Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Radhe Kunj Bhaktabandav Dham Imbroglio Update



SD: It's alarming that Premananda who abused his authority to molest young men is now involved in a school, where he could potentially groom and molest the students. I would advise anyone involved in the school to please (1) take child protection training, and (2) remove anyone with a past of sexual predatory behavior from associating with the children, including Premananda and anyone else. 

I tried to address this with the two ladies who posted: Krishna Priya Peterson and Jennifer Hans, and they both blocked me. As parents, we need to look out for the safety of our children. As a community, we need to look out for the safety of our children. Edited to add: this is a school started by devotees in the Narayan Maharaja / Gaudiya Math circle.

KD: You're rapidly becoming the most blocked person on FB. 

SD: I have to say I don't get it. Maybe they don't have any kids of their own, but you would expect better from schoolteachers. 

KP: KD has three kids. I don’t know about Jennifer. 

JN: They are not schoolteachers 

DS: "Cognitive Dissonance" you said it, this is the #1 principle that our popular predators have going in their favor. All sociopaths rely on this principle to enable the perpetuation of their exploitation program. Because the principle is reliable, dependable, and always works on over half of any given population. Therefore the whistleblowers and exposers are always the minority, who are easily sidelined and demonized. 

GM: Premananda is referred to as “Sripad” in this post. At some point, parents have to take responsibility for the well being of their child. 

SD: Yep. That is why I am sharing. 

BA DASI: It’s hard to do that unless one has accurate information as well an understanding of high likely repeat offense is, according to statistics. 

GM: When one is protecting one’s family especially helpless children, always assume 100% probability of repeat offense. Even if someone hasn’t done any offense, please make sure that your kids are protected 

KS DASI: CPT is tough Job. 

SD: The ISKCON Child Protection Office deals with child abuse within ISKCON. This post refers to devotees in the Narayan Maharaja / Gaudiya Math circle. 

DH: Take them out of that school all together ---- at this point change is doubtful--like beating a dead horse. 

LSD: Can you text me individually about him. Where you obtained this info. When and where this all happened? It is crucial to know. Thank you. 

SD: I can share here. One of Premananda's victims has come forward publicly. He wrote about his abuse here: https://docs.google.com/.../1u13j2uJYUq7qwqln3G-KqTJUJc.../ he knows other victims who are too afraid to come forward because of the backlash they will receive from Premananda's supporters. 

Throughout the Cold DOCS.GOOGLE.COM 

NJ: Which premananda is this referring to? 

SD: He’s in Narayan Maharaja circle. 

GD DASI: Keep your politics in ISKCON, stay out of Gaudiya math 

[PADA: Narayan Maharaja has been a huge cheer leader of Tamal and the GBC's homosexual and pedophile acharya's program, He should have kept out of that affair. Notice some of the NM people think child molesting is "politics." Even Radhanath glorifying NM is promoted on the NM site.] 

NV DASI: You’re stating he did something without facts or including who or where you heard it from. Sorry maybe you don’t understand this feeling because you are part of ISKCON but they have a history of saying whatever they want about Gaudiya math devotees and I’m sick of it.

[PADA: Sridhara Maharaja, Narayan Maharaja and others supported the GBC's homosexual and pedophile guru process. That is the history.] 

SD: I will tag you below with more information of what Premananda did. It's interesting because every time I call out an abuser, someone inevitably comes out of the woodwork and says "wait, not him! I like him!" Sorry, abusers are everywhere, and may even be people we hold in high regard or have a relationship with. I encourage you to step back and look at the details of what he did, before accusing me of some underhanded scheme to disparage the Gaudiya Math. 

[PADA: The Gaudiya Matha also made a bi-sexual deviant into their acharya in 1936, and NM says Sridhara is a pure devotee (for endorsing bogus acharyas).]

NV DASI: I at any point say that this is your underhanded scheme? Listen I honestly don’t care I don’t even live anywhere near you or your circle, and honestly I’m glad I never moved to new goloka Because I’ve been getting really tired of your posts. 

[PADA: Yep, as soon as someone says homosexual and pedophiles are not messiahs, then many Narayan Maharaja people "get tired of those posts."] 

