Sunday, January 15, 2023

ISKCON Women Demand Seat At Molester Messiah's Table

Where do I sign up to be a member of this sampradaya?

From a group of Srila Prabhupada's Daughters:

An Open Letter to The Present
And Future ISKCON Devotees

January 14th, 2023

Dear Esteemed Vaishnavas and Vaishnavis,

Our most respectful obeisances to you all. All glories to our beloved Founder-Acharya, Srila Prabhupada.

We are a group of women disciples of Srila Prabhupada who has been sincerely serving his ISKCON for fifty-some years.

We’ve been on the front lines of preaching; we’ve helped build and maintain temples; we’ve translated, produced, and distributed BBT books, and brought many of our current leaders to Srila Prabhupada’s movement. We’ve also raised families, helped grow communities, and practiced Krsna consciousness with dedication and faith.

What’s more, as the first generation of Srila Prabhupada’s Vaishnavi followers, there is one thing we all share: the experience of how His Divine Grace cared for us and empowered us to serve to our fullest capacity in Lord Chaitanya’s movement. Yet today we share a grave concern.

Recent events have shown us that, under threat from one part of our Society, some are willing to sacrifice the integrity and dynamism of Prabhupada’s worldwide movement by disempowering its women devotees.

[PADA: Oh jeepers, since 1978 the GBC has been promoting their illicit sex with men, women and children acharyas as Krishna's successors, and now we are "under threat" from a certain part of the society -- which won't allow us women to join their illicit sex with men, women and children guru sampradaya. 

Why do women -- or men -- need to be certified as gurus -- by deviants? Moreover, why would any woman want a "guru certificate" from the anal reconstructive surgery epidemic messiahs club? "I am really upset that I am excluded from the molester messiah's program." Isn't that a sign your meds aren't working?]

Is there perhaps an intention by some to stall and stall the empowerment of Vaishnavi Diksha gurus until all of Srila Prabhupada’s women disciples have passed away? Or, until they have all become physically incapable of performing this service? Such a travesty should never occur.

[PADA: Well first of all, if you are already bona fide diksha gurus, you would not go crawling and scraping the floor to ask a homosexual pedophile messiah's club for any certification whatever. Why are you women begging a child molester's guru process for membership in their club -- filled with perverts, deviants and pedophiles, and their handlers and enablers? 

I have to kiss the jack boots of the homosexual and pedophiles messiahs posing as Krishna's successors -- and get their certificate -- before I can preach? Nope. You are free to preach without them, and moreover asking them for a certificate makes you look compromised with pedophile worship. 

But yeah, almost all of you are old and dying now, that means you waited to get a go ahead from your favorite homosexual and pedophile messiahs club before you decided to do something. And most of your group are already gone. You are waiting for a certificate from a pedophile's guru club, in vain, no one accepts their certificate. It's bogus.] 

If Srila Prabhupada’s immediate spiritual daughters continue to be denied the opportunity to serve as initiating spiritual masters—despite Srila Prabhupada’s clear instruction that we do so—that could set a tragic precedent for future generations.

[PADA: There is a clear instruction for neophytes to claim they are equal to Jesus and they can absorb sins?]

The Vaishnavi Sangha ilk told this guy to take sins. They are killing this guy in the process. The Srila Prabhupada devotees who told JPS to take sins are causing him to suffer. And when he goes to his next life he will suffer more, taking all these sins with him. 

You deluded women are destroying people by telling them to take sins, and now you want to destroy women just like you destroyed these men. False acharyas are going to the most obnoxious regions, and you are cheering him down that path to hell. And you want to become, like him, and be overwhelmed with sins. This is HARMING women, not helping. You Vaishnavi women want to drag other women down to the same karma chakra hells he is already in, and will simply fall further into. And so will women if they sign up to his problem.

At the present moment, there is much concern in our ISKCON society about the abuse of children and women. Women, who are mostly also mothers, are the natural protectors and caretakers of the children. But when their voices are ignored, silenced, or maligned, this opens the door for women and children to be abused.

[PADA: So you should join the club of the people who are creating abuse, and become their hand maiden co-opted gurus, following their leadership. You are complaining about Kamsa harming children, and simultaneously, asking him to become part of his management group.]

