Sunday, March 6, 2022

Should a Child Beater Become an ISKCON Guru?

Dear Prabhus: How does the #1 child abuser in ISKCON feel comfortable enough to ask to be a guru in ISKCON again just now? Because leaders in ISKCON endorse, enable, and introduce him to other ISKCON devotees.

A friend just wrote me: "On the matter of Dhanurdhara I saw a prominent person (prabhupad disciple) who I love and respect, give him (Dhanurdar) a hug when he was being reconnected / introduced to the person I know. It looked like an intro was given by another senior looking devotee. 

This happened in the ISKCON KB temple. And then later that day I saw Dhanurdhara come and join in at Madhava's kirtan at MVT - and after the kirtan he was hanging around (dressed in a very senior devotee way with shawl over his right shoulder very puka, dhoti kurta etc.) 

He started talking to a brand new kirtan retreat looking type devotee about his chant / tour group. But not too many were around, since he was there, I asked him how he is doing and potentially thought he may have been a maharaj from another gaudiya group? 

Later that day I asked someone who he was (like a gurukuli person) and they started to tell me of how he beat them (their friends in gurukul) and in some cases the friend had suicide from the accumulated traumas" in the past (2018/2019).

Dhanurdhara left ISKCON in 2006 so he could keep his guru status, however he has never really left ISKCON as he has been continuously endorsed and promoted by ISKCON leaders. In 2020, he asked the GBC if he could re-enter ISKCON as a guru, with ISKCON's endorsement and blessings. It was even considered by the GBC, until they had to be reminded (again) why the #1 child abuser in ISKCON can not be a leader in ISKCON.

On February 6, 2022 (a month ago), leaders from a Bhakti Center group brought new recruits to Dhanurdhara at his retreat in Govardhan. The leaders included Dhanya Rico who is the head of the Child Protection Team in Alachua, Florida.
The head of the CPT in the largest Hare Krishna community in North America is recruiting disciples for the #1 child abuser in ISKCON.

Dhanurdhara talks about it here, video cued to that part:

Later in the video, Brahmatirtha (Bob Cohen), Prabhupada disciple and ISKCON leader, called in to glorify Dhanurdhara.

Video cued to that part:

A few days ago, on March 2, 2022, Vaisesika initiated disciples at the ISKCON temple in Govardhan and invited Dhanurdhara who sat with him and Havi to eat.
ISKCON leaders validating Dhanurdhara is how the #1 child abuser in ISKCON feels comfortable enough to ask to be a guru in ISKCON. This is not okay.


MKD: The problem is that if the person didn't have a personal experience, like his own child was abused then really they dont bother so much.

S Dasi: Yeah, that's why people say "just forgive already" which is easy to say when nothing happened to you personally.

SK Devi Dasi: No abused child should ever be forced to forgive. Healing happens in ones own sweet time. We can help others to forgive with deep compassion and empathy.

M Dasi: That drives me nuts. It's not up to us. Only his victims can forgive him. As I wrote him 20 or so years ago, if he's really sorry for what he did, he needs to step down from all positions of authority, take on humble service (the less prestigious the better), and crawl on his hands and knees across the country with a blade of straw between his teeth and tears in his eyes, begging his victims for their forgiveness. Not surprisingly, he disagreed, instead painting himself as the victim of multiple investigations and consequences.

AA D: This is sooo Ridiculous! Are all the Prabhupada disciples unable to unseat them and reclaim the BBT? WHO is minding the ISKCON store?!?

G Dasi: My husband and I were there that day at Govardhan. We were having a wonderful day until he walked out and was greeted and embraced openly and warmly by Vaisesika and the other senior devotees. I was frankly shocked. It was all we could do to try and eat our prasadam without making a scene. The worst part was that the majority of the people we were sitting near didn't even know who he was and what he did. They just assumed he must be someone important because of his welcome

ME Dasi: I'm so glad I wasn't there. I would have made a scene.

G Dasi: I was travelling with others so I bit my tongue. But I did tell anyone I was near who he was and what he did. Nobody knew! It was terrible

N Devi Dasi: What a strange thirst for power.

S Dasi: DD does seem to want power... yet in his departure from ISKCON letter he wrote: "I plan to live a simple, repentant life, where I hope my presence will not disturb others..."

Dhanurdhara’s 2006 ISKCON Departure Letter


Dhanurdhara’s 2006 ISKCON Departure Letter

Dhanurdhara’s 2006 ISKCON CPO Summary Report to GBC

G Pd: ISKCON -- Infiltrated by pedofiles and other abuser's who back each other up, obviously they are co jointley working a plan to kill off iskcon. Why else would this stuff go on in a spiritual group.

