Sunday, June 18, 2023

Kailasa Chandra / Antinomianism / Dr. J. Stilson Judah

PADA: We have had some rather bizarre exchanges lately with the Kailasa chandra disciples, and they keep sending out videos where Kailasa is attacking the -- neo-crypto Christians, horrid Christians, apa-siddhanta Christians, karta-bhaja sahajiya Christians etc. OK but Srila Prabhupda says without the Christians, we would be living in an uncivilized neanderthal lawless society. At least the Christians made some sort of basic law and order regulated society.

And then the Kailasa folks immediately complain so what, the Christian society eats meat, causes wars, and has many problems. Well sure, Srila Prabhupada admits to that, but at the same time we have to give them credit for advancing things past the uncivilized neanderthal level society. Kailasa folks don't want to do that, they are totally against the Christian system. 

And that begs the question, what system of society has Kailasa supported? And unfortunately, he has been writing papers for the ISKCON GBC, and writing papers for Rocana, which were then copied and pasted by the GBC and handed out to their folks. However, Dr. Stillson Judah told me that the GBC's governing system is "antinomianism," lawless-ness in the name of religion.

In other words in the Christian society there are basic rules and laws, for example laws that protect women and children. And self-evidently the ISKCON GBC system does not have a good system of regulating against exploiting of women and children. In fact, it almost seems like out of a supposed original 4,000 children in ISKCON, about 2,000 of them were abused, at least that is what a few victims told me. As for women being exploited or abused, it is hard to tell exact figures, but lets just say easily -- thousands.

So why would Kailasa be writing papers for the antinomian -- lawless in the name of religion society -- while he clearly opposes the Christian's "law and order society." I believe this is personal grudge, because not only Kailasa but many other GBC clones all complain about "the bogus Christians" -- who are containing their criminal activity society, including mass child abuses.

Well no kidding. The bogus Christian's police, federal law enforcement, courts and media have helped me fight their antinomian bogus guru system, and their attempt to re-establish their idea of a lawless, neanderthal, uncivilized pre-Christian society, where women and children could be assaulted with no consequences. The Christian folks helped me combat their social breakdown process, and the lawless pro-antinomian folks thus hold a grudge. 

At the same time, Srila Prabhupada says the system of Christians worshiping Jesus through priests is authorized. And in fact Srila Thakura Bhaktivinode says he not only appreciates the Christians, their guru is no less than a shaktyavesa personality. In other words we do not find Vaishnava authorities criticizing Jesus, or the system of worshiping Jesus, rather they say the Christian idea is the same basic idea as the Vaishnava idea, we have to love God. We all know that there are defects in modern Christianity, but again, it is far better than lawless neanderthal life where women and children have no protection. And it is far better than the ISKCON mass abuse and even murder culture.

And when we pointed out that Madvacarya scholars said the ritvik system of ISKCON is like their system of "fallible initiators" Kailasa folks attacked these scholars as "mundane men." However when we were in South India Srila Prabhupada said the Madhva system is authorized. Srila Prabhupada never said that worshiping Madhvacarya is a mundane process. 

In any case, we sent them this set of questions and so far none of them has been answered. Well no kidding, they cannot answer, nor can the GBC's "Jesus system is bogus" folks answer. Yeah no kidding, the Jesus folks have laws against women and children abuse, and dismantling their system would green light mass women and child abuse. And we all know that has been the secret agenda of the "Christians and their laws are bogus" folks, they want anarchy and antinomianism. 

And that was confirmed to me by one of the foremost scholars on Christians and religion, Dr. J. Stilson Judah. Dr. Judah also warned me, these people will not kill a cow, but they will kill you if they think they can get away with it. And Dr. Judah said he was worried I might not come to our next meeting, because I would no longer be here. Yep, but the Christians and their police saved me from these folks, no wonder they hold a grudge. ys pd  


1) Kailasa people say folks will get their understanding of Krishna from reading the original books, or maybe from seeing Krishna art in a Hindu shop.

