Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Glories of Advaitacarya (SP VIDEO)


1 comment:

  1. JND: The point is not to be expert artists or historical researchers and to find out if a man on a particular day had a beard or not. The point is to have allegiance to your guru, who for ISKCON is Srila Prabhupada. He has specifically said multiple times that Advaita Acharya had a beard, and should be depicted with a beard. He personally oversaw many paintings of the Panchatattva and had always told there should be a beard. He installed Panchatattva deities with a beard.

    These ISKCON leaders are faithless and do not respect their own guru, therefore they are complete failures even if they become expert artists and historical researchers, and can tell accurately if Advaita Acharya was clean shaven on the morning of Thursday, the 15th of April, 1486.

    Casting of the deities of the Mayapur Panchatattva with Advaita Acharya not having a beard BECAUSE THEY DOUBTED PRABHUPADA is a great offense. It is a fact that there was doubt among the GBC that Prabhupada was wrong about Advaita Acharya having a beard, and therefore they chose not to include a beard in the casted deities.
    "Advaita Prabhu has a full white beard. He was an old man. He was practically older than the father of Lord Caitanya. He was an elder gentleman in the town of Navadvipa, elder of the brahmana community.” - Srila Prabhupada Letter to Govinda Dasi (20 November 1971)


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