Monday, January 29, 2018

We have to follow "the authorities"? (Sura dasa video)

[PADA: Wow! This is the whole problem all along. When we said there is: the bogus guru program; the changed books program; the child abuse program; the banning, beating, suing and assassinating dissenters program; apparently also poison of guru program; then we were essentially told -- these are all fine programs because its "following the authority of the GBC." 

And now these same GBC's folks buried a known sexual predator / convicted criminal / apparently orchestrator of murder in "a samadhi." As such, we now have to tell our children that the worship of this deviant is bona fide, lest we "are not following the GBC authority"? Following what? The path to hell? And when I was in Los Angeles these folks had a lot of goondas like Ratna Bushana das there, who would basically beat down anyone who did not agree with their policy -- that acharyas are often debauchees. So this is called blind following. 

Wow! Yep, you have to tell your little kids that God's successors are often "illicit sex with men, women and children" deviants, or get kicked in the head with their giant jack boots! What religion teaches their children that God's successors are often debauchees? 

Worse! We have to tell our little children that God's successors are often debauchees, or get banned, removed and maybe beaten down? And Govinda Datta sent his kids to the Los Angeles Christian school, apparently because he did not want them to have that idea? He told me he would never send his kids to the GBC's "guru schools" because they might get abused, but everyone else has to send their kids there? So everyone else has to suffer and surrender their kids to the GBC, but they save themselves or their own kids from their own program? So everyone else gets tossed under the bus, except them? And Sura told me he would never worship any of these GBC guys himself, but everyone else has to?    

Its also very misleading to say that all this foolishness is "what Srila Prabhupada ordered." This is how a number of ISKCON children ended up rejecting the religion, they were told all this debauchee pooja / criminal imbroglio is "what Prabhupada wanted" and we should not protest. So the GBC says that gurus (God's successors) are often debauchees and we have to follow that process and "accept the authorities." What happened to Krishna's authority? He says we have to worship His pure representatives and not bogus / ersatz / self-appointed fools? 

So the successors to Krishna and Lord Chaitanya are often fallen debauchees, if not criminals and sexual predators, and that is a valid idea because its "accepting the GBC authority"? And if a person does not believe that God's successors are not often -- or even usually -- degraded debauchees, he has to be banned from ISKCON for "rejecting the authority"? 

Sura, this is called misuse of authority. Banning, beating, suing, and assassinating anyone who does not believe that God's successors are often debauchees places your GBC group in the -- promoting false gurus aka "Veda vada rata" category, and for those people, its better they never even heard of the Vedas because they go to far worse hells than the normal person on the street. 

The normal persons on the street would never ban, beat, sue, and assassinate anyone who does not believe that God's successors are often debauchees because for starters, they do not even believe that God's successors are often debauchees. Your idea that God's successors are often debauchees is wrong, and that you have "a system of authority" to enforce your system, makes all of you guys -- "the enforced cult ritualistic worship of deviants as acharyas program," and you guys are simply -- the enforcers. 

Did we forget to mention that God's enforcers (the Yamaduttas) will chase the people who enforce the worship of debauchees with the hounds of hell? Did we forget that your folks saying God's successors are often debauchees means -- you folks are actually saying God is a Himself debauchee -- because so are His successors? Yep, you guys hate God and so you are trying to paint Him as evil because His successors are evil. So your folks places in hell are guaranteed, since anyone who attacks God like this is bound to go down, and according to the Isopanisad, will go down without a doubt. ys pd      

Of course Sura program is also killing their gurus by encouraging them to accept sins without authority.

1 comment:

  1. Correct. Sura has completely undermined the authority of Krishna, the Vedas and Srila Prabhupada -- who all say -- the guru must be a pure devotee. Sura says these opinions of the "higher authority" of God no longer apply, and no longer matter, because there is a new "authority" in town, i.e. his GBC people, who say acharyas are often drunkards, sexual predators, molesters, drug addicts, porno swamis, debauchees, criminals etc.

    And anyone who does not agree that deviants are acharyas will be vociferously assailed by people like Ratna bushana das, a huge sidewalk goonda defender of the worship of illicit sex with men, women and children, and porno swami pooja programs on the planet. He actually gets sub-violent as soon as he finds people are not worshiping his debauchees as their messiahs program. Of course a lot of these people are left overs from the Ramesvara era, so this all fits. So this is what they are all about, they want you to worship their illicit sex with men, women and chilren messiahs programs, or they will attack you viciously.

    So Krishna's opinion can be tossed out the window and we need to jettison God's authority, and make bogus and unauthorized persons into an artificial authority. Yes, that means Sura has tried to establish himself and his debauchee acharya process as superior to Krishna's process. Yes, this is totally demoniac. Agreed. The demons have always wanted to establish that Krishna and His acharyas are debauchees and so forth, this is what demons have been doing for trillions of years, and they are still at it. The only good news is that since they are encouraging their gurus like Jayapataka to take sins, he is suffering, so he is a good example of how their program kills even -- themselves. Yes, the demons program even kills themselves. ys pd


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