Sunday, July 28, 2024

Bhakti Vikas Swami / Sad Military Review / Danavir 07 28 24


PADA: Putin looking a little sad at his military exhibition. "Can I just be somewhere else right now"? Sheesh already!

Yep, there they go off -- and 1,000 -- or more -- will be dead in 24 hours. And another 1,000 will be wounded, some missing hands and feet. But we just need to keep sending more and more of these brave soldiers into the wood chipper. No wonder people are calling this "a meat factory" "a slaughterhouse" etc. 

Srila Prabhupada says -- the leaders are responsible for the suffering of the citizens, and these mundane wars are causing great misery for many entities, including many hundreds of thousands -- or millions -- of animals who get caught up in the bombings, fires etc. 

And one can only imagine all the crying of the relatives, mothers, wives, daughters, women neighbors etc. of these soldier men -- who will never return. These women would no doubt be silently cursing Putin for taking away their men. Yeah I know it is all karma and all that, but according to the Vedic principle, no one is allowed to cause suffering to other living beings. And it looks like the people in Russia are being made miserable by their own leaders. 

A captured Russian was asked why he was out there on the battlefield, since he is 75 years old. He said he was not an actual solider, but a clean up crew body collector. And he was tasked with picking up the bodies. But he said -- there is no way he and his crew could keep up, there are too many bodies out there, and the dogs are often getting to them first. Then, there is the problem of a lack of refrigerated storage. This sounds to me more like a sort of horror movie rather than a nicely run military operation.



M Das (Russia news)

From the reports circulated by Russian disciples and followers of Bhakti Vikasa Swami:

"Russian government has banned non-citizens (foreigners) from preaching in Russia. His Holiness Bhakti Vikasa Maharaja was arrested at a Vaishnava festival. He was found Guilty simply for attending the festival, although he did not even give any lectures. Most likely, he will be deported next week. 

"At present, he is in a private prison cell with his servant. Devotees can bring him prasadam. Maharaja is reported to be happy and peaceful. All possible measures are being taken both at the GBC and political levels. Please pray that he will be released soon and leave the country safely."

The situation looks especially ironic precisely because the respected Maharaja has repeatedly sung the glory of Putin, called him a very qualified ruler, while the West called him a demonic spawn of materialism. And regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine, he recommended all GBC ISKCON devotees to remain "out of politics" and absolutely neutral, since "it's all demons fighting demons."

PADA: It is the demons fighting the demons? That is a great advertisement to make as the public position of a GBC guru.

It is like the GBC guru wars, fighting over zones, re-initiating people, suppressing scandals, placing tantric curse on one another and etc. Hansadutta even had a "hit list" in his diary showing some of the other GBC gurus he wanted to have taken out. It is the demons fighting the demons?

GSD: More difficult is to be released from the jail of Maya, Srila Prabhupada said don't be allured by the Maya of being guru.


PADA: Yeah when Danavir and Vipramukhya were ahead of me in the prasadam line, they were laughing at a photo of Jayatirtha in the BTG, they said -- he looks foolish for not having the other ten gurus in his photo, he should advertise all of them. They also said, if we had to have Jayatritha as our guru, we never would have joined ISKCON in the first place, we do not think he is worthy of our worship. When Vipramukhya came to Berkeley, he was giving people a pair of his orange socks to worship, and he had a young lady "secretary" who was massaging his feet. The good news is, he later on said he is getting sick whenever he takes another disciple, because he is taking karma, and he is right, he figured that much out. Of course that karma is still with him, he has not purified it off, and he will take it with him into the next life. ys pd

Paris Olympics? Or GBC meeting? Cannot decide? ys pd

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