Monday, February 28, 2022

Devotees in Ukraine / No food, water, electricity

Hare Krishna dear devotees. Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! The devotees of Ukraine are asking for financial assistance. Some of them have no money or food left, while others have no electricity, water, or communications. 

Sri Guru Charana Padma and her husband Vraja-Mohan from Chicago started sending money through their Spiritual United Nations foundation. Donations of any kind are welcome. By sending money through the Spiritual United Nations fund, you will receive a tax deduction. 

Send via PayPal option: The name of the Spiritual United Nations Foundation. 

Send via Zelle option: select Business, organization name Spiritual United Nations, email address Thank you very much. 

Your servant, Mathureshwari dd

[PADA: Yes, they are shooting people who venture out for food. This was actually Stalin's technique, starving the people. And one Stalin-esque technique was -- shooting anyone looking for food. It was planned that way because then they do not have to bomb the houses and shoot people inside, making a big bloody mess in the house. The people inside just die after a week or two, and then they have a nice clean and empty building. Voila! 

And now the Russians are just following Stalin's plan evidently. Unfortunately, there are many devotees there and they are now stuck in this situation. 

Oddly, some devotees are still sending me messages from their "conservative media" friends and "conservative leaders" saying Putin is doing a good job of fixing things over there using "brilliant strategy." Someone also sent me a video "Putin is not making LGBT books in his schools." 

Ummm, ok but the children who have no food in Ukraine are going to maybe die? That will stop them from being LGBT for sure. Yep, Stalin's techniques are brilliant, if we consider starving millions and millions of people and millions and millions of animals to death "brilliant." We should make sure children are not LGBT, so starving them will help them? Sorry, this makes zero sense. ISKCON leaders also starved their kids, we need more of that process? 

I think these devotees are in favor of the elite cabal, really! Sorry, starving the mass of public to death is not brilliant strategy according to Vedic principles, rather it is considered as a cowardly and truly demoniac Kali Yuga fighting technique. All sorts of babies are crying at the train station, there is no food, no diapers, no nothing. So the whole idea is to create hellish situations for all the citizens, hopefully they will all just vacate the country or die by starving, so that will make a nice empty place for the invaders.    

And now various Russian ships are being stopped from entering ports, and their own Russian citizen's food supplies might be in trouble on their home front etc. And the Russian ruble had already dropped 40% originally this year, and now another 25% in the past few days, which means the Russian people are looking at vast currency devaluation and inflation. 

A precipitous drop of value of their currency can cause shortages at home, cost of food going higher than people can afford, inability to import food by being taken off the international food exchanges, panic runs on the banking industry etc. That is going to make it harder for the people -- and devotees -- in Russia? 

Overall, this whole thing is going to cause a whole lot of problems for a whole lot of people, even in Russia. Sorry, causing massive problems like starvation and death, inflating the currency so people cannot buy food etc. -- is not brilliant work, it is called Kali Yuga leadership. In any event, I do not know if sending money there will help or not. If anyone has any useful suggestions how to help the devotees there, we'd like to know what that is. ys pd]


What a mess! And devotees in Russia will suffer if this comes to pass.

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