Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Psychopathic Narcissistic Tendency -- and ISKCON (VIDEO)

Fallen Acharya Gets A Temple Murti 

[PADA: A devotee sent me this video (below) to compare to ISKCON's psychological analysis. There is a tendency for elite rulers -- especially if they "answer to no one" -- and they think they are authorized by God -- to become overwhelmed with ego -- and subsequent delusions, especially -- delusions of grandeur. And they can infect the masses under their control with their delusions. One devotee suggested many ISKCON leaders are infected with "pathological narcissism." Ya think? 

And since we "become what we worship," we might find we are spreading, generating, and enabling more and more pathological narcissism among the rank and file, which is why so many devotees seem to get into trouble, even legal trouble, thinking they are sort of bullet proof "agents of God." And yet, since they are not actually agents of God, even ordinary people might think they are deluded and arrogant, if not criminals. Dr. J. Stilson Judah told me ISKCON suffers from "antinomianism," lawless in the name of religion. Also explains -- why so many exiled men, abused women and children, and other victims, get no sympathy, or are painted as trouble makers.   

A pathological ruling class tries to become more powerful by making the mass of people feel fear and anxiety, and to create straw man enemies. For example "the ritviks are demons." And the deluded elite are often themselves full of paranoid delusions -- because they know their whole show can collapse -- because it is all false. 

OK like Hansadutta. He always had a gun under his pillow seat, and used to wave loaded guns around when people visited his office. "I'll get those guys if they ever mess with me" -- as he used to inform some of us. What guys? OK paranoid delusions. 

Jim Jones, David Koresh, many other bogus cult leaders, and many GBC gurus are also classic paranoid delusional folks, always in fear of real or imagined enemies.  And these leaders are often not even slightly concerned for their welfare of their victims. Jeepers, might explain the huge pile of ISKCON's victims -- banned brahmana men and senior ladies, abused women, molested kids, beaten and killed dissenters, elders with no health care and so forth -- all being done under the GBC's jackboots. 

And most of the time, they just don't care. Pathological narcissism. The victims are often feeling too beaten down to protest. One ex-kuli told me ISKCON is whack a mole, if you get rid of one rotten person, he is replaced with another rotten apple, who might be even more rotten.   

And the elite rulers might use blatant lies, propaganda, and spread confusion -- on purpose -- to make the masses manipulated and weaker. And ISKCON's GBC "annual position papers" are a mess of confusion, even for the GBC people -- because there are so many contradictions. Confusion creates people who are unable to figure out what is what, and what is really happening, so the real problems are covered up.  

One GBC was saying recently -- I never agreed with some of the previous statements or actions of the past GBC -- that was done by the previous people and so -- I am not responsible for their mistakes. Right, previous acharyas are making huge blunders and mistakes -- and the current acharyas do not agree with the former acharyas. That is a contradiction right out of the gate. The acharyas do not agree with the acharyas?

Then again the current good crop of gurus -- was voted in by -- the previous bad crop? Making sense yet? Anyway this video is pretty interesting, if not oddly, a good explanation of the problems of ISKCON. Anyway, check it out, of course this video applies to all sort of other pathological narcissistic programs, not only ISKCON's. ys pd    

RD: Yes, big thing at the temple! I used to attend about Child Protection. However, when I raised concerns about a Sannyasi who was filmed touching around young girls and sort of embracing them very strangely, I was completely frozen out. I think you are right, it is a dangerous pedophile worship cult. No wonder they make Lokanath their new main person, they love to worship pedophiles. 

PADA: Yep, what is better than a nice violent pedophile cult for psychopathic narcissists to worship? 




We were researching narcissism a few days ago and found an article which was about how a bona-fide religious institution or community can become a cult. It was a very interesting read. It mentioned many points, but a few really stuck out. 

One was that the leaders become elitists. They create this idea that they knew their founder better than anyone else so that makes them superior. They may not have even met him, or they had little association with him, or they just didn’t understand what he was really about - but they knew him! They figured him out! So when they speak, its as good as him speaking.

Then the next point was that they make the founder to be like some cold, heartless statue. He becomes this inaccessible thing. Basically they just recreate him in their own image. Then another point was that they have to paint anyone who disagrees with them as black as possible - that’s how they manage to keep control of the rest of their members. Then they stop listening to any voice of reason and they start to believe in their own propaganda. And that’s the biggest danger! But it’s not that they are just some evil asuras or rakṣāsas who want to destroy the movement - they hoodwink themselves into actually believing that they are doing the right thing, It’s like self-hypnosis.

So basically what started off as being something very pure and innocent eventually becomes an institution run by a few guys who want to be in power and are extremely insecure. This is exactly what happened in early Christianity at the time of Constantine, and it also happened in the Hare Kṛṣṇa movement.

[PADA: Correct. BR Sridhar Maharaja started a bogus bi-sex guru cult in 1936, and then he endorsed the GBC's illicit sex with men, women and children bogus guru cult in 1978. In both instances he supported the worship of illicit sex deviants as acharyas, and created bogus guru cults. Agreed. ys pd]

1 comment:

  1. M Dasi: Just guessing here ... maybe psychopathic narcissists are NOT going back to Godhead? Maybe these are the false religionists Srila Prabhupada says ... are going to hell?

    Maybe it is just me ... but I don't think they are going "up" to a higher plane of anything. The fact that some ex-children are cheering when one of these leaders dies means ... to me at least ... the Yamaduttas are also cheering when they grab them ... "we are finally putting an end to your exploits. Game over."


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