Sunday, July 20, 2014

Rocana / Prahlad / Castor Beans

Some Krishna is better than no Krishna.

ROCANA: He lives in Vancouver but -- apparently -- does not support either the local ISKCON temple program, nor the nice and expanding local Vancouver Prabhupadanuga program. Rocana's Vancouver ISKCON temple has had reported problems of "unlawful code violations" from the government / city health and safety inspectors. OK, we are assuming there is not enough manpower / money to fix the items the city wants repaired. Other temples in North America have reported the same / similar problems.

In other words -- there is a pattern here -- the direct result of folks like the GBC and Rocana cramming their "living gurus" (aka bogus messiahs) down ISKCON's throat for the past 35 years is -- ISKCON now has a BIG problem of dwindling manpower, money, and so forth. Thus, a number of ISKCON's temples are suffering from a lack of manpower, finances, support and basic required maintenance.

This is also what happened in the post-1936 Gaudiya Matha when they made similar bogus gurus, their temples became ghost towns, most of their temples floundered and some failed. Incidently, the Narayana Maharaja folks just issued a letter saying there is not enough money and manpower to run their BADGER program, and unless something is done soon, it will have to close. Same problem there, lack of support.

An ISKCON devotee recently said to us "for the past 25 years the GBC has simply had one 'guru' crisis after another, and this has discouraged MOST people from joining and participating. Meanwhile MOST of the others, those who at one time participated, have actually been ordered to leave and were thus forced away from participating. And so -- now there is almost no one left in these temples. The leaders have made an atmosphere where people are not participating, nor could they participate even if they wanted to, since they are often banished and exiled."

In short, Rocana and his living guru program have ALREADY purged out many thousands of existing devotees who were ALREADY doing the previous support and maintenance. Srila Prabhupada says -- at least maintain the temples we ALREADY have, and that is barely being done, or not being done in some cases. Meanwhile, it seems the GBC and Rocana types are totally oblivious to all the devastation their "living gurus" are creating.

Yep, thanks to Rocana and his fellow GBC living guru compatriots, more than a few temples have deteriorated to a point of reportedly having serious maintenance problems such as -- rats, mice, bed bugs, cock roaches, plumbing and electrical problems, holes in the roof, illegal city health and safety code violations, and so forth. Rocana's plan to fix all this is to pour more "living guru" gasoline on the existing fire by increasing ISKCON's surrender and reliance on his living guru's project, the very same bogus project that has been creating all this chaos and devastation in the first place.

This is also why Albert Einstein said -- the definition of madness is -- doing the same things over and over again, but expecting different results. Rocana and his living gurus have essentially destroyed ISKCON, so Rocana's plan is, lets double down and promote more of his bogus living guru policy. Apparently there is some remaining crumbling rubble of the ISKCON structure that Rocana wants to burn up so there will be nothing left, scorched earth policy.

Rocana says he wants promote more and more of his bogus living gurus, which we all know -- results in chasing away more and more innocent people away from ISKCON. And that means -- yep how did you guess, more temples will have reports of deteriorating conditions -- including possibly -- rats, mice, bed bugs, etc. Rocana is simply not happy that only some temples have rats and bed bugs, he wants more of that process to gradually include ALL of the ISKCON properties.

That is also basically why folks like Rocana oppose the Bangalore program, these folks take nice care of their deity program, and that is highly objectionable to these living guru-ites -- whose main visible policy is to drive out the servants of the deities, so they can create decay if not ghetto-like conditions for the Krishna deity in some of these temples. As soon as some of the GBC's followers and / or Rocana see that the deity is in good condition, they are infuriated and they want to stop that program, sue that program, attack that program etc.

In short, Rocana is apparently doing nothing to help his local ISKCON temple situation out -- right on his doorstep. He simply says we need to give more support to the Vancouver ISKCON idea that there is a living guru maybe -- somewhere. OK and the factual "Vancouver living guru" is mainly Gopal Krishna swami, with assistance from sometimes lesser messiahs like Bhakti Marga swami. Gopal Krishna just helped Radhanath swami bury Kirtanananda in the holy dham, and oddly we do not find Rocana making much noisy commentary on the local guru situation where he lives, nor about the state of affairs at that temple and so on. No wonder he never says anything, all the problems there are a result of Rocana's living guru project.

Why isn't Rocana joining the rest of the civilized world by at least protesting the guru at Vancouver and his odious programs, such as burying dead deviants in the holy dham? Rocana also does NOT help the people who have made an independent Prabhupadanuga program in Vancouver, nor does he have a preaching program of his own in Vancouver, or anywhere else. To sum, Rocana's message seems to be, (A) No one should support ISKCON because it has bogus gurus -- simultaneously -- we need to follow ISKCON and worship its living gurus; (B) No one should support the Prabhupadanugas in Vancouver, and; (C) No one should generate a better program. Great, there will be no preaching programs going on at all.

This is the basic problem of folks like Rocana. (A) He supports GBC friendly programs like that of Mayesvara, and he insists that the post-1977 GBC's idea of worship of various and sundry living gurus is the right idea. (B) He is against the idea of promoting Srila Prabhupada as the guru / the Prabhupadanuga idea. (C) He cannot come up with an idea to generate an independent program. Thus all he can do is offer some odd ball armchair advice to the various programs going on, but he has no actual programs that he can advertise as working models of his own idea. There is none.

PRAHLAD DAS: Rocana's new information officer and writing assistant is Prahlad das, who is sending Rocana all kinds of negative things to discredit the Prabhupadanugas. We said years ago that Prahlad's program's writings are loved by the living guru's program, and we were right all along. Why is Prahlad always helping the opponents of the worship of Srila Prabhupada, and he keeps propping up the molester messiahs project thereby?

DEENABANDHU: Another armchair critic often photographed at ISKCON programs. Where is his temple, or program? He has all kinds of advice for other's programs, where is his? He floats around giving people cheap advice while hanging out with the GBC-ophiles, but has no application for his ideas.

A devotee recently told PADA how he thinks most of the problems in ISKCON are due to the lack of interest from the rank and file, and / or these armchair advisor / floaters like Prahlad and Deenabandhu, they do nothing, at best do little, sometimes hang out with ISKCON GBC folks, but they attack everyone else's programs. As Srila Prabhupada says -- the Gaudiya Matha did nothing but as soon as I did something they criticized. Why are these people floating around India at all, Srila Prabhupada said the West is the priority.  

The GOOD news? Not many people take these guys that seriously because they know we have the programs that are making forward progress. For example: yes, Prahlad is correct, some of the young ritviks played rock and roll music at their high school program. Why? Maybe because they are young guys who play rock and roll already and they are dove tailing their skills into chanting along with their music.

George Harrison did this all the time. Maybe because they are high school aged people and they wanted to get people to listen to some sort of chanting as opposed to never hearing any? Same problem we have had with our new age music, the people who listen to our music are hearing some sort of chanting, otherwise, they would most likely never hear any form of chanting, ever. Prahlad says we should not do our new age music, he wants the people who hear our chanting to hear no chanting in their lives ever, zero.

Folks like Prahlad are upset that some people are chanting at all, he wants them to not bother doing any advertising of Krishna ever. Our idea is -- that its better to dove tail people's existing propensities rather than have them not interested / engaged at all. At least we have some young people who are interested in Krishna. Rocana has no program in Vancouver, Prahlad has no visible temple program in UK, these people are not able to produce even a rock and roll program, they have no program at all.

So our program and process is moving ahead by default. Srila Prabhupada says, in the desert the castor bean plant is prominent, because there is nothing else growing there. Thus! Our program is prominent, and everyone is talking about it, because at least we have a program. We are winning by default, even if we are only castor bean plants, that is better than a vacant desert. ys pd

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