think Kali age would progress as fast as it is. I dunno, it is a mess all over -- in the weather, the pollution, the wars, the diseases, the crime waves, the back biting, the corruption, the egos of the leaders, the gun epidemic, and did I forget to mention -- the Kali-ized mess that is called ISKCON? 

Alas! I should not lament, that is my sentimentalism problem. What Krishna makes or allows to happen, is what happens. Full stop period. We cannot expect a smooth ride in our ten foot row boat -- on 45 foot waves -- in the middle of a typhoon. 

That being said, I hope Kamala does well if she becomes our leader, or anyone else becomes our leader. But it looks like an uphill push for whoever it is. It is interesting that she has some connections to India, but I am not sure how much that will impact things, if at all. Anyway I like the Kamala name, it reminds me of the song -- you are a teeny drop of water on a Kamala or lotus flower, and you will slip off at any second, you are not in a secure place anywhere in the material world. 

At the same time, we are gaining more Prabhupadanugas, so there is a little bit of relief on the horizon. ys pd  


Dandavat Pranams dear friends and family, god brothers and sisters, well wishers of all types!

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga...

We are writing here to share some updates about our beloved Srimati Syamarani Didi's health. This is a fundraiser to facilitate her having a 3 week immersion at a wellness retreat center to help her recover from many months of exhaustive service.

As most of you are aware, Srimati Syamarani Didi has suffered from poor health since her teenage years. With her unrelenting attachment to serving her spiritual masters and her unwavering commitment to Vaishnava sadacar, it is common for her health to take a dip after we host a preacher or have a festival.

This summer we actually had a festival every week for 8 weeks straight! From the beginning of May until the beginning of July, we served 10 sannyasi preachers in succession, sometimes with no gap in between!

While Didi generally can find a few days to rest, this merciful constant flow of sadhu sanga obligated her continued presence without any break. Additionally, by that level of open accessibility which she has maintained for decades, she's become a sought advisor for both spiritual challenges and exceptionally mundane problems for many devotees. Her compassion has compelled her to always lovingly support even when the mental and emotional toll was mounting.

Without a break, she has now come to the point of complete exhaustion. 10 days at the beach with only her Japa mala has yielded less results than previously achieved in only 2 days! This led to a paramount concern by her Sevaks and after discussion it was concluded that we must arrange a professional wellness sabbatical.

Given this decision, by the mercy of our Guru Varga we are located quite close to a nationally renowned facility - and the employee tour guide had even visited our center previously! Beginning on Guru Purnima, July 21st, she entered into a 3 week wellness recovery program at this facility. Vasanti Didi has been given carte blanche permission from the facility to coordinate prasadam in line with their prescribed diet and is residing there with her as well.

As you can imagine, this is not a cheap endeavor. Total expenses are looking to exceed $30,000 USD. While Didi had considerable savings from her art book and memoirs, she invested the vast majority into the preaching and temple efforts here in Miami.

Because of her natural humility, she's actually forbidden us from asking for any help. However, our love for her and our hankering to have her association for many more years does not allow us to accept this instruction, which is actually only a manifestation of her humble mood.

If she has touched your life in some significant way and it gives you great pleasure to see her around and healthy for decades to come please share this message with all devotees you know.

We accept that all Lakshmi is with Krsna and that Krsna is with Didi. Thank you for reading this and we appreciate the overwhelming shower of love, prayer, and donations in advance

Praying fervently to forever be engaged in visrambenah guru seva,

The SVA Seva Team

PADA: First of all, I like Jadurani personally and wish her well. She did a lot of service making art for Prabhupada's books. She also told me confidentially she has to take shelter of the Narayan Camp since she has no place in ISKCON. After all, she was physically assaulted at New Vrndavana and Los Angeles as well, by ISKCON temple thug ladies. 

As one devotee was telling me today, almost all the temple thugs were harassing if not beating up the people who were opposing the abuse program, so they were basically warriors for Satan.

Anyway, she is now with the Narayana group, but we don't think that he was a bona fide saint. Nor do we think she and the other leaders or sannyasis in their group should be acting as diksha gurus and taking karma etc. Nor do we think Narayana Maharaja's giving "rasika classes" to the Tamal gopi bhava club was a good idea, considering that we think Tamal is the Judas of ISKCON and not a fit candidate for gopis and rasika. 

OK so now she is where she is, and her health is not good. Unfortunately, most of the people who take karma end up with problems, whether ISKCON or Gaudiya Matha gurus. I don't think she should be promoting conditioned souls as gurus, and promoting them at her ashram etc. giving them her stamp of approval and authority.

All that being said, we wish her health to improve and we hold no grudges against her personally. She did try to arrange a meeting with me and Narayan Maharaja. I came all the way to their ashram, and she was shuttling back and forth trying to get me into the room. NM cancelled our 830 am, 1030 am, 230 pm, and at 530 pm Jadurani was actually crying -- telling me -- NM has left the property. She was very heart broken and disappointed over this. He did not want to see me, and so he never did, and she knew this was bad. 

Anyway, if people can help her out, that is fine with me. At some point I wish she would make a statement, NM is bogus and he supported the Judas of ISKCON and he was wrong, but hey, once people are stuck in their system, they sometimes cannot escape. 

Almost all of the GBC's gurus reported eventually having heavy mental and / or physical break downs, and it looks like, she is following in their footsteps. Yeah, she should take care of herself and not help a false society full with false gurus and / or their hand maidens and enablers. Getting her away from that system is a good idea actually. I hope she learns from all this.

ys pd angel108b!yahoo.com  

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