DS: Gaudia Math has plenty of active predators too. It's not just an "iskcon problem." The little Radha-Govinda Mandir in Alachua has had many incidents of predators active in the temple room. Predators of children, and VERY active molesters of adult women and men, too. Same political situation as iskcon, though-- protect and defend the predators, while silencing and demonizing the victims and their supporters. 

SD: One of Premananda's victims has come forward publicly. He wrote about his abuse here: https://docs.google.com/.../1u13j2uJYUq7qwqln3G-KqTJUJc.../
This school is run by devotees in the Narayana Maharaja circle so not technically part of ISKCON but we see devotees are friendly with each other throughout the world, so I thought it worth sharing. 

DS: Says a lot for a "spiritual society" when they chronically block and discredit the whistleblowers and defenders of exploited children. Shows openly their support and enabling of the predators. Very sad because they also share in the sinful reactions earned by the predators. 

GM: - it might be good to clarify that this organization is not Iskcon. They seem like Narayan Maharaja’s followers 

AM: Who is the temple president? Can we not petition for his removal? Has it been set up so we are powerless and voiceless? This is a little facist no? 

GH: Premananda is the man in charge. His followers are blind fanatics. Premananda is totally gay. 

AD: These are OUR temples. Especially with the second generation of an age of maturity. I don't understand how this is continuing, especially in light of all we know. 

PD#1: Do you - or anyone else - know if that's Premananda who is / was in charge of the Radha Kunja temple in Vrindaban? Indian bodied brahmacari... not sure how else to describe him, but he has seriously polarized his Godbrothers; some say that he is a pure devotee (as he is described in the book 'The Ecstasy Matrix') and others who want to physically cause him harm. Premananda is such a common name that one has to ask. As I've personally brought my children to his temple, I would like to know. 

RC: You are conflating things and trying to merge the Lokanath vibes with another entire case. The 18 Adult thing and "close" is stretching both the legal definition and then you are putting pressure on other families over an adult alleged case.

SD: Parents can do what they want with the information they are given. I have made many posts about many abusers, not just Lokanath and not just Premananda.

PADA: The ages of the victims are not as important as the dynamic of a spiritual leader exploiting a congregation member. Srila Prabhupada says that when a guru has sex with a follower, it is the same as a father having sex with his own daughter. Many of the church's abusers are clerics, priests, sports coaches, school teachers and so on. Some of the victims are children, some are middle aged ladies, and so on. 

A person who is posing as a cleric, priest, guru etc. has a lot of power over others in his flock, which can be exploited easily. Some of Kirtanananda's male victims were alleged 18 years old, not sure why that matters a whole lot, there were exploited, that is the real issue that needs to be addressed. It is also seen in a number of cases, people who are 18 are still not very mature for that age and cannot always make fully adult decisions. Bottom line, a leader exploiting a subordinate is evil, whether he is a guru, a priest, or a boss having sex with his maid. It is exploiting a post of authority. ys pd

SD: It's called pastoral abuse. Sadly, it's so common that there is a specific term for it.

RC: Or it could be student sabotage of a teacher. G H said he had a falling out and indicated he was sexually active with himself and other possible mental and antisocial behaviour. There are many cases of students of ashrams wrongfully accusing Ashram leaders to either leave that ashram to do their own thing or due to other reasons.

There is not evidence enough or equal presentation of the whole situation of the case with Premananda. And whether adult gay, bisexual or metrosexual brahmacaris having a situation with understanding masterbation and the Vedic and tantric ways of adults dealing with that kind of social environment is far from what could be called pastoral abuse if these supposed adult brahmacari's stories are completely truthful or even if they are hateful and spiteful against the accused.

There are many cases of children and students spitefully accusing their parents and teachers of horrendous abuse. Each individual especially fellow devotees deserves the respect of at least equality and common justice before unjustly labeling someone an abuser and in context to another ISKCON guru case. Don't let the mental health and fear from another case interfere with viewing Premananda's case. You have to consider that the supposed victims may be lying out of spite and jealousy or simple sabotage.

PA DASA: Unless I have misread your post, you seem to be saying "The victim is mentally unstable and possibly made up all the allegations so we shouldn't judge the accused." This is exactly the kind of sentiment that empowers sexual predators and to say that it's seriously dangerous is an understatement. 