It’s unfortunate that some women in ISKCON feel that they are being prevented from serving Srila Prabhupada, as he envisioned. Many have also lost faith and left our society due to the disrespect or abuse they received in our temples from male authorities.

[PADA: But you folks are also the same people saying that neophytes should be diksha gurus, that is what the GBC says. You are creating these problem yourselves by advocating for neophytes to pose as acharyas. After thousands of children were molested, you want to join their coterie and get their rubber stamp.]

Moreover, there are women who have lost trust or been harmed by male authority figures even before joining ISKCON. As a result, some of those women feel they can open their hearts more sincerely, and better reveal their minds, to a Vaishnavi Diksha guru.

[PADA: A Vaishnavi diksha guru, voted in by the male homosexual and pedophile diksha gurus process, won't be trusted by my neighbor's dog. Women who are certified members of a homosexual and pedophile guru line will have votes of NO CONFIDENCE ahead of them wherever they go.]

One woman said if she can’t receive initiation from the Vaishnavi guru of her choice, she’ll wait until her next life to receive initiation. This is heartbreaking. Why should a serious and qualified aspirant be left in limbo, especially since the GBC had already given their blessings for Vaishnavi Diksha gurus, but then abruptly withdrew those blessings?

[PADA: Yes, it means you are telling her that Srila Prabhupada is not her diksha  guru now, you are the ones cheating her. So now she has to wait, wait for what? To get a diksha from your homosexual and pedophile guru line? Srila Prabhupada is not her diksha guru now, she has to wait, until you ladies get the go ahead from the homosexual and pedophile's guru lineage. 

That means she is waiting so she can get a ticket to go to hell with the pedophile guru line, including the women voted into it. We are telling people DO NOT WAIT for one second, accept Srila Prabhupada as your diksha guru now, because you can die at any second, so you better be prepared! What is the waiting for? You are waiting for hell's gates to open before you decide to give people the actual diksha guru? Well hell's gates are opening, and you are still waiting!]

Why not allow a few qualified Vaishnavis to initiate a few sincere, deserving disciples? (At least a few women disciples.) What is the harm? No harm at all, according to Prabhupada and sastra:

“The qualification of guru is that he must be fully cognizant of the science of Kṛṣṇa. Then he or she can become guru. Yei kṛṣṇa-tattva-vettā, sei guru haya.” (Interview with Professors O’Connell, Motilal, and Shivaram, June 18, 1976, Toronto)

[PADA: Since these women want a certificate from a homosexual and pedophile guru line, that bans, beats, molests, sues and kills people, they have no idea what the science is.]  

In a letter to Hansadutta, Prabhupada wrote: “I want that all of my spiritual sons and daughters will inherit this title of Bhaktivedanta so that the family transcendental diploma will continue through the generations. Those possessing the title of Bhaktivedanta will be allowed to initiate disciples…That is my program.”
(Letter to: Hansadutta, January 3, 1969, Los Angeles)

Some of those who want to stop Prabhupada’s women disciples from fulfilling his order is quick to reference sampradayas that forbid women to initiate. Why ignore those that allow them?

Throughout Gaudiya’s history, women have been given initiation. Even today women give initiation in different branches of the Gaudiya Math. In the Nimbarka Sampradaya, there have been women spiritual masters for a thousand years. And, there are other women gurus in present-day India, as well.

Within ISKCON, Vaishnavi Diksha gurus have been endorsed by the SAC (Sastric Advisory Council), the SABHA (Spiritual Advisors Bhagavat Assembly), the North American Council, the Australian Council, and several ISKCON Ministries. Do their voices, like those of Prabhupada’s women disciples, also not count?

[PADA: Oh great, same idiots who are advisors to the homosexual and pedophile guru process are our cited authority.]

Some devotees maintain that women may give Siksha, or instruction, but not Diksha. Yet, in his purport to CC Adi 1.34, Srila Prabhupada writes: “The initiating and instructing spiritual masters are equal and identical manifestations of Krsna, although they have different dealings.” And, in his purport to Adi 1.47, His Divine Grace further clarifies: “If one foolishly discriminates between them, he commits an offense in the discharge of devotional service.”

Most recently, a resolution was passed by the GBC mandating a
moratorium on VDG for up to three years. (ISKCON News 

Again, is it the intention of some who oppose qualified Vaishnavis giving initiation to stall until the remaining women disciples of Srila Prabhupada have passed away? Then it could be said to future generations of Vaisnavis: “Srila Prabhupada’s direct women disciples did not give initiation, so how can you?”