NJD: Thank you for continuing to voice these things. Phalena pariciyate. It is abundantly clear that most of those with formal power are guided by the core principle that conflates retaining and growing money and numbers of humans for actually improving people’s lives. They do not give a shit about people, about suffering, about kids, or about anybody's ultimate wellbeing. 

They have redefined serving those things to be the same as keeping themselves in power. Because they think they are better than everyone else, even while they’ve become worse than the average person through their decades of believing they hold the absolute truth. It is truly pathetic and would be laughable if people didn’t suffer as a result.

And now the next crop of leaders is and has for a long time been groomed into the lies and politics of the old generation.

BCD: Why wouldn’t they have admitted child molesters as gurus they have gurus and GBC‘s that worship dead pedophiles, stand up and defend admitted living pedophiles as good Devotie‘s it’s a perfect fit.

RMD: I almost made a scene when i saw he showed up at the iskcon govardhana palace. Even vaisesika looked nervous that people were taking photos. My wife had to calm me down since i almost made a huge scene.

DN: If membership in this cult were like a credit card, I’d send all you guys scissors for Christmas. Vaishnavism is fine. Iskcon sucks.

“Don’t commit aparāda”. - People who support abusers of Vaishnavas because they’re wearing creamsicle orange.

V Devi Dasi: Who are the child protection team members in Alachua?

S Dasi: As of June 2021, it was Dhanya and Ekadasi.

V Devi Dasi: Thank you!

M Devi Dasi: (Sad)!

MA Devi Dasi: Why is he still called "Maharaja" or even worse: "Swami"...? 

HDD: Beggar’s belief. Sometimes I have to read these comments twice to make sure my eyes are not deceiving me. Whoever supports these abusers in whatever way must be considered as accomplishes who endorses child abuse.

RMD: I was there when this previous scene took place. At the time, in 2011 i was not aware of dhanurdhara and his crimes. I actually thought he was extremely arrogant and sure of himself. I have had my share of doubts about iskcon and have been extremely torn due to my own experiences with cruel management. In the same audio you shared i could hear tamal.krishna goswamis brother glorifying him carl herzig, who is giriraj swamis book editor. At this point i really think no one cares. How can we have faith in the leaders if their isnt any accountability. My guru giriraj swami councils so many people that it perplexes me how this is ok?
May be an image of 3 people and people standing

T Dasa: What we know as Iskcon is no longer what Srila Prabhupada established. It has turned into greed for power, position, control and satisfying one's agenda....The saddest part of all this is they still consider themselves as pure.

BH: It’s a deep poison philosophically that has entered Prabhupada’s mission all stemming from two things the changing of his books and the misuse of power by the gbc to run Iskcon exclusively and elect unauthorized gurus as diksa gurus when they are not on the Utama adhikari platform of realization. So many offences have been committed as a result.

Friends of Brahmatirtha, Vaisesika et al. Child Molester Pooja Society.

These are ISKCON's "shastra advisors." And their "guru successors to Krishna" includes: homosexuals; pedophiles; illicit sex with men, and children; dope heads; drug heads; offering LSD to the shalagram; orchestrators of a webs and nests program of child beaters, child rapers etc. Notice how happy they are that recently they added "porno swamis in samadhi in the dham"! Yep, get your kiddies to come to the dham to worship -- porno samadhi!  

The good news? They only want you to worship their "living pedophiles" guru succession! So that we will have "live" people making all this happen. Oh wait, I forgot, they bury the departed founder fathers and organizers of their pedophile worship program in samadhis (like Tamal). So now we can worship both living and departed pedophiles / and / the founders of the pedophile messiah's project! All this is according to shastra! The Devil's Bible?     

1 comment:

  1. JHD: proof once again that the leaders of itsakcon are demons who have sold out to the darkside and are aligned with the elites who are pedophiles. Elites and pedophiles, and the GBC, all joined forces.

    D Dasi: It’s true that he was still engaged in service by GBC members to take iskcon devotees on "Govardhan tours" after leaving iskcon. It’s true that this led to more disciples and community around him. I do find it strange that a known child abuser is preferred over devotees who simply prefer to put Prabhupada fully in the center (ritvik). I would like that thought process explained to me. Like child abuse is ok, but believing Prabhupada is always in a higher position than his disciples and that he is good enough as an option for full shelter even now, well that’s just too much!

    AA: Demonic forces ruling the ISKCON situation. We are just glad it is finally being exposed for what it is ...


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