You can read page after page (chapters, even) in Pitambar's book 'The Ecstasy Matrix' of Premananda Prabhuji's manipulative and disturbing abuse of his authority. In my country (USA) any pastor, teacher, correctional officer, drill sargeant, (or other person in authority) who treated his subjects like that would be in jail.

SD: Yes, it appears like a classic textbook case of victim-blaming. And this is why the other victims have not come forward.

PA DASA: Besides, of an impressionable eighteen year old were mentally unstable, wouldn't he be at a greater risk for abuse from his authorities?

RP DASI: G H had guru like trust in his Prahuji Premananda, heavily under his influence. Premananda abused it. It didn’t matter that G H was already adult. That was absolutely horrible sex abuse.

DH: An 18-year-old boy is still susceptible to sexual abuse by a much older, respected senior. This is simply common sense. And the accusations have become too numerous and similar in nature to dismiss out of hand.

PADA: We should review the whole Narayan Maharaja process, of which Premananda is a by-product. NM was in Texas with Tamal Krishna swami at the same time I was in Texas putting together the $400,000,000 ISKCON child molesting lawsuit. My friends were also in Texas at the same time. And they met with Narayan Maharaja in Texas, and NM was literally spitting mad that they were challenging Tamal, in fact they reported they could feel NM's angry spitting from across the table. NM was a huge defender of Tamal and the entire regime. Later on, after they lawsuit was in progress, Narayana Maharaja invited me to his ashram in Fullerton to discuss all this. And NM cancelled our 830am meeting, cancelled our 11am, our 2pm, our 5pm, then he sneaked off the property out the back door. He avoided meeting me, evidently unable to explain why he has been a big cheer leader of this regime. Then NM started telling people "the ISKCON children were just getting their karma" and he started this whole idea that the victims of children molesting are "getting karma." However, NM never explains who authorizes him to support a regime that is giving children "bad karma"? I cannot help drive the getaway car for a bunch of bank robers, and then tell the judge "the bank had the karma to be robbed, so I am innocent." No, you are not innocent, you have to authority to dish out "bad karma" to others, especially children. And the followers of Narayan Maharaja have told me the same thing, well it is karma. Sorry, it is not your authority to give others "bad karma." Then later, NM was photgraphed hugging Kirtanananda. Plenty of time to meet and hug them, no time to meet us? ys pd

MA: GH and others, who have been traumatized again and again, need our support, not condemnation and quotes. Otherwise, we're doing the same thing that was done in Iskcon, covering up the abuse, and sooner or later it will backfire. Many of our peers committed Suicide. How hopeless they must have felt.
My Loving pranam to you for so carefully and lovingly approaching this very sad, but very real issue. "Jai sri sri guru gauranga jayatah!

SD: The other leaders of the Narayan group have wrote to tell me Premananda is a fanatic cult and they cannot do anything about it. And I am being blocked by their people.


Dear devotees,

This has been a difficult but necessary letter for me to write.

For those of you who are my friends, you know how much affection and respect I had and have for Premananda Prabhu. How he has been a big part of most of my adult life, shown me nothing but affection and inspired me in many ways which makes what I have to say now all the more difficult.

I want to make it clear that this letter is not an attack on Premananda prabhu, Radhe Kunj or on those who are under his guidance. And nor is it an attempt to ascertain his adhikara because I do not have the qualification to do so.

Rather it is my long overdue attempt to acknowledge and support G P and others who have been either molested by or have had uncomfortable contact with Premananda prabhu. Some may ask “why address this publicly?” 

For the most part, my brothers and sisters from Radhe kunj, like ST, have responded to this discussion in a respectful and thoughtful manor. And while I don’t agree with everything ST said, and nor do I think she addressed the main points in V G prabhu’s letter, I appreciate her mood.

However, there are some people who have publicly and privately tried to create guilt, fear and shame in the heart of G H and others by using manipulative language to try and silence them. 

They have bullied and shamed others like R S who was brave enough to speak out knowing that some of her dear friends would turn on her. I understand that this behaviour may be a result of them privately struggling with their own doubts and fears, but it is cruel and inexcusable and has forced me to speak out.

I can no longer live with the silence that has sat like a weight in my heart and on my conscience for the past 5 years. Name calling, demonizing, ostracizing, will not create a healthy outcome for any of us. It will not help the victims of sexual abuse or the perpetrators. It may bring you accolades from others within your group because you have shouted the loudest and taken up the role of defender of the group, but it will not bring you peace in the long run.

