Monday, February 13, 2023

Mayesvara VS PADA

Mayesvara das

PADA is so selfishly out of control that after I politely asked him NOT to keep spamming this thread with distractions and irrelevant posts about RtVik etc, he just doubled down and published even more of the same garbage like a childish brat. 

[PADA: OK except I posted a letter from a lady who is tired of all the molesters and molesting going on in Mayapur, and the past 45 years of Jayapataka's regime's covering up and facilitating all this child beating, molesting, raping etc. Neither she nor I mentioned the word "ritvik." 

Child abuse, including starving, depriving children of enough food and basic necessities, sexual predator gurus, child beating, child rapes, suicides of victims etc. is what she addressed, and that is what we also addressed. "Ritvik" issue is a separate department. Now you are saying our addressing the bogus guru's regime's child abuse process -- including starving, beating, rapes and suicides is a "childish rubbish" topic. Sorry, this is a serious matter.] 

Now nobody else will have to endure his vitriol. It is a great solution... he can continue to live in his own delusionary world of National Enquirer followers which is all he seems to want. Oh... and National Enquirer has lost tens of thousands of customers as they got tired of their absurd and exaggerated publication of exagerated gossip!

[PADA: OK so children are being starved, beaten, molested and subsequently some commit suicide, and this is all exaggerated National Enquirer gossip. Mayesvara is one of the Los Angeles temple groupies, and that temple has the biggest Jayapataka fan club on the West Coast. And Mayesvara was helping the GBC guys when we had them sued for $400,000,000 for that abuse. Los Angeles temple is feeding the Jayapataka regime, and the Jayapataka regime is then feeding the child beaters, child abusers and child rapers process.

As soon as many Los Angeles temple folks see the leader of a child starving, child beating, and child raping program like JPS, they fall off their seats and think they have merged into heaven. And Mayesvara is their cheer leader supporter. I am an eye witness.

Yep, we all know Jayapataka is the main leader of the Mayapur regime since 1978 -- which has been reported -- by various victims -- as having a system of starving, beating, raping, and horribly mistreating Krishna's children systematically. Or actually according to Praghosa das, factory industrial levels of child abuse. And Mayesvara says we are making "National Enquirer" complaints about -- the very real conditions of abuse going on there.

And we all know that Mayapur program is enabled in part by the Los Angeles leaders and their JPS fan club members. In any case, I am not too worried about being on or off this social media process / or the other. Many people agree with me already, and many more agree every day. We are winning gradually. 

And theoretically -- suppose we do not win, and even if no one ever agrees, hey it is Kali yuga, but that does not make child abuse programs bona fide in the laws of Krishna. It is still very sinful -- and so are the people who promote that regime. OK like Mayesvara's LA ISKCON buddies.

I am not too confident in the mundane court system here, although we did win the child abuse case here already, but we should all be more concerned about the higher courts run by Krishna's agents. Child molester guru regimes will run into all sorts of problems in that court. Of course JPS already looks like he got run over by a Mack Truck, the karma is already moving in on him. It will just go downhill from here. And his supporters share in his karma. 

All glories to the factory industrial child abuser guru regime and its henchmen and vociferous defenders. Yep we all all know what happened here. And more people are waking up to what happened every day. Sulochana said you guys are "tossing children into a wood chipper," and every day that passes -- another person agrees that has been the situation. 

ys pd]

The Bona Fide Acharya of Vaishnava
banning, beating, molesting, suing and ... worse. 

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