2) The ritviks are the people who sued the BBTI to get the rights to print and distribute original books.
3) Therefore the ritviks are "horrific deviants" and "dangerous sahajiyas," because they are placing original books into the hands of the conditioned souls to save them, and no one else is printing and distributing these books, making web sites where people can download the original books etc. These deviated ritviks must be stopped, because they are saving people. We have to help the GBC people like Ravindra swarupa -- and write papers for him, so people can read Ravindra's friend Satsvarupa write "the ritviks are poison pens." So Kailasa can have us dangerous original book printers eliminated from the planet.
4) Kailasa people say the Vedas are written by "absent and absentia" authors, which means Krishna and Srila Prabhupada are not present in the books. This is also what the mayavadas say, there is no one present in the Vedic writings. How is Krishna an author in absentia, and His pure devotee is also absent from his own books?
5) Kailasa writes papers for years for Rocana and the GBC prints and distributes his writings, so Kailasa can help enable a child abuse guru cult that the ritviks had to sue for $400,000,000 for mass abuse. Why is Kailasa writing papers that enable that group?
6) Kailasa says we should not have trained brahmanas taking care of the deities, which is how he has made deities fall into ghetto conditions sometimes with rats and cockroaches on the altars. Why is Kailasa trying to make Krishna live in a ghetto? And when Kailasa sees how nicely we are caring for deities, he says this is horrific deviation.
7) Srila Prabhupada says a neophyte cannot advance by living alone and not being part of a deity program, and therefore Kailasa trains people to live alone and call the people making deitiy programs horrific sahajiyas.
8) Kailasa never lifted a finger to help us with the book changes issue, molesting issue, poison issue etc. rather -- he writes papers to encourage the people creating these deviations.
9) Meanwhile he never explains why all this is bona fide in 45 years.
10) Kailasa says the Christians are bogus, and thus for the past 45 years he lives in Christian communities and he avoids the Vaishnavas. And moreover he depends on the ritvik society to provide everything he has. Thus without the ritviks he would have no place to go. So the rtiviks keep him alive and provide the society he live in, and without them he would have no stores to go to and buy things etc. and therefore, they are horrific deviants. Because they are keeping his life sustained?
I could go on here, let us start with these points, otherwise if they cannot be answered in 45 years, they never will be. Because there is none. ys pd


  1. PADA: Well the main problem is, Kailasa eventually gets his wishes to come true. The bogus Christian ritvik's society collapses, then their law and order society they constructed evaporates, and then people will go back to Neanderthal cave man life. I have no idea why Kailasa wants that to happen for human society.

    The clown car show will start when Kailasa's wishes are coming to pass, and the Christian ritvik's society is eliminated as he wishes, and then his neanderthal replacement society starts. Personally, I am not a fan of cave man neanderthal life, I agree with Srila Prabhupada, Lord Jesus followers saved us from having uncivilized neanderthal society, and I agree with Srila Prabhupada and prefer that myself.

    I have no idea why anyone would hope for that outcome, but it will happen when the ritvik society comes undone. Everyone gets their wishes fulfilled eventually. But this all fits, Kailasa says we have to return to square one, get rid of the Christians, then we return to cave man life. ys pd

  2. LD: They toss that "ritvik" term around here too. We had the temple president telling someone's wife to leave her husband. As soon as some of us asked about it, we were "envious ritviks." Same thing -- "Where is all the money going"? Why are people being banned? Why is the GBC keeping Bhavananda in Mayapur"? Or any other question. "We do not have to answer to the envious ritviks."

    Good answer. Because the "envious ritviks" are the first people who asked about the child molesting 45 years ago. They use these slogans to keep their sheep asleep. "Don't worry about these questions, these are the envious ritviks." And that is how they keep their sheeps asleep. It seems to me ... too many devotees are now asking questions ... and "they are all envious ritviks" is not doing the same magic it did 20 years ago. They need to find a new slogan!

    PADA: Yep, Sulochan said the writers for the GBC are "The Joeseph Goebbels defenders for pedophile gurus." And that is why they had to take him out. And that is also why some of Kailasa's associates were calling Sulochana "a fringie." He was asking too many question. "Fringie, trouble maker, ritvik," these are all codes words used by the cult. It is a conspiracy. People are finally catching on however ... their days are numbered ... too many sheeps are waking up. ys pd

  3. M Dasi: Another disgusting man who is trying to disturb the preaching of the Krishna devotees. I was selling Prabhupada's books for many years. I never once told any Christian people about "the horrific worshipers of Jesus." That is never going to convince them we have the right path to God. It is going to anger and upset them, which is their real purpose.

    That is going to turn them off. I see that that is the real purpose of these GBC people and their entourage of Kailasa's friends. They want to turn people away from Krishna by insulting the very people ... we should be preaching to. They don't want to preach to these Christian people, they just want to make a show of devotion to ... the anti-Christ.

    I would say Kailasa is the anti-Christ, but he is just another one of the "bogus ritvik followers of Jesus" GBC people, who all say the same. They are all anti-Christs and he is just another one of them.

    And to think that the people complaining about the child molesting are "the bogus ritviks" is all the more proof they are the anti-Christs. Unfortunate, the anti-Christs came to ISKCON to ruin it, and they have. Srila Prabhupada never said we should make it our life's purpose to insult Jesus and his followers by calling them horrific deviations. That will ruin the preaching, and that is what the anti-Christ wants, and they are his disciples.

    I spent many years trying to get the Christians to come to Krishna, and Kailasa and his GBC friends are trying to undo my hard work. I am simply glad that they are being exposed more and more, they never wanted me to make actual devotees, they wanted the money and they wanted to serve the anti-Christ.


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