The moratorium’s proposers claim that its major purpose is to discuss and clarify the issue of guru-tattva in ISKCON. But if that’s true, then why not suspend all initiations by both men and women? Why suspend only initiations by women?

[PADA: Because conditioned souls cannot absorb sins, what does it matter if they are male or female? You are avoiding the root issue.] 

In 2021, the GBC adopted a resolution that recognized “cultural sensitivity” in different areas of the world. That is, if a certain region was not in favor of Vaishnavi Diksha gurus, then that area would be free to ‘opt out’ or forbid VDGs. In other words, each region would decide what would best serve their community and preaching needs.

We welcome the need for cultural sensitivity, as did an overwhelming majority of voting GBCs. But some voices in India, ignoring Srila Prabhupada’s call for “unity in diversity,” have refused to respect those areas of the world with preaching needs different than their own.

Prabhupada’s teachings are clear: He wants us to unite around universal spiritual principles while diversifying their application “in terms of time, country, and candidate,” (CC Madhya 22.105 purport)

This is key to finding the cooperation we’ll need to take Krsna consciousness to every town and village. Indeed, as Prabhupada said in his last year with us, our love for him would be shown by how we cooperate together. Yet, those who oppose diversity are now destroying our unity. With all due respect, this is not cooperation; it is coercion.

Some people contend that since Srila Prabhupada didn’t select any women to give initiation, so, after his departure, neither should we. But neither, for example, did His Divine Grace select any Indian, Chinese, African, or Russian devotees.

Does this mean that male devotees from those backgrounds are not eligible to offer Diksha in ISKCON? Of course not. Srila Prabhupada dismissed the bodily conception of life. So why now cling to the same misconception and discriminate against Vaishnavis?

In the West, professors tell us the two issues that most concern university students are cared for the environment and equity for women. And in the West, many educated second and third-generation people of the Indian diaspora say that denying women equal opportunity undermines their interest in Krsna consciousness.

[PADA: India diaspora, that worships all sorts of bogus things, as Srila Prabhupada told us over and over.]

Should this not motivate us to adopt cultural sensitivity and Srila Prabhupada’s instructions regarding time, place, and circumstance as fundamental principles of his global movement?

Dear devotees of the future: If the qualified women disciples of Srila Prabhupada, who are now in their 70s, are not allowed to offer initiation, know for certain that giving them this service opportunity was the desire and instruction of our beloved Founder-Acharya. Please do not let this service be denied to qualified Vaishnavis of your generation, as it has so far been denied to us.

Finally, dear ISKCON leaders, we humbly ask: Can you allow a few senior women, who have faithfully served ISKCON for some fifty years, to offer initiation as Prabhupada wanted, in those areas of the world that welcome them? Can you not honor the cultural sensitivity that was recently endorsed?
Hare Krsna,

Ali Krsna dd 
Mukhya dd
Arcana Siddhi dd 
Narayani dd
Asta Sakhi dd 
Nikunjavasini dd
Balai dd 
Nirakula dd
Chitralekha dd 
Nirmala dd
Citrarupini dd 
Padmamalini dd
Dinadayadri dd 
Praharana dd
Gopalasyapriya dd 
Pranada dd
Jayagauri dd 
Rambhoru dd
Jitamrita dd 
Rangavati dd
Jyestha dd 
Rukmini dd
Kalpalatika dd 
Sandamani dd
Kanchanabala dd 
Sangita dd
Kanka dd 
Sarvamangala dd
Kausalya dd 
Saudamani dd
Kirtida dd 
Shilavati dd
Kosarupa dd 
Sitala dd
Kutila dd 
Srimati dd
Mahamaya dd 
Sudharma dd
Maharha dd 
Sukhada dd
Malati dd 
Sukhavaha dd
Mamata dd 
Sumati dd
Mondakini dd 
Vegavati dd
Visakha dd

PADA: Well anyway, if anyone wants to be a diksha guru, male or female, then go ahead and give it a try. Of course, if you promise to take people's karma, then you have to deal with that if you are not capable of burning their karma. 

But why are people waiting for 46 years to get a guru certificate from the dubious and doubtful GBC? If you are going to preach and claim to be a diksha guru, or any other kind of guru, then go ahead and do that. What is the need for a certificate from these guys? 

