Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Who is accepting the sins in ISKCON? (Wednesday March 2)

Dear Akruranatha prabhu, As expected, you still have given no explanation as to who accepts the sins in ISKCON? You did ramble on a bit on the GBC's sannyasa / guru administration program, forgetting that none of the previous acharyas were under the powers of an administration management team? The acharya speaks when Krishna dicatates, ooops, no, he speaks after the GBC votes and tells him what to speak?

It also seems there is a sort of College Of Cardinals program that votes in the Pope, since every year more gurus are voted in as well?
You claim that there is no "guru voting" in ISKCON? That means you are not even reading your own GBC's documents, their documents state that their gurus are to be "2/3 show of hands voted in," "voting" is not "voting"? And there are also "votes" to censure, monitor, remove and excommunicate gurus? More "voting," which you say, does not exist? I am amazed that you are not even reading their documents.

Then you claim there are no more "zonal" gurus, ok, if Ravindra swarupa dasa is not "the guru for Philadelphia," then who is? Why is his name given in recent GBC documents that he is the guru for that area (zone)? And Gopal Krishna is the guru for Delhi, again -- according to their own documents. I am amazed that you are not even studying their documents, let me refresh here, every year the GBC writes an annual report which gives guru's names and areas, i.e. zones, the zonal guru process is still going on, it was never halted.

I have a friend who is a retired airline pilot. I told him that Badrinaran says most of the GBC's 230 voted in gurus have "crashed and burned," so its like a really bad airline. I explained to him that out of their 230 gurus -- recently less than 80 sannyasas remained, at least so says recent GBC writings. He said if he worked for an airline that had only 80 flights land without crashing, out of 230 flights, and the rest of the flights "crashed and burned" we'd be out of business in two days, so he said, that these people continue on despite so much crashing and burning is a sign of severe cheating.

He says even in the material sense, no wonder hardly nobody accepts their program, 230 pure as God gurus who are mostly constantly crashing and burning, this is not a bona fide religious process. Even he was amazed at the failure rate of your pure devotee acharyas, actually he was laughing his head off, he could not belieive the silliness of you folks. In any case, it seems you are saying that the crashing and burning people are absorbing others sins, except the reason they are crashing is -- they cannot even absorb their own sins? You are going in a circle here. ys pd

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