I would be a hypocrite if I didn’t acknowledge that in the past, I have also held that same sword in my hand in defense of another group.

I know very well how excruciatingly painful it is to face the weakness of those we have placed our faith in. To be forced to either deny to ourselves the things we know are wrong so that we can stay within the group, or to risk considering the questions asked by our conscience which could lead to us losing our community, position, dear friends, home, maintenance, and identity.

I have been through all of this, and it was one of the most difficult periods of my life, but it lead me to a more solid ground and was the beginning of uprooting my misplaced faith and of attempting to offer it at the lotus feet of my beloved Gurudeva where it is safe and where it belongs. So in hindsight I’m very grateful for such suffering.

This letter is not a call for a mass exodus from Radhe kunj. I see how inspired you all are and that much of this is because of Premananda prabhu. In no way am I ignoring all the good he has done and continues to do.

This is very much a part of who he is. I am just requesting you to consider for a moment how your fierce denial of his molestation is not only harming his victims, but also him, and that such denial will pave the way for institutional abuse of all types to go ignored and undetected in the future because we are unwilling to create a safe place for those involved to ask for help and heal.

By elevating Premananda prabhu to the position of a “pure devotee”, your need for him to be just that, makes it almost impossible for hm to come forward, admit his mistakes and ask for help.

G H was brave enough to stand up and say what happened to him, and rather than receive the love and support he so greatly needed, he was labeled “mad”, “a liar”, “out to destroy Prabhuji”, and in the process he lost most of his community and childhood friends. I can’t even imagine how that must have felt.

And more recently his latest post regarding his abuse has subtly been classified as un-Krsna Conscious, and that it would be better for him to serve Thakurji, chant, distribute books, stay quiet and not seek justice. This is what a “good devotee” would and should do.

How can any of us stand in judgment of how he or any other victim of molestation chose to deal with their trauma. We are not only devotees but humans with very real emotions that need to be attended to.

If the victim is guilted into believing that their anger, shame, and hurt is wrong, and that to pass naturally through the healing process, which looks different for every victim, is somehow maya, how can they be expected to reach the stage of forgiveness?

If we don’t provide a safe space for the victims of abuse, how will they be inspired to continue to stay around devotees and continue on the path of bhakti? I feel angry and sad that the only real option open to them is to step outside their community for support and help.

When you give your love and faith to someone, whether it’s a preceptor, guide, husband, parent or teacher and that trust and love is broken, it breaks something in us too. If that grief is not attended to, if we take shelter of a philosophy not to heal but to avoid dealing with our pain, then there is a danger of becoming disconnected from our emotions and of us deeply hurting others by our behaviour. Hiding behind philosophical statements in order to justify and feel comfortable with our unhealthiness will one day catch up with us.

In a healthy society, such open discussions remain respectful. As a family we should be able to talk about our weaknesses without judgment, without denial, and somehow figure out a way to heal and prevent such abuse from happening in the future.

I believe it is possible to have positive confrontations, that we can demolish the toxic and unhealthy habits in our society and allow something new and beautiful to grow in their place.

I pray that for the rest of my time in the material world, Gurudeva, and other pure Vaisnavas like him, remain my sole shelter. And that any assistance I receive in my bhakti from those who are not fully pure is seen by me in the proper perspective so that I can honour them appropriately."

SL dasi

1 comment:

  1. Bv Damodara: Seven victims that I know of first hand. If I told you whom you would weep.

    SD: Bv Damodara thank you for believing the victims.

    Bv Damodara: When you hear first hand from them, there is no doubt.
    Some of the victims are close friends of yours.

    GP: Looks to me like another school ripe for prediters if people with a history of abuse are allowed to be there. I wonder what the problem with parents who put there children in the hands of preditors is.

    [PADA: Amazing, the ISKCON parents took their kids out of the GBC schools, and put their kids in the schools where Kirtanananda is being hugged by Narayan Maharaja, and NM is in Texas promoting Tamal at the time we are suing Tamal for mass abuse. They jumped out of the frying pan into the fire. And Jadurani is a ring leader of their pedophile worship cult. ys pd]


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