If people have been waiting for 46 years to get a bogus certificate from bogus people -- before they start preaching, that makes no sense to me. Just go out and preach and convince people to follow your idea. 

I have got 5,000 hits a day on my blogs and sites, and I have been interviewed by public medias, book writers etc. and I am just preaching my idea, and lots of people like it, and many don't like it, but if I had been waiting for 46 years to get a certificate, then I would have not got much of anything done. 

If you are actually qualified to be a guru, you don't need anyone's permission or certification. And even if you are just a junk yard dog like myself, you also don't need anyone's permission or certification to move forward. I have no idea why anyone would be obsessed with getting their certificate, when they certify all sorts of dubious people as their gurus and thus their certification is sort of like a bad advert. 

None of the acharyas including Srila Prabhupada did not wait for any certificate, they just preached, that is our process, and we should also follow the same idea. Just preach and do what you can, waiting for them for 46 years, for what? If you think you are the reincarnation of Jesus and you can absorb sins like Jesus, well go for it. Why do you need a certificate from the pedophile pooja-ites?

But when you get sick, fall down, or die prematurely from taking karma, don't say we didn't warn ya! You guys are asking the homosexual and pedophile guru process for recognition, when you should be suing them for molesting all the children instead of asking them for leftover table scraps. 

For you women to be asking the same group that orchestrated all the mass child molesting for a spot at their table, to get a few of their leftover scraps is frankly, disgusting. You want a seat at the table, with the same folks who orchestrated the mass molesting of many children, evidently -- including some of yours. 

You still want to have tea and crumpets with the people who created -- mass molesting -- of kids, including your society's? Why are you not in front of their temples with signs protesting all the molesting? That is what a true guru would be doing now, not licking their jack boots for a leftover table scrap.

ys pd


  1. JD: These women have no idea who Srila Prabhupada is. They think that being a diksha guru is something like learning how to cook sweet rice. Any temple devotee "in good standing" is capable of being worshiped as good as God. And being another Prabhupada.

    First trouble is, they always go back to their pedophile brotherhood friends to get their blessings ... to become one of their gurus. That means they have no idea even what is "in good standing" because a pedophile guru system is one foot in hell and the other foot on a banana peel. Nor do bona fide gurus need the blessings of a pedophile brotherhood to be a guru. They don't even know that much. Truth is, bona fide guru needs no one's rubber stamp.

    Then they are telling people to wait to get a guru ... because they do not believe Srila Prabhupada is the guru. "Maybe in another life you might get a guru." No faith in God and guru. And they are blocking people from getting Srila Prabhupada as their guru. Very sinful, aborting the spiritual children so they can get a big fat guru seat for themselves. Checking people from having a bona fide guru, most sinful act.

    People like Vishaka? are promoting "men gurus" like Sivaram swami, number one best enabler of Bhakti Vidya Purna swami. And all the beating and molesting and raping of children was going on with this group of fools, and she is with them.

    She does not even understand that child beating and child raping guru groups are bogus. And she is one of the big ring leaders of this women guru squad.

    They hand select the most compromised people with the child beating and raping to be leaders of their women group. What does that tell us? They don't give a pile of cr*p about all the damage their idea is creating, even for children. They just want the big seat for themselves. These people are simply self centered and egotistical.

    "We are the old guard." You mean the old guard that wants to sit with the child raping and beating program leaders ... so they will give you a slice of the stolen pie. Which you all stole from your guru!

    This is actually good since, it further explains why no one thinks Srila Prabhupada is the guru, because they think they are the guru. Let them be gurus, take karma, and go where Sivarama and Bhakti Vidya Purna swami are going ... if they want to be with that group ... they get what they deserve. Birds of a feather, they belong with each other. I have had to be independent of all their indoctrination, but it did take me awhile to wash all their garbage out of my brains. They are trying to fool us ... AGAIN! Not this time!

  2. S Dasi: I agree with M Dasi. Mukhya DD is another big supporter of the GBC and their pedophile or even child beating and child raping guru system. She hosted Lokanath in Alachua and has other "ISKCON leaders" speak there all the time.

    And worse, people who do not want to worship her child beating and child raping guru system are often banned from the temple. In other words these women want to force people to worship their pedophile and child beater and child raper guru sampradaya by kicking people out. And worst of all? The cherry on top? These women want to get voted in to that guru system.

