Thursday, March 31, 2022

Tulsi Gabbard Featured Speaker On Russian TV

 Tulsi Gabbard And Tucker Carlson Featured In Stunning Exchange On Russian TV (

[PADA: Tulsi seems to have become the darling of current Russian news media these days. She is being named by Russia media as "our girlfriend Tulsi" and is being shown in her "on air" exchanges etc. on Russia TV with Russian translations and so on. 

Personally, I am not able to understand her points sometimes. "We" have to defend and secure the bio-labs in Ukraine. OK that means "we" would invade Ukraine to secure the labs there, which might cause a few billion people to die if this escalates further? Or what is the plan? "We" have no ability to secure a peanut over there, without our being there. She never gives a follow up explanation for her plan. 

Sorry "we" invading the place for securing anything over there is going to cause more friction. Right now Russian army guys are digging trenches in Chernobyl and getting radiation sickness. These guys do not care about "securing" anything over there, nuclear, chemical, biological or anything else. They are driving their army tanks into the red forest, kicking up nuclear dust, making themselves very sick. They don't even care about themselves, never mind the citizens.

The problem is, she now seems to be viewed as a stooge / dupe / puppet / agent of the bad guys and that is not good -- for her, or the image of the Krishna religion. 

Right now Russia is blocking all the water and sewage in Ukraine, so they are turning the whole place into a biological bomb of badly decomposing refuse all over the country. Obviously, that is an extreme bio-hazard itself. 

Never mind they are planting land mines all over which little children are stepping onto etc. They do not care about securing dangerous things, at all. Their whole plan has been to bomb the whole place into an uninhabitable wasteland -- of burned out buildings -- full of the dead, because that is how they operate repeatedly. 

So the USA is making sanctions, and that is bad for the Russian people. Well ok, but what else should be done exactly. She really does not say? In sum, it looks like Tulsi being the darling of Russian TV is going to make her look very bad in the public eye, or worse, as an apologist for the trouble maker guys. She should not be doing all this in our opinion. 

Yes, Ukraine is corrupt. So is everywhere else. Whatever the problem is, bombing babies, pregnant women and old people -- is not the solution. And right now, it is looking like she is encouraging the invaders and bombers. That cannot be good for the people of Ukraine either. How do the people of Ukraine benefit when she is on the TV of the invader's media machine? 

Tulsi! Zip it please! You are digging a hole for yourself, maybe digging a hole for a lot of other people, and for the other Krishnas. This will not end well for her, or for us. And thanks JD, yes Putin and Putana, are both attacking children. I got it! Tulsi we love you! You have a good heart, you mean well, but you are stepping into a big pile of dog manure, and it is going to cause a stink -- even for us.

And if Tulsi or anyone else has an actual solution, she clearly has not explained what it is -- just like lots of PADA critics write to tell me how horrible PADA is, but they do not tell us what else is the better plan -- nor do they execute the better plan. Notice, she avoids mentioning that meat eating causes war? 

She is not addressing the root of the rot. Srila Prabhupada says we cannot always make adjustments to suppress karma, and -- he is right. What is the root of all these Kali Yuga wars, she should explain that. She does not. There are no actual mundane solutions to mundane situations. We need to educate people on the process of getting karma free, and going on the mundane media of the materialistic society and offering mundane solutions -- is not doing that.
ys pd]


  1. CW: Tulsi Gabbard has really no clue what she is doing. She does not like the way the situation is handled ... and does not offer a better solution. She should NOT be lecturing USA people about how they need to be going in there ... to secure dangerous things in Ukraine ... when dangerous things are exploding all over the place there ... with no regard for the safety of anything. They would just blow up the people trying to secure the place ... like everything else is getting blown up there.

    She should be lecturing Russia not to spread chemical, biological and nuclear materials all over the place ... with no regard for the citizens of ... anywhere ... including Russian soldiers who encounter these things.

    And she seems to think people can kill billions of animals every year ... and nothing bad will result. Srila Prabhupada says the killers are assembled and killed ... because we are not allowed to kill ... even animals. She is missing the main item that needs to be fixed. Killing results in killing. Conspicuous by her absence of mentioning.

    I agree ... she is making herself look like a Russian planted agent ... more than an unbiased person ... and that is why she is being presented as a hero by the Russia propaganda. She seems to have become a tool for them. And I believe she will get bad karma for being part of this. Srila Prabhupada said if we engage in mundane politics ... we are implicated.

    That means ... don't do it. Unless you want to give the right advice ... quit killing and then you won't be killed ... you have to stop the karma cycle ... or nothing else works. That is the advice we are allowed to give them. She looks like a clueless person ... and she is ... and sadly she will make Hare Krishna look foolish.

  2. SD DASI: Tusli is simply ... out of touch. Her being plastered all on Russia TV as Russia's friend is a really bad image right now. But she does not even understand ... that is how she looks to others ... being out of touch of the real world situation.

    If someone was making me the friend of Russia on the Russian TV right now ... I would go find a good place to hide ... and not come out for a few years until this all blows over. If I could ever come out!

    She just has no idea how bad this looks for her. Russia's war right now is about as popular as ... annual dog killing festival in China ... would be popular with the Vegans. Not going to be popular no matter what. If she looks like she is on the Russia side ... by being on Russia TV (which we know is all lies and propaganda for 50 years) then she is going to look bad for most of the people ... living in the West. She already has done un-repairable damage to her image ... and this is not helping the image of Krishna.

    I would say ... she really offers no practical solution either. How is she fixing this? And does she even know that wars are coming from animal killing and bad karma?

    The best thing I heard so far is ... Europe will speed up their solar and wind power ... offsetting using gas and oil. Way too late ... already 70 degrees hotter in Antartica. Better late than never though.

    Does she even talk about that either? Not so much ... she is just out there talking word salad and making herself look out of touch. I feel bad for people who just go out and make themselves look out of touch ... and they don't even know they are looking bad.

    It's like the overweight ladies in the supermarket who wear tight shorts and a ton of makeup. They look terrible. But they don't know that. Tulsi! You are seriously out of the loop! What you are doing is not popular ... and never will be. Not only unpopular ... not practical. Not only not practical ... not the real problem being solved ... slaughterhouse civilization.


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