Monday, July 22, 2024

Bhaktavasya's Book / Jayatirtha 07 22 24


Different Kind of Life: Bhaktavasya's Story: Devi Dasi, Bhaktavasya: 9798332766930: Books

An excerpt from Bhaktavasya dd's excellent book:

Jayatirtha as Christ wasn't too much of a stretch for me at the time. For years in Iskcon it had been said in classes and amongst each other "If Jesus came back again, he would be a Hare Krishna" or that Jesus would take birth in the Hare Krishna movement. Prabhupad said that Jesus was a shaktavesh avatar, or a human being who is empowered by Krishna to deliver humanity.

PADA: We said that some of these GBC gurus had been direct or de facto creating the impression they are another Jesus, for example they are diksha gurus who can absorb sins, and we keep seeing references to that process repeatedly. So, while the GBC are like Jesus, the ritviks are bogus for making Prabhupada into another Jesus. OK they are replacing Prabhupada.

"He is the representative of Lord Chaitanya", from my recent LSD trip, was still fresh in my mind. I went to seek out the representative of God, who was sitting at the edge of the swimming pool, swishing his feet in the water. I told him about my LSD trip in Vancouver, mentioning that I'd had previous experience before coming to Iskcon. 

He seemed to come alive, nodding his appreciation of my enthusiastic retelling. I told him that I'd brought some 'sacrament' with me and asked if he would like to share it. He suggested we go to his room to ensure privacy.

PADA: Right, Jayatirtha was calling intoxicants "sacraments," even "Radha's feet dust," and he was telling people he is going to introduce the teachings of his original guru, Timothy Leary (LSD guru).   

His room was the only one that was carpeted, surrounded by partially stained glass windows. His sannyas danda stood in a corner; I had told him about my secret sannyas initiation so it would be like 2 sannyasis experimenting together; very serious, renounced, non-sexual. We split the blotter, sitting across from each other, separated by about a meter. Closing my eyes, I felt my body melt, the waves of sensual joy rushing through.

PADA: Sometimes LSD comes on a card or paper "blotter."

We both ended up on the floor, our bodies entwined around each other, spontaneously kissing each other's skin, neck, feet. Staying like that for what seemed like a long time, we each made an attempt to sit back up in a meditative position, swaying and bending until we magnetically were drawn back into the lovers embracing mode again. 

PADA: Yeah, sex, drugs, rock and roll, Timothy Leary and -- another Jesus. What could go wrong here?

He was whispering "I love you" and "You've come at last". Somewhere in my mind I felt a lazy sense of panic. “Gotta get out of this position. Is this Maya? We're supposed to be sannyasis.”

I started to crawl towards the door and the bathroom. I couldn't tell if I had to pee or was feeling orgasmic. He was apologizing, asking me to forgive him. I stretched my arm out towards him, inviting him back in for another hug. "It's okay. I just have to go to the bathroom." He took my hand, started to kiss it again and brush it up against his face, which seemed wet from sweat or tears. 

Too much emotion.

"You're not upset with me?" he wanted to know. More rushing, feelings of love, empathy. "No, I love you." I answered. Somehow I made it to the bathroom, with a strong urge to have a bath once I saw the tub. I did neither, pee or take a bath that is, laying up against the tub, my mind rushing as if in a drunken state.
After a while I could hear him out in the back yard, calling his followers together for the news. 

"Mother has come at last!" he said. I wanted to curl up in a ball and fall asleep on the bathroom floor but I knew I had to rise up and go outside to face the music. The emotions were too strong for me to sort out. A combination of fear, like a fear of heights, honour, as if I had suddenly been elevated to divine status and happiness that bordered on giddiness.

I mustered up the strength to get up off the floor, wet my face with water from the gushing tap at the sink, try to pee (do something normal). I felt like I was floating, surrounded by a brilliant aura of light, as I descended into the back yard.
The reactions of the followers were mixed; Navanita, back from his painting sales, looked elated, his hands pressed together in respect and awe. 

Nama looked bewildered, confused. Kev was watching Jayatirtha, cautiously, like a doctor observing a patient in a state of delerium. He disappeared into his hut when he saw me, saying something about 'consulting the I Ching about this'. 

I would soon find out that Jayatirtha and Kev consulted the I Ching several times a day, over any major and minor decisions. I followed him into the hut, wanting to escape from the spotlight and curious about what the Great Teacher had to say about this startling development. Being only vaguely familiar with the book of changes, I Ching, I didn't know whether it was the oracle or Kev who concluded I was ‘a wild card, could go either way' after the reading, which I was too stoned and too in love (I couldn't distinguish which it was) to take seriously.

Jayatirtha, who had followed me in, just smiled and filled his pipe with the holy benediction. Kev shook his head, eyeing me with suspicion. I had a vague impression that he might be feeling left out because he wasn't sacramented like Jayatirtha and me. As the day wore on, Jayatirtha said I should have a sannyasi name. He chanted some mantras, which I assumed were special sannyas initiation mantras, sprinkled a few drops of water on my head and pronounced my new name; Bhakti-hrdoye Tirtha. The meaning, he said, was 'one who has bhakti or love for Tirtha in her heart (hrdoye).

I felt a jolt go through me. "I know no-one but Krishna as my Lord.." (Sri Sikshastakam). Navanita was christened "Francis," after St. Francis of Assissi, with a similar sprinkling of water on the head. Kev and Nama had vanished, he into the bhajan kutir and she into the house to cook dinner. The name 'Francis' stuck, whereas mine got shortened to Bhakti. Mother Bhakti. As Jayatirtha and I stole a kiss beside a desire tree in the yard, he pronounced us spiritual husband and wife; Bhakti and Vijay Tirtha.

PADA: And Krishna "was a guru in our line" and so was Jayatirtha? Yikes pilgrims. ys pd 

1 comment:

  1. JD: That is why Srila Prabhupada says ... do not become a leader or guru ... if you are still in the material illusion. Do not even become a father, mother, or teacher either.

    Because you will lead others into illusion. If you are in illusion yourself, you cannot do much damage. When you take the position of guru, you can mislead many others, and drag them also to hell along with you.

    And that is very sinful. Jayatirtha paved his own path to hell, but the sad thing is, he took many others down with him. "The Peace Krishnas." What a hoax.

    Now the rest of the GBC cannot say "he never was a guru," because they all went along with him. That would make all of them look bad. So they go along on ... with even more illusion ... the 11 were gurus, and so was Lord Chaitanya.

    They just have to make themselves still look like gurus, even when they supported these idiots as gurus. That is because it would disturb their guru business ... if they admit the whole thing is ... a hoax. Jayatirtha was a link in the guru parampara? And so was Krishna? I say nay, nay!


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