    It is not enough to be a by-stander, or a maid servant, they want to be direct voted in at the big Mayapur round table with the big leaders of the whole operation ... and be one of them. The same operation that kept Bhakti Vidya Purna swami even after he realized it had gone too far ... and asked to resign. He is a keeper.

    These women are simply 50 years waiting and waiting and waiting to be voted in to their pedophile guru system ... for what reason? Meanwhile they are dying off while waiting. Does that sound like a useful life? I waited for 50 years to be voted into the pedophile guru system ... and then I died while waiting. I just sat around waiting and refused to preach to people that Srila Prabhupada is the guru, because I wanted to be voted in as the guru.

    That sounds like a total waste of time to me. Personally ... I am not waiting to get the green light from the pedophile guru system to guide my self. I get my guidance from Srila Prabhupada. Of course that makes me no good rotten person not in good standing. These women are delusional.

    Will I be in good standing at the time of death for worshiping Srila Prabhupada, or will they be in good standing by waiting their whole lives 50 years to be voted into a pedophile guru system, so they could help them promote their child beater and child raping guru system? Which is total disgusting to normal moral people.

    I am not a betting person but I'd put money on myself winning this race. I have seen lots of deluded people in my experience, but these ladies are an embarrassment to the lady department.

  3. GGD: These women need to read the Bible. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God because he does not approve of sodomites society. Never mind ... God does not want people to worship the Sodom and Gommorrah-ites.

    These women claim to be followers of Prabhupada and then introduced the sodomite program's worship, which spread sodomy all over their society. And then their children were sacrificed on the altar of their sodomy worship society. And then they were not happy, because they were not one of temple high priests for the sodomites.

    The only good from all this is what? Now we understand how ISKCON became Sodom and Gomorrah ... these people welcomed in the high priests of that society, and even wanted to join the ranks of their priest organization. God destroyed the Sodomites and we all know what happens next, He will destroy them, their children and their whole society the same way. God is just not a supporter of Sodomites religion.

    Neither any agent of God is in favor of the worship of sodomites. He will destroy them and their society, and we should all know that from reading the Bible. These women do not have a basic moral idea, a sodomy worship organization and society is condemned and forbidden everywhere. They won't revive it, because God Himself will take it down, and He is.

    And these women who want to be the new high priests for Sodom and Gomorrah temple will go down the drain with the whole slimy and stinky mess. Worship of Sodomites is always forbidden and God will punish anyone attempting to make it into a religion.

    Suppose Jim Jones by a miracle survived after he had his people drink poison. And by another miracle some mothers survived too. And then those mothers, whose children died in the poison event, went to ask Jim Jones, can we become your high priests? WTF?
    These women are simply what Srila Prabhupada always warns us about, mindless fanatics, who have no clue what religion is.

    And therefore they are a danger to the whole human society. We had our children worship Sodomites, our children were destroyed, and now, make us your Sodomite religion's high priests.

    Meanwhile everyone else is running away from these Sodomites, seeing all the wrath of God unfolding and making people like Jayapataka into living corpses. And these women are not far behind him in the race of going down the drain, same exact way Sodom and Gomorrah went down. A sodomy society is forbidden always, especially when the victims are mostly ... their own children. These people are sick.

    And that is why they and their society is dying off. God is taking their whole shi*t show down. Good riddance!

  4. Hare Krsna! Some names - can be recognised who they are:

    Chitralekha dd (Upendras wife - also has links with Bali Marden)

    Pranada dd worked at BTG (known to have Satsvarupa very inimate association)

    Dinadayadri dd (ex wife of Nara Narayana Visvakarma)

    Rambhoru dd (Bogus guru, Prithu's wife)

    Rukmini dd (friend of Jayadvaita)

    Malati dd (Syamasundar's wife)

    Visakha dd (photographer husband now also in UK, current TP Bhaktivedanta Manor)

    [PADA: Yep, they just don't seem to get it. The GBC guru program is going down. Even if all of them together get voted into the molester messiah's program as co-acharyas, to become part of their illicit sex with men, women and children guru sampradaya, it will still keep on sinking. Its done. Toast. Krishna does not want it, and so it must decay and dwindle into dust, and it will. ys pd]


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