Saturday, August 12, 2023

PADA Helps Victim / DKS Writes / Being a "Yes Man"!


Trouble in Paradise


PADA: A woman victim wanted me to help her write a complaint about her mistreatment by a big Leader in the 1980s. And of course, I agreed to help. Unfortunately, she wants to send her complaint to the ISKCON Resolve and CPO group -- which I do not believe makes a very good Watchdog Group. 

I think they might mean well, but they are compromised with the regime. For starters, they get their income from the Regime. Not a good sign of independence. 

OK. We helped write her report a few weeks ago and it does not look like this woman is moving forward on the issue. It's once again stalled out. 

But meantime, many years ago she has married an IKSCON devotee man. And it seems odd to me that she has had to become the point patrol person in this battle. She has her own husband and no doubt many other ISKCON men associates who do not seem to be making any effort to help her to get justice for her situation. Why do women have to take the GBC to task? 

It is of course a good question. My feeling is the ISKCON men as a group have failed to act as an oversight against exploiting and molesting women and children. 

I think we all recall in 86 there was a big reform. 

But the reformers? No interest in helping me and Sulochana and complaining about the abuse and exploiting. They just wanted to become gurus themselves. Like Trivrikrama, Virabahu, Bhakti Vikas and others. 

So there has been no internal addressing / correction process for the abused. But I believe it's worse than that. If she comes out writing a public complaint she may face a stiff social oppression. And perhaps that's the reason she has hesitated since the mid 1980s until now. 

Do you want to take any action in this circumstance? And thus the action she's attempting is very slow. Incomplete. Again that means ISKCON really has no functioning Watchdog situation for the victimized and abused. 

And this is just another example of a person who has fallen through the cracks. And won't be heard -- probably. And that explains why people like PADA have had to go external with our complaints. Because we simply don't have confidence in the internal Watchdog system. And in fact the internal system often backfires and creates more troubles for the complainants than help.

ys pd



Dear PADA: That up to Sri Krishna to reveal to sadhaka the uttama adhikari. I don't have one now and now I'm seeking with hope Sri Krishna will show me one in future.

PADA: Well so your program is like the Christians, you are waiting for the second coming. Our folks cannot wait for 45 years for the second coming, which is called speculation, they are reading Srila Prabhupada's books now. I find is amazing that you do not even have a person to offer the bhogha to, which means your people are eating bhogha. 

Srila Prabhupada never said we should stop offering bhogha until the second coming happens, he said that eating bhogha is sinful and must not be done. Krishna has already revealed His plan for our folks, we are already worshiping Krishna now, there is no need to wait to do that. Waiting to worship Krishna means, people are leaving this planet with no plan to be saved at present. People are going to be departed in the future, waiting for another coming will leave them with no shelter now. ys pd



Yes, yes, yes! It’s yes all the way if you want to be an ‘ISKCON loyalist.’.
You have to live yes, breathe yes and ooze yes. Yes must be written on your smile. Yes must be seen in every action while your hand is inside your bead bag.
But saying yes is not enough. You’ve got to make it the strongest, most powerful yes possible to cement your loyalty, for the word no is the ultimate in blasphemy.
You must say yes in agreement when the GBC chooses inaction in severe abuse cases. You must never, ever say no to questionable, unsure, dubious action by the GBC, doubtful gurus and sannyasis or your institutional career is under threat. The slightest whiff of a no in you will stain your yes credentials.
You must say yes to cover-ups. You must say yes to savvy deflections from the truth. You must say yes to demonising anyone with a conscience and who objects.
If the above sounds ridiculous and cultish, well this is what you sign up for when you pledge your oath of allegiance to the mission. These political yes conformities have nothing to do with pure Bhakti.
Ys Kesava Krsna